brainiac joker's malevolent mask

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by yoav112233, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. jporuaro New Player

    I tried the T O morrow hideout but I didn't get anything. Do I have to do it in hard if there is any?
  2. twist New Player

    You have to be a bat mentee to go into T.O. Morrow's Lab. Ask in shout for a batman mentee to get you in (there's a feat for killing 30 Morrow bots as well. Also briefing). The actual location of the lab is very near Ace Chemicals in Gotham, so before you shout be there, it's much more likely that someone will help you get in more than once if they don't have to wait a long time for you.
  3. twist New Player

    The brainiac bat and joker helm are rare drops. I've farmed Morrow's labs for the last 3 months almost everyday. I've gotten the bat helm twice and the jokerbot helm once.
  4. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    Both drop on the villain side. I farmed it a while back and got 2 batman heads before it finally dropped a joker head for me.
  5. TroEL Dedicated Player

    I'll tell you one place it NEVER Poison Ivy. Whoever put that in the database must've been stoned.
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