In Progress Bottled dc wing armors

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Lord Aiden, May 28, 2024.

  1. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I had a chance to interview several of them. They didnt want to be on camera or youtube or anything, but they are unhappy with the game... lotta reasons. They did have a message for me to pass along though... and that is Double XP nth metal needs to happen real soon.
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Extended breaks you mean being on vacation for 2 days ? They are gone along with the nodes they were protecting
  3. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    So it's actually double issue.

    When this bug first happened, I too just thought that the vines had actually disappeared. The problems are the wing armors are showing up... eventually... but they are no longer appearing next to the vines (like they did the first few days). Rather every time I have seen a wing armor its on one of the buildings in that area far away from those vines. You could kill it and get a point but not like two points that you were originally getting.

    I haven't looked into this myself yet (I went on collected some pride stuff on a few characters than had to leave the game for awhile) but it sounds like I will be back to skipping this mission for awhile.
  4. Amused New Player

    Can you check if they are falling through the map due to lag? I saw one fall straight through the ground the other day. Maybe it's still falling.
  5. AerynDC Developer

    The Wing armors should be back and the contribution for Wing Armors has been increased.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    I did not see any Wing Armors.
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  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Not seeing any on the EU server :( went to different phases aswell
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  8. Korlick Loyal Player

    Did the mission with multiple toons today (after daily shutdown) and havent seen a single Wing Armor.
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  9. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I've seen a few wing armors but they're very sparse, much more sparse than on day 1-2. Also, they're by themselves, not next to a vines like they were.
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  10. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Wing armors? What those? I did the mission and only thing there are the red vine cans you go pewpew on. Might need to go onto a live server and show me what this “wing armor” looks like and where they spawn at.
  11. Chilontius Well-Known Player they're not.
  12. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    They're not respawning. Or it's so slow that it goes unnoticed.
  13. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Maybe this whole thing is a commentary on ecological preservation and the tragedy of the commons. The vines perhaps spawn the wing armors and would be making them plentiful...if we weren't greedily taking out the vines for our own immediate gratification.
  14. Stranger Committed Player

    Didnt see any Wing Armors today.
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  15. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The wings, in addition to be armoured, appear to be camouflaged as well.
  16. Tarn Active Player

    Should be and are back - maybe for somebody not big difference, but also there are only 2 letters difference between competent and incompetent.
    Making hotFIX and not checking if fix really works....well, its not even funny, its just sad.
  17. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    The developers need to prioritize above everything else fixing the lag. The time capsule’s, potential double artifacts, the gay pride, and everything else should take a far backseat in a distant galaxy like a repressed memory. When you login, you have to completely log out of the application and play these reindeer games, half a dozen times to get it to fix itself if it does it all. You can’t play any power that has even the remote appearance, even if it’s not by definition a channeled ability. Every role whether it’s support or damage in nearly every instance on every map, even in your own bases is just littered with lag. There is literally nothing you can do in this game that isn’t deprived of joy and the simple ability to do your role without getting bogged down with lag.
  18. Lantern Gblue Level 30

    I killed 2 wing armors on one char this morning. Went to do the daily on another char, another phase, no more wing armors once again.
  19. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    From my findings today June 2, 2024, they only seem to re spawn in Phase 1 and 4. This is out of 16 phases. Perhaps they didn't account for multiple phases in the fix.
  20. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Not gonna lie, but the fact that things aren't working well is only exacerbated by the fact we can't even tell when things are fixed or not.

    Not a good look.