Boring repetitive crap that needs to go

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GLoRToR, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yup. Had the 100 feat done on 4 characters before they introduced feat sharing/buying.
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  2. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    How long ago? :)

    At some point, presumably around about the time they released HT they moved them into an alternate Strykers accessible from the watchtower (thus eliminating the annoying journey), and the one where you had to bounce up on those jump pads to use a robot at the top they changed to exclude the whole jumping thing, and that robot used to have broken laser vision for aaaaaages which you were supposed to use to kill things and couldn't making the whole thing much more annoying and that also got fixed at some point.

    I knew loads of people that hated them and these days I've met plenty of people that have reach very high CRs and never even noticed how to get in there to do the quests, let alone had a chance to drop that thing on the obstacle course and watch it explode ten times in a row and rage quit...
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  3. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    I still need 1 mission from strikers and arkham to complete the feat , of course I never get either mission I need
  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    You defiantly won't if you don't keep trying. :)
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  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I did them before they were moved to their own separate instance...
  6. Helderman Dedicated Player

    Sure bud, I guess you would enjoy wasting 40 days of your life to complete TWO style feats being rewarded nothing than useless base items during this "short time" (assuming you do not burn real money in replay badges).
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    My guess? A lot of people didn't bother doing it, so they don't care one way or another, and those of us who did it, did it enough years ago that it's a fond memory instead of the horrible drag it actually was.
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  8. Veritech Loyal Player

    The main thing I disliked about it was that it just wasn't 'cool'. Changing into a doll is not very trendy imo lol.
    It only takes 5min to run all three missions but it's one if the first endgame repetitive grind feats that turns people off.
  9. ssvillae New Player

    Quit nobody stopping you
  10. Brother Reimar Well-Known Player

    P2w is specialty items that are superior to all free gear that is only available for real money.

    I do not see that in dcuo. AFAIK all items can drop at tome poi t and place. As for repetative content... What game isnt repetative?
  11. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    You're right. We should just stand around Gotham or Metropolis, look pretty and get all the free stuff we deserve.

    There is a fine line between Pay to Win and Pay to Advance.
  12. Brother Reimar Well-Known Player

    Then there iz the often misunderstood "pay for impatience" model employed so well by many games.

    Gamer. I want that!
    Designer. Sure you can buy it here or....
    Gamer. But i want it free!!!
    Designer. ...sure, as i was about to say... Or you can grind for it for free and hope you get it in a loot drop.
    Gamer. NNoNo!No!!No!!! Want it naooooo!!! Fer fr3eeeeeee!!!
    Designer. How do you expect us to stay in business?
    Gamer. U suk! Pay 2 win jerks!!!

    Designer. Sighs in deep spiritual pain.
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  13. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    All MMORPGs have a grind. I ran Stryker's and Ace Chemicals as a Healer, so that I could get the feats and DPS gear back when HT was current. I even did most of my Toyman missions prior to their being moved, but I finished the 100 after they were moved. In fact, I have most of the grind feats done, so now they are fond memories. Seriously, the CC stuff was the worst grind ever, and I'm still working on the 500 bounties after 3+ years.
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  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yes, people do! That is the reason of Feats and Achievements in general, my friend. If you don't like them, leve them alone. By all means, be my guest, but for others hunting styles and grinding feats isn't a waste of time, it is something we enjoy, a feeling of accomplishment that also impacts our stats - how nice is that?!
    Also it is not a waste of 40 days, this is just exaggeration and pointless on top. It doesn't take long to do certain things and afterwards we go offline or do something else.

    And by the way: Some people are into decorating bases/halls. Getting base items is never a bad thing.
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