Boring repetitive crap that needs to go

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GLoRToR, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. GLoRToR Well-Known Player

    Yeah probably the wisest course if they aren't going to make the content more intelligent.
    I actually made the mistake of trying to do everything on one character. Probably shouldn't.
  2. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Should be yep. Side-missions in SubAvatar-Area. ;)
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You are correct. I would also correct myself because by just looking at solo-content BfE would be the worst among all of them.
  4. Circe New Player

    When I read the title, thought this was about the "Toyman" missions. Does anyone actually do those? I did them like one or twice, and that was it for me. Hated them.

    I almost feel they should take those out and give everyone the feats for them, but I know people would disagree with me. Maybe replace them with something else that's fun and rewarding.
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  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Sure did. There are feats there and they are three easy marks that don't take that much time to do. Also the quest reward is actually rewarding when you are on-level. It takes like 2 minutes to do one toyman quest or so. Two minutes for a MoV is quite okay.
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  6. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    Lol I've done them multiple times, even before you could buy your feats with replay badges. One of the nice things was your group gets credit so for things like the obstacle course one I would bounce through that and my other half would get his credit (if he had to bounce through it it ended in swearing and me taking over his computer). All my newbie chars do them at least once as I look at the feats and think... but it's so easy to do why would I want to buy those feats...? And then a few days later I cave and stop going anywhere near them...

    Hero side, Oracle's dialogue is really grating as well which only adds to the pain...

    Otoh I really liked the variety in stuff like the HT missions. it was nice to not be doing the exact same thing every day and the bonus missions ever so often that gave you guaranteed gear were fun. I've gotta say they were a lot more satisfying before - well obviously GU47 when the rewards for them disappeared, but also before whichever GU changed the MoT awarded from a physical object to one that went directly to your currency tab. I know it's a meaningless distinction but there was something very satisfying about opening the reward box and having marks thunk into your inventory. Maybe that was just me though. :)
  7. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Very doubtful you will get that wish every mmo That has ever been made you had too do stuff more then once
    in world of warcraft they are called dailes in Dcuo pretty much the same thing
    Dcuo been around four years i don't see anything changing about the questing at all.
  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Completed these missions no problem. :)

    I actually really love the race.
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  9. Tannen Committed Player

    I dont know why you wouldnt. The feats are incredibly easy, and its some of the quickest easiest marks in the game to earn when youre in that CR range. Some days id get on and only hit the vault and toyman, and log out, as those are the most time efficient marks possible.

    For the OP ill just parrot what a few others have said. Repetition is a central feature in MMOs. Daily quests and grindy content are the standard. You really sound inexperienced with this genre
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  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Year 2 and 3 were a mess. From Battle for Earth until Origin Crisis, the content we got was just horrible. This is when the developers were more or less experimenting with stuff. They stopped giving us raids during this period in favor of operations, PVP, open world solo missions, bases, etc. Once OC rolled around, it was good for those that liked a challenge, but bad for everyone else. Then they kept alternating between small content DLCs (lots of solo missions and things like that) and large content (raids and alerts). It was worse when we didn't have anything to look forward to after we got past the mark you seem to be at, trust me.

    You'll have difficulty finding people to run that older stuff with you because the developers took away all incentive for players to run old content in a recent update.

    Also, nothing depends on SP. They have very little value after you've reached about 115-120 of them, a very attainable number if you even do minimal feat hunting. CR is what you really need to look for due to other changes they've made which make little sense.
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  11. Circe New Player

    Okay, to the replies above about Toyman missions. I'm shocked. Did the community opinion change? Because I remember these missions were among the most hated. And when I tried them a long while ago they were terrible. I'm guessing they changed something that I missed?
  12. Tannen Committed Player

    What was so terrible about them? They're easy. The only time I ever get aggravated doing them is when you end up with "kickers" in the first area where you change into the female doll, and all they want to do is run around kicking other players instead of just doing the mission.
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  13. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    not when it first went live. initially i remember being very angry that the Home turf dlc had no new raids or alerts but it turned out to be one of my favorite dlcs. same with the daily solo missions you can find in the Sons of trigon, Amazon Fury and other dlcs. found it all to be fun, just challenging enough went it first goes live, fast enough so i can work on a few alts at the same time.

    if you don't like the content fine, your opinion but not liking content and being mad for being late to the party are two different things.

    i know if i were a new player it would make me anxious knowing i had all this content to get through while everyone else is tiers ahead of me but you gotta do what you gotta do.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    What you just to play....nothing about that guarantees a win by any definition.
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  15. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Feats? Styles? Fun? Helping friends? Take your pick lol.
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If you run said content you get gear for styles (which may contribute to feats) and salvaging as well as base items. To say "absolutely nothing" goes beyond's either an outright lie or admission of pure ignorance.
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  17. GLoRToR Well-Known Player

    First off, thank you for your compassion.

    Second, I don't mind being late and definitely don't mind putting in work. What annoys me is that I've been leveling on intelligent content and then I suddenly realise that in order to have the precious SP it takes for my character to be complete, I need to jump hoops in content I don't even need. I don't like the way any of those 3-star-feat sets look, and I don't want to kill 17 hidden bosses that's in fact 5x17 days to attain.
    A lot of people think that work stinks, I'm not one of those people, as long as what I'm doing feels okay. What I described above, namely the "grind this **** for five days each and then it counts as 1 point" does NOT feel okay.
    It just pisses me off because it feels like a brick wall.

    Third, all this would be so much better if every league I join wasn't exactly the same five steps:
    1. We are nothing like the other leagues, join us, we do everything always, be one of us and part of a great big family.
    2. So now you are a member, you have to follow all these rules, don't call us we'll call you.
    3. Come help us do this thing you absolutely don't need. No thanks or anything, it's your duty.
    5. Sorry, we're busy, we can't help you with what you need if you don't like it you can leave, thx for the prestige.
    Let me elaborate on this one, I have half-a-feats done because of people who drag you along for a feat and then
    "Oops I'm done gotta go **** you all who still need it. Nice using you guys! Bye!"

    And fourth, becuse of how tedious some of this content is, if you are a new player some of the less intelligent people who have been around a while will treat you like you are an inferior being but they'll do **** all to help.
    I've met a handful (actually, four) very nice people who went out of their way a couple times to help me but I start to feel self-conscious when a cr126 rips **** apart and all I'm doing is hanging back so I don't get in the way.

    So I decided to try and get some feats done alone, only to hit this kind of brick wall that makes me feel lonely, neglected, and not having fun doing it at all, unlike I've had while running story content that was challenging but perfectly soloable like when you go to that cave under the tavern and kick Circe's buttockles.

    Thanks for not reading, everyone.
  18. Xorian Justice Well-Known Player

    Sadly dcuo seems to be more repetitive then others, this is not really a journey mmorpg like coh was, maybe you could look into marvel heroes that is an atlitus dream. Valiant online is in beta right now so cross your fingers.
  19. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Oh how I remember the grind of doing Ace; Stryker's; Gotham Wastelands & Toyman missions. They were about as redundant as they come, but I completed them. Everything in an MMO isn't supposed to be the "insta-feat" nature, some require a serious grind.

    I feel your pain on some of these, but at the end of the day, if you want the SP's, you have to do them...
  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    Heh. If you hate the HT and SoT dailies, you'd have rage quit over the Central City missions/gear back before the marks were merged.
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