Boring feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by denverweise, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. denverweise Well-Known Player

    aw shucks....i was hoping it'd copy the signature...
  2. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Personally, I think “grindy” feats and activities are what make an MMO, an MMO.

    It’s kinda sad that there are people out there that have ALL the feats and while I’m not going to discount their dedication, the fact that many feats have shortcuts doesn’t help, especially when you factor in that 500 anything in PVE isn’t that much with the available content.

    That said, while I find many feats to be “boring”, it’s just the nature of the beast and I doubt we see many, if any, feats like 250 BFE Duos.

    Also, completing 250 BFE Duos is a 25 pts., not 10, and there are also 10 pts. progression feats for 25 and 99 BFE Duos plus various cumulative feats that can only be gained while running the BFE Duos.
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  3. Falco Committed Player

    The thing about the feats are that it doesn't matter how boring, how pointless, or even how fun, or how challenging of a feat it is. As soon as that little box pops up on screen and you see that you accomplished something, it's definitely an exciting and satisfying feeling. At least for me.
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  4. ChaosInternational New Player

    Lol, your sig.
  5. DaTruthBeTold New Player

    Thank you! Now you get nothing!!!
  6. Minx New Player

    Lol...I don't think I've accomplished any of these feats. Grinding is surely not my thing.
  7. tukuan Devoted Player

    Completing the reknown feats back in the day when you could only get reknown from 7 challenges and re-running bounties. That was just brutal.
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  8. winter13 New Player

    1,00 treasure chests is what I'm working on now. I'm not a fan.
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  9. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    This is true!! For example that egg feat or whatever it is in FoS feels when I first got it on USPC server.
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  10. hudapak Well-Known Player

    I hate the Toyman feats, races, iconics, r & d gathering feats, solos/duos/alert progression feats, duel feats.... No wonder I'm behind...
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  11. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Remember these duos have he glowing boxes... So this is another avenue to complete that feat...
  12. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    I hated completeing 25,000 exobit feat soo much I think ive probably completed it 3 MORE times since....
  13. L T Devoted Player

    I think the repetitiveness of the game is the only glaring weakness of DCUO. The thing is it would be pretty easy to alleviate much if not most of this.
    • Fewer feats that are just "do this same thing 10 times". Especially seasonal feats, where if you have more than one toon you wind up doing it 20 or 30 times (or more for some players).
    • Solo and Duo challenges that change from week to week the way pvp maps do
    • New DLC that covers more than one tier-- the way Battle for Earth did

    Surely our stalwart devs can come up with other ideas to add variety?
  14. Wildboy Committed Player

    I didn't hate the Toyman feats as much as others. I finished those after they were *nerfed*. Remember back when it was open world at Stryker's? You had to fly over there daily rather than 'port it. Also, the Once More With Rockets mission had all those sproingy pads you had to negotiate just to get to the flipping Radical Rocket Randy doll! Ugh.
  15. Twilight Man New Player

    My complaint is that one can buy feats. I find that boring.
  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I really wished Feats where you know ACHIEVEMENTS.
    Something you gloat about and such.
    Which sounds better
    "Yo guys I completed this duo 250 times!"
    "I just completed the medic and sniper feat with a pug group!"

    I really wished feats where challenging not annoying.
    Such as FoS1 Scorpion, FoS3 Medic/Sniper.
    Bizzaro's scientists feat.
    Something that you need to be very careful about and have to work to get not just stand in one location and blast through everything 100 times.
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Dunno about the new Bats-Feat. Did this in like 75 Minutes or less without a group. The spanws are fast to check. I think for this its important that there are not many others farming it and/or not many of the opposite faction are on the feat as well. With a 8man Group you can observe the nine spawn locations at once and such could easily find him quick/despawn the joker.
  18. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Three words...
    Booster Gold Explorations

    My hatred only has to be done once
    (well, multiple variations done once each)

  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    And count towards the 500 duos in general.
    And the 250 civillians, bombs, viral pods.
    And yield 6+Items for the salvaging feat.
    Items like the occult couch (used to be worth someting).

    BUT they have those long-range Brainiac Patrols in it. So YES they are annoying. Those guys are literally the only kind of NPSs who can successfully enrage me :p