In BoP Metro we see little black rocks on the ground; No idea what to do with them. Also, the pheromone dispensers apparently have indicators to put something into them...what? Are they linked to the Pheromone fans on the roofs?
Drop one near one of the rioters spawners and they will pick them up and throw them at you , the rock is just an interactible object you can throw it's damage should increase if you have super strength iconic .
I have seen those rocks as well and even picked one up??? Not a clue what we are supposed to use them for... If my weapon runs out of ammo I pick that up and throw it at the bad guys? LOL Now I do sort of have a clue what that huge GREEN arrow pointing at the circle where the Pheromone affect gather is about. IF you get close the "E" appears and you can spawn a gas dispenser that will calm? okay knock out mob members. Can be tough as the mob attacks you but if a couple players team up while one holds aggro the other can click.. or just blast away till they are all on the ground.. BOTH work. Now I have only seen that dispenser a few times so I am not 100% sure that is what summons the thing but its a good educated guess.
I just put a shield on and disperse the gas. Dispersing the gas is less of a headache than fighting the mob. Also, if you have Poison Ivy’s mission you will see the arrow and if you don’t you will just see the green circle on the ground. I believe, not totally sure, that you can only disperse the gas if you have the mission.
I saw those rocks too, picked one up and threw it at my friend saving a cat. Little did I expect the entire tree to go flying.
Yeah I am on break from the game and was coming here to add some insights as well LOL as YOU say click that "E" in the circle where the Pheromone affected citizens gather and the gas dispenses... and I checked. You get exactly the same amount of credits gassing the mob as you do shooting them and YEP the gas is quicker I'll have to check but my guess is Your have the right idea on the second part too.. Probably don't even get the option unless you have that mission
and Part TWO of my Tech is on a coffee break and has done more investigating LOL Remember the rock we spoke of earlier? (in the thread not right now ) Okay I picked one up and found a mob of rioters.. I switched to combat chat and threw the rock. Dang rock does 12,932 points of damage. LOL Not too bad but to be honest I'd stick with your attack tray and weapon fir. It did not kill anyone. Okay time to finish my coffee and go shoot some more stuff. I promise I will investigate and see if the option to rez a gas dispenser exists if you don't have, or have finished, Ivy's mission and get back here later with an update.
REALLY QUICK UPDATE.. I just investigated and am between Zones and figured I'd pass it along now. Okay so I finished Ivy's mission, actually I had finished all three missions for the day, and went and found a green ring with the pheromone affect near it. I actually did get the "E" and was able to click it. Strange thing though... unlike earlier on a different ALT where I was still doing the mission... None of the citizens dropped and were waiting to be clicked on for transport to JAIL? the HOSPITAL? ehhhh where ever they go. LOL Now because I wondered if I did something wrong I did it again and this time the citizens were all around me and pounding me. Actually had to click twice to get the dispenser to activate. But exact same results.. They didn't drop.. in fact they ran away. Other players may see other results but from what I viewed.. You can CLICK the thing but it doesn't work right if you don't have Ivy's mission. AAAAAAAAAAAAAND now back to the game
Ugh felt like I should update to be accurate. When you rez the gas dispenser the affected citizens don't actually drop like when you shoot them and nothing appears above their heads indicating that YOU can now click on them and handcuff them so they are ready for transport. They just sort of start gasping and wheezing... Saw one guy trying to get his nebulizer out (kidding that really did NOT happen ). And then the total number of credits you get for defeating the mob suddenly appear or updates on your screen. <-- now that is if your still doing the mission. IF mission is done WELL if mission is done you can rez that dispenser all you like and nothing happens. No one falls down and nothing on screen changes because "You already competed the mission What do you want from us there is no feat attached to beating these guys! JUST GO AWAY" <----- there should probably be an on screen message like THAT. hahaha. Off line for a while till after dinner but I did run one more ALT and checked one more time . Same result clicked and the dispenser appeared. No one dropped or grabbed their throat and started choking. They just really don't seem to care what you do to them if Ivy is not involved
Oh yeah I forgot about this one.. No one really asked but I thought I'd check. So okay your find a cat trapped in a tree by that naughty but cute puppy and then you click to chase away the puppy.. Now some one else jump in and clicks the tree so the Kitty o free. RELAX.... You sill get credit for rescuing the cet. No need to curse scream or threaten the guys Mom and Dad with a slow and painful death . Was checking my email on Yahoo when I remember I tested that but never posted the findings. So we do not need to beat on one another.. The kity is free and we ALLLLL got credit