Bonus Week Five: Stay Tuned! Theories?? April 23-29, 2020

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Belthazur, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Since this is Scheduled for Starting TOMORROW, I have to wonder are we going to see an announcement or will it be a SURPRISE!!!
  2. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Was wondering too... maybe they forgot already that they announced another bonus week... :D
  3. Malivic01 Active Player

    One full lag....let's go!
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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    My guess is Lex Coins.
  5. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    Double lex coins ftw
  6. MrPlumberman Active Player

    Bonus week 5 : Fix the Lag!!!!!
  7. BeastGamingSkill Level 30

    Bonus Lag!
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  8. MrPlumberman Active Player

    Nope, we got that last week.
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  9. IonHero Committed Player

    I'm still hoping for 5x (at least) LPvE grind feat progression rate...
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  10. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    I'm guessing bonus episode catalysts. It's too early for lexcoins and I can't think of anything else.
  11. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    20% off marketplace purchases for members!
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  12. Rainnifer Committed Player

    Plus the Royal Chroma packs actually being sold in the marketplace like I've seen a lot of people asking for when they came out
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  13. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    I find the bonus underwhelming personally, hoping if they go for week six it's not just a mediocre sale.
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  14. Remi King Active Player

    U found it underwhelming? I actually quit the game because I was expecting another bonus artifact exp, someone said it will be bonus nth exp and I had big plans for my toon.
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  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    So shortly after the release? Highly doubt that.
  16. hoaxone Committed Player

    Find it a greed tactic at a time like this but that's my own opinion. Plus this bonus week is pointless to everyone besides ppl willing to spend money.
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I guess we could have raised prices, to discourage people from spending. Surely that is the altruistic thing to do if lowering prices is greedy?
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  18. hoaxone Committed Player

    I've worked in sales before. The point of lowering prices or initiating a sale is to actually drive sales/ make money. Based on all the other bonus weeks, this is the only one required to spend money to partake in. That does seem greedy, again, In my opinion. Sure, lowering overall price by a couple dollars on the marketplace is kinda helping people, again, that wish to spend money. But it still is a tactic to drive sales during a time which people are having a tough time.
    In my opinion again, not a bonus week, just a sale.
    O and with the influx of players during this pandemic, a sale just seems "at the right time".
  19. Proxystar #Perception

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  20. Isif Committed Player

    Man, I thought I was cynical.:D No one is making you spend a dime. It's been free episodes and price breaks for the last month.
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