Bonus Nth Metal Week

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Extra Nth Metal drops this week!

    This week, your chances to receive Nth Metal as drops are DOUBLED when defeating enemies! This means whenever you trigger an opportunity to get Nth Metal from enemies, that opportunity will trigger twice. The bonus begins January 14 and runs through January 20, 2025.

    Nth Metal is used to fortify and rank up your Artifacts. This bonus week does not grant any bonus Artifact XP when fortifying. However, this bonus week does stack with the Nth Metal Detector in the Marketplace (which separately doubles your chances to get Nth Metal).

    Wolf Pack Token Sale

    For one week only, Wolf Pack Tokens will be discounted on the Marketplace at 20% off from January 14 through January 20, 2025!
    A Wolf Pack Token allows you to redeem a Rank 200 Artifact across your characters within the same account. Read more HERE to see how it works.

    Stay in the loop by joining us on BlueSky, X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Discord.

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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Awesome sauce! Thank you!
    • Like x 5
  3. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Pro tip and if you're smart and own a membership when you get free nth
    metal detectors from fate vendor save them for these bonus weeks. That way your not one of those people crying for 2x artifact bonus weeks.

    There's a reason why they give you a hell of a lot more nth metal drops and do these bonus weeks often in case you have a hard time cluing in
  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    So this week you can earn double nth metal drops and can feed them into whatever artifact desired. Awesome....
    That does not address the players that have horded nth metal for a 2x artifact bonus week.
  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    And if those hoarders are smart they'll realize you can literally buy detectors off the broker. so there is zero reason to be hanging on to nth metal anymore. ur 2x nth metal bonus weeks have been moved to the broker. so you no longer have to wait for 2x nth metal bonus Week. Now get out there and grind like everyone else you filthy animals :)
  6. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    You are essentially also stating that in order to do something they use to give to everyone, you can only create those instances for "free" as a membership perk, wasting a resource that they consider being part of membership.

    Riiight, let's just blame the criers on this (and no I'm not defending them taking away or stating they should bring back double artifact xp... most people even just want a statement they aren't going to bring it back... if anything I'm trying to say that making a statement like this is beyond silly)
  7. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    It would be nice if the timer on the drops was reduced. At least by a couple minutes. At best you can get around six drops in an hour.

    Edit: During these bonus drop weeks it should be paired with nth related sales not just Wolfpack Tokens. Frankly, if the perfected nth was half the price I would stock up. At the current price, it is only attractive to purchase at that price during 2x fortification.
  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Fun fact I use 1 detector each alt I have 9 alts so 9 detectors are being used. 5 caches 9 x 45 caches every 9 hours is pretty funny business. Not sure why anyone still wants 2x artifact week some people just like to cry I guess.

    And that's without 2x bonus cashe drops so now I'll be getting 90 every 9 hours. Not only does nth metal drop more but you also get more cashes with detectors
  9. Andreas Denali Level 30

    Another week of no double sp sigh
  10. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    Bring back ops I want more free SP and quacks <—- lol
  11. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I actually thought they might do a x2 bonus, because I spent my Nth horde a couple of days ago.
    • Like x 2
  12. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    Boooooooriiing! I don't have time to play to get an insignificant amount of extra nth metal. Who is this event for? Where's the extra stabilizer fragments event? We used to have those.
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  13. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    still sitting on a WP token one year..with no 200 to use it on, why would I buy more?
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  14. flashnip Level 30

    No surprise there, especially when...

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  15. Metallix Well-Known Player

    If we can't get a bonus artifacts xp y'all minds well take artifacts out of the game
  16. Classic Gold New Player

    And yet I wonder why we can't have nice things . Some of the entitlement in this room is somewhat unbecoming
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  17. L T Devoted Player

    It actually only makes sense if you assume everyone has artifacts leveled to 200. For a newer player still working on their first set of artifacts, this isn't very helpful, as you need at least 1 fully leveled art to use a wolfpack
    • Like x 3
  18. flashnip Level 30

    My post was a mild jab to not having a x2 artifact bonus week since the introduction of the Wolf Pack tokens, not actually thinking they're a great item and/or a good alternative to a x2 artifact bonus week once in a while, but i guess tone doesn't always come through in text haha.
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  19. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Right, so you want everyone to be a no lifer with 9 alts spending countless hours to play the game for nth metal drops. Right, that's the same as double arts. You are so right. o_O
  20. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    There are so many tips and tricks in this game not enough players are sharing that information with noobs even people who think they know don't know what's up. You get 2x nth metal drops plus 2x cache drops you also get more nth metal when u open caches. In all fairness to cry for 2x artifactxp week when ur getting 4x nth metal drop rate is very ridiculous. If you are asking for 2x artifact xp week you still have alot to learn on how to get nth metal. There are many ways to gain nth metal in dcuo nobody should be asking for 2x artifact xp week anymore. they literally increase the drop rate for nth metal a while back for a reason when they took cache out of the broker so nobody could sell them anymore.

    The 9 hours I'm referring to is of playtime it doesn't have to be all in one day. 9 hours is still crazy nth metal drops at 4x drop rate 2x nth metal and 2x cache drops