Bonus Augment Fortification week!!?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by useless, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. useless Well-Known Player

    I didnt see that coming and for sure didnt want it lol.
  2. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    It a bonus , a gift .
    So you rather there to be nothing
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  3. Synisterstrike Active Player

    I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe the next bonus week will be beneficial to you. Personally, I will find use for this bonus week.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I want it and pleasing me is important :D
  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I got alts that will benefit from this, among others. This is the good thing about varying Bonus weeks IMO, every week is different and will always benefit someone.

    I for one remember when there used to be nothing, and then there would only be occasional bonus WEEKENDS. The whole Bonus concept has actually been very expanded upon and I for one am thankful for it, even if certain weeks may be less benefecial to me than others.

    Not all weeks can be Bonus Artifact XP and Triple End Game-marks. :D
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Use this bonus to make "feeder" augments for next Episode ;)
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  7. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    in fact it's not the most boring to xp the augments, yeah it's not such an interesting week.

    I can already hear people saying 'crappy week, they could have put..." x)
  8. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    This is the way.
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Only if it's from the most recent 2 DLCs

    No point feeding legion augments to feed later because when that drops into clamped content next DLC you won't be able to feed them in to new augments.
  11. Eve YouTuber

    One thing important to remember that if a bonus week isn't necessarily helping you, it helps others who need it. The Devs have everyone in mind when they do these and not just you or me.

    Also we are not obligated to any of those bonus weeks, and people seems to be taking them as a obvious thing.
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  12. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    WOW! it might help the pugs that have rank 0 augments equipped! Let's go pugs! Now realize how to use the UI. It's a RPG. Not God of War with a superman skin. [IMG]

    was grouped up with a pug last night, had 2 Soder colas equipped. Lead them to the water of base/lair ownership and have more trinket options on the utility belt?
    *considered adding a link to a guide on utube, could not decide on who to use*
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  13. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I have a few alts that can benefit from this but also yes great idea.
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    thats a good idea
  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    bonus everything is great it just bums me out they wait so long for ones like this week simply because by this point people have maxed out multiple sets of them
    its great for people that need to catch up, so good for them
    yet we can still be disappointed its not as helpful to us
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  16. Eve YouTuber

    Of course, but the way the OP reacted about it was abit ungrateful, just the vibes I got from the thread. Bonus weeks can't always please everyone and It's ok to be disappointed but there is better way to go at it in my eyes
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Can't they? Hmmm....

    I don't personally 'need' this week, but hey....maybe an alt will get some love (although the cats are normally the limiting factor on alts...not the XP).
  18. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    That's a very naive demeanor. It's a business strategy to get people logging in and spending more money. They aren't doing us a favor from the bottom of their hearts. Do you thank your employer for motivating you to come in to work every day?
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  19. Eve YouTuber

    Your example doesn't make sense. We're players not employees. So if nobody wants this bonus week, but new players need it, so the Devs are bad for providing this bonus week for those who need it? What else would you want them to do? Cause they can easily plug those bonus weeks away as they give them. They weren't originally apart of how the game works or even week long
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    The last one helped me catch up on alts Origin Augments and some Adaptive Augments. I appreciate this and even if I don't really need it this week, would love to see this a regular thing.
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