Bonus Augment Catalysts!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    Working on your Justice League Dark Augments? This weekend is for you. Each boss in Justice League Dark On Duty content (instances) will have a chance to drop an additional augment catalyst. As with other catalyst weekends, grab your free Unstable Seal of Completion before the weekend is over, because the unstable seal decays in 7 days.

    This weekend – from Thursday, August 1, 2019, through Sunday, August 4, 2019 – augment catalysts will have an additional chance to drop in Episode 34: Justice League Dark. This includes the regular and elite versions of the content! Augment catalysts are used for Augment Breakthrough Ranks.

    PLEASE NOTE: The bonus weekend and gift will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Sunday to daily server restarts on Monday morning. Players must log in to claim the gift.
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  2. Draconiano Committed Player

    So another unstable seal, that means at least 2 more weeks before a double nth exp weekend. :(
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  3. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    It’s time to lvl up**
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  4. dresserball Dedicated Player

    These are just getting to be underwhelming.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Thanks Mepps.

    Although i understand your sentiment the developers don't have to offer anything at all different people are at different stages of the game and although bonus weekends don't always offer something for everyone, they do always offer something for someone.
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  6. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    I know it's getting closer to the New DLC which means a new Time Capsule and new Artifacts coming at some point. I know that it would not be in your best interest to do a Double XP after said Artifacts drop so could we please have one soon? Also when is the 3rd phase of style unlocking going to happen?
  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    The fourth wave is TBD

    DEVS - Style Unlocking Phase 4

    (Phase 1:Game Update 82 features the first phase of Style Unlocking. Vendor styles through Episode 26, styles from Booster Bundles 1-3, and styles from Time Capsules 1-3 will be eligible to unlock, with more to come in the future.

    Phase 2:Style Unlocking – Phase 2!
    With this Game Update, we’re rolling out our next wave of Styles available for Style Unlocking! You’ll now find several more past items from Booster Bundles 4-6, Collection Rewards, Character Creation, PvP and Faction Vendor Gear, Survival Mode Rewards, and Time Capsules 4-6 now eligible for Style Unlocking!

    Phase 3:Style Unlocking – Phase 3!
    With this Game Update, we’re rolling out yet another wave of Styles available for Style Unlocking! You’ll now find several more past items from Vault Styles, Promethium Lockbox “New 52” Styles, as well as dropped Armor and Weapon styles from DCUO’s launch up through Episode 26! )
  8. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    I know it says that they will drop in Event versions of the content, but will the bonus augments drop for people who are below CR 253 normally?
  9. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Yeah, while I understand your statement, I still have found this to be crap. Let's be frank these things are to bolster sales or a way to increase future sales.
  10. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Eh. Not everything is going to be for everyone. Hopefully those of us who are looking for something else will get it soon. Although, admittedly, I'm still considering taking a break from the game due to content of no interest to me coming up for the rest of the year. So I'll probably miss whatever cool thing I would have liked ... er... I gotta go back and think this through, clearly.
  11. rimvader Well-Known Player

  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Looks like I picked the right weekend to go camping. Was worried it would be double XP or triple marks. A 2nd round of unstable seals really makes me think a double XP is coming soon. They are trying to deplete our stores of XP.

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  13. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    If you are going to take ideas from other games... Then take and utilize them properly. These bonus weekends are from pressure we applied years ago after server issues. Now it's profitable but they have added a twist. While you are at it,please add a calendar, so that we can plan these things (money we will spend). That's the idea that should accompany this. Add a monthly calendar.
  14. MiLady Well-Known Player

    Thank you Devs for the bonus catalysts and the unstable seal. The seal will come in handy to upgrade the artifacts on my alts.
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  15. Heliotropix Well-Known Player

    i've run both jld 8 mans on 8 different characters, and haven't gotten one catalyst....great event....thnx for the seal that'll now sit in my inventory and expire because i didn't get any catalyst during your catalyst "event".....
  16. Rainnifer Committed Player

    Whoa another Unstable seal already? This time it seems a bit too soon but I can take advantage of it for 140 breakthrough I think.
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