Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    Bonus Artifact XP Week!

    Here we are in the depths of summer. Enjoy the bright indoors this week because Artifact XP gains are DOUBLED when fortifying and ranking up your Artifacts. Any time you use Nth Metal or other Artifacts to add XP to your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled.

    This week - from Thursday, July 29, 2021, through Wednesday, August 4, 2021 - all players will receive DOUBLE Artifact XP when fortifying Artifacts.

    PLEASE NOTE: The bonus week will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Wednesday.
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  2. Kurama Active Player

    Great ! <3
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  3. Eve YouTuber

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  4. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    Hooray! :D
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  5. IIIArkhamIII New Player

    Dear Meps thanks for artifact week. Also wondering if we gona get Wonderverse week again? Im realy hoping for it.
  6. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    I can finally have every artifact at rank 200. Thank you, Developers.
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    Would be good to see double drop together with double artifact!
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  8. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yessssssss feel the powerrrrrrr.
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  9. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Well, it’s probably my turn to write a disgruntled post about the most anticipated bonus ... since the test server is not working ... the bonus does not look so rosy ...
    I wonder if there is a chance that this week the test server will work ... if not, then many use stocks of nth metal, but refrain from buying additional ones through the market, without the possibility of testing on the test server ...
  10. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Y’all really gonna keep me in suspense on that Emperor Aquaman orbital, huh? :p This is cool too though, my Dead King’s Sceptre is tantalisingly close to lv200. Wow, typing those sentences consecutively has made me realise I might have a problem… :D
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  11. Jaelia Committed Player

    Yay been looking forward to this, makes me really wish I had more source marks though :( lol
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  12. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    Yay!! I can finally use up all of those 3k pieces I've been saving from the vault
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  13. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    And I just got paid! Hallelujah! :p
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  14. Secret Son of Krypton Level 30

    Who has two thumbs and has been stacking nth metal for 3 months, THIS GUY!
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  15. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    yay now my buddy -name redacted- will finally play again xD shes been bugging me about this for forever.
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  16. Controller Devoted Player

    Worth the wait.

    I can FINALLY get my DPS Artifacts caught up.
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  17. CandySlinger Active Player

    Nice! Looking forward to having a maxed out tetrahedron, and should be able to start a new artifact and get it up to rank 120. Though finding another artifact that it’s worth leveling for controllers might be difficult: Parasites power harness which I swapped a max one into something else prior, BOP for tray space, or the OG rings of azar in case the revamp reveals a bunch of healers who have been skating by with cr only. Or maybe even the dead kings scepter and swap in/out since none of them will be replacing the Amulet/Claw/Cloak/Strat card/Trans card/Tetra anytime soon.

    Did they ever make Bop a supercharge generator like the debuff it replaces? That and adding the group power heal/weapon buff to it so it triggers the Claw when used, that could make Claw/Amulet/Bop fun for when you don’t have the top level of burn where boosting it with tetra to kill things before the healer gets drained (or even better when another dps runs tetra instead and you don’t need the extra shields from the soul cloak). But I guess condensing 4 tray abilities into one was never the intention of the commlink artifact.
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  18. inferno Loyal Player

    Where's my Piggy Bank?

    Heeeeere, little Piggy! I want you to meet my good friend, Mjolnir.
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  19. TymeBlast Well-Known Player

    Sounds Great!!!!!!! Needed this for my Alts.....
    Thank you!
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  20. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Finally..... my inventory space thanks you greatly, it was about to burst like a belt after Thanksgiving.
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