Bonding with Batman: The Stealth Operation Arc Template :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LIEUTENANT MARVEL, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    I recently made a post about a Black Adam story arc. One of the comments said that Batman does not get enough exposure. I thought it had a point so I am making a wild Batman story arc. It consists of 7 duos where Batman chooses 2 players as his partners for a series of stealth operations. The story will involve Batman and Metron and the players. For the case of heroes, they are recruited because Batman trusts him/her after all the episodes he/she went through. In the case of villains, they are recruited and are dealing with him because they want Batman to pull some strings for someone the villain cares about.

    Here's the beginning of the story and how the intro scene would be. Metron comes to Batman for some knowledge that only he has. Batman's ability to hack systems far superior to Earth's technology and make some systems that rival them got Metron's attention (Oracle commented in DCUO that Batman's systems are tougher to hack into compared to Brainiac's and he helped build Brother Eye). Batman is visited by Metron meet at the top of the old Wayne building in Gotham while he us looking over the city. Metron says he wants to know how he does that. Before Metron got there, Batman was thinking of how he could fight against the likes of Darkseid, Trigon, Antimonitor etc. since he is getting very concerned by their appearances. Batman sees an opportunity to quickly gain an answer to his dilemma. Batman tells Metron that he will tell him how he does that if he tells him how to make the the mightiest weapon he could wield. Metron says making that weapon will be difficult since his potential for attaining power is as vast as it is understated. Batman is puzzled and asks why and what the weapon will be. Metron says the potential lies in his heart which is capable of generating so much rage, of hiding so much desire, of inspiring so much fear, of displaying so much will, of inspiring so much hope, of showing so much compassion and of giving so much love. Batman replies that if it weren't for the desire part (which is more known as greed), he would have thought Metron was implying he could wield all 7 power rings. Metron retorts Batman that greed is just a form of desire (he explains that the orange light could be for desire) and explains that he will teach him how to make his own White Lantern Ring, Battery and pocket dimension.


    The 1st duo kicks off with Metron saying Batman will need some help for this. Batman wants to keep this a secret and says he will only use 2 extra people for this. Metron asks him who those 2 will be and Batman mentions that there are some lesser known people that he either trusts or he has some leverage on. Metron boom tubes them with Batman to the Lantern Bases so they can try to make all 7 kinds of power rings. They embark on a series of stealth operations where they try to make the power rings in secret in their bases.

    DUO 1 Zamaron


    DUO 2 Nok


    DUO 3 Odym


    DUO 4 Oa


    DUO 5 Qward


    DUO 6 Okaara


    DUO 7 Ysmault


    Throughout those duos, players bond with Batman. He shares his thoughts and feelings with heroes. He tells the villains how to beat most of the Tech and Meta wing villains. They can base the briefings and investigations on those. The last duo ends with a dialogue between Metron and Batman after Metron makes the White Lantern Ring, Power Battery and pocket dimension. Batman is confused why Metron did everything before he told him how he does his feats with technology. Metron explains that adapting to technology at the pace he does is not possible with any machine or any training in the universe. He explains to Batman that his journey with him confirmed his suspicions. He explains that some of those Lantern Corps had some of the most advanced systems in the universe and yet he adapted to them along the way. Metron tells the story of when he spoke to a Monitor and how he was taught some secrets about the Multiverse. He shares that each universe would have agents of order that would spring from the human race. This agent of order is destined to be hidden in the shadows and streets of Earth and also overlooked by his foes because of his humanity. He would be mortal but would not die until he has fulfilled his or her destiny. The agent cannot die before his destiny is fulfilled because he or she is always inspired to do the right thing at the right place and at the right time in the most crucial battles of the universe (Batman is sometimes criticized by his haters to have "plot armor". This could be a more plausible explanation to that trend instead of labelling it as "plot armor".). Batman interrupts and says that he was just about to say that it comes together in his mind along the way. Metron asks Batman what he will do with the White Lantern Ring's power. Batman replies that he will hide it until the time that the Justice League is about to fail in protecting the Earth. Metron departs after he says that it is the fate of the Waynes to guard the physical aspect of the multiiverse and the Winchesters to guard the supernatural aspect of the multiverse. (You can visit the link to see that they are in DC comics.). Batman is left wondering who they are. (In case you are wondering why I am inserting the Winchesters, it's because they fought the Darkness on TV with their version of God. They could be the wild cards in any story involving the Presence and the Darkness in DC.)


    P.S. I am just a new fan and base most of my knowledge comes from the web, the DC animated Universe and some comics I finished as a kid plus some comics I bought from DC Digital Comics. Feel free to add or correct things. :D
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I personally think its a duo overkill and some of those could be solos, duos, heck this whole idea should be an entire DLC, that could even take you back to another part of metropolis
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  3. Lantern Azure Black Committed Player

    Batman... Lantern Content...

    ...White Lantern Ring.

    Yes. Yes please. XD
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  4. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    You're right. I originally thought of solos since less people would mean more stealth. Hmmm. Maybe I should have stuck with that. Thanks for the feedback. :D
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    For the missions, batman has abilites that can apply stealth or shields to allies.
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  6. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    Daybreak can play with this idea anyway they want just to fill that gap of Batman-centered content. :D
  7. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the positive feedback. A White Lantern ring was the only weapon I could think of that would let Batman stand against monsters like Darkseid, Trigon, Antimonitor etc. Even if there are other mighty weapons like the Spear of Destiny, they don't seem to match Batman's style. With a White Lantern Ring, he can make constructs of his weapons that deal damage to monsters like those. For me, it was either this or an arc where Batman dies after James Corrigan goes to Heaven and he becomes the Spectre. :D
  8. Bose Well-Known Player

    I'm sick of the overrated emo vampire that is Batman
  9. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    I understand. I am a Batman fan but I do not take it against Batman's critics if they are like that. DC seems like it forgot to upgrade or add some balanced but useful abilities or gear to Batman in New 52 onwards so they can address the "overrated" issue. I have a Booster Gold template coming up if it makes you feel better. :D