Blue Lanterns Powers? Easy solution...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Solarverse2 New Player

    Hmmm....okay, so check it out. I brought this discussion to the attention of my wife. She says she felt that Indigo was a masculine color. So we debated it a bit...and, after talking about it, we looked up the color online. Funny thing is, there seems to be a discrepancy with the color. Half the colors we seen were indeed feminine and she admits it. But then we found colors of indigo that seemed masculine. So now, we are confused as what the color indigo truly is. The two shades that we have seen online makes a huge difference as to if it's feminine or masculine.

    If it's the Indigo that has a blue tint to it, then I would say masculine, if it's the indigo that has the purple tint to it, then I would say feminine. The comics seem to use both, from what we can tell. So that just opens up a whole new can'o'wax.
  2. FiveByFive New Player

    indigo by definition as a colour is blue with "purple" (violet) tint. DC's particular version of "indigo" is easily found by looking up Indigo Lanterns.

    you should be a bit more versed in the canon of this IP, if you're making feature requests like this. you shouldn't need to research all of this. if you're not totally familiar and knowledgeable about the product your requests lack respect for the IP and any attention to detail. not to mention any appreciation for that detail. this detail should matter to you. it matters to the rest of the fans a lot.
  3. Solarverse2 New Player

    Me taking the time to research should satisfy your respect. My familiarity is with Red, Yellow, Orange and Blue which until now has been the limit of my conversation. I also read some of Blackest Night and Brightest Day.

    Furthermore, I think we both know that SOE does NOT use the actual colors that are in the comics, the shows or anything else prior to this game.
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Eh, until someone from DC or SOE says "never" in an undeniably clear fashion, there's always going to be hope (joke not intended lol). It's why the Atomic requests persisted for so long, and why we still see threads about Blue Lanterns and other powers (water, shadow, etc) popping up. And all it takes for those hopes to stay alive is three simple words:

    "at this time"
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  5. FiveByFive New Player

    it does not satisfy.

    that's why i stated what i did. reading an entry in a wiki out of context is not the same as understanding how the IP portrays the entire franchise over time and in context. your posts and replies show a lack of knowledge and respect for the IP and that's why you're in conflict with almost all of your respondents.

    and again, if you were more knowledgeable about the IP and the relationship with the devs and DC you would know that SOE has definitively answered your request/question already. and as an example; you would know that SOE and DC work VERY closely to getcolour palettes of their IP to reproduce properly in game.

    i get your point. and it goes hand in hand with mine about forum posters just not understanding the dev replies for their worth.

    for the record, Spytle's explanation of why they chose not to include Blue Lanterns was clear, and not qualified with "at this time" iirc.
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  6. KawaiiRyan New Player

    More lanterns, just what this game needs -_-
  7. Solarverse2 New Player

    Excuse me? My knowledge of the Lanterns goes a lot further than you think, no, it does not cover every single aspect of the spectrum, no...but if I recall, this thread was about Blue Lanterns, not the Indigo Tribe. And there are only two or three people who my opinions have been in conflict with, and most of what I said in this thread were fact, with only a few inaccuracies. Go huff and puff some place else, pal.

    You can take that high horse of your somewhere else, bud....not going to fly with me.
  8. FiveByFive New Player

    whatever your level of knowledge of the IP is, it's not demonstrated in your posts here or your request.

    i'm not really worried about what flies with you hombre. all that matters is that you understand why the Devs and DC Comics, have already said no. accept it or not. that's on you.
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  9. Solarverse2 New Player

    No sir, you can accept this....they did not say yes or it or not, those are the facts....hombre.
  10. FiveByFive New Player

    yes, spytle specifically explained why Blue Lanterns were not added to the game and wouldn't be, after SOELive announced the next [last] 3 powers coming this year.
  11. Solarverse2 New Player

    Wow, so you interpreted a statement that gave a reason as to why it was not already in game, and why it's not being discussed at this, "it's never going to happen"

    Your interpretations and my interpretations of what was said are very different. You think the idea isn't brought back up to DC every once in a while? You think DC agreed to Green Lanterns being in game the first few times the idea was put on the table to DC? Hmmm.... "Well my friend, You Are Wrong!"
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  12. FiveByFive New Player

    um no. i don't think interpretation has anything to do with it. i think comprehension and willful pride in accepting their response is the issue.
  13. Solarverse2 New Player

    Fascinating. Now, before you hijacked this thread with your Indigo Tribe banter...can we get back on topic please? The topic was Blue Lanterns, in case you forgot.
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The topic is always Blue Lanterns. It's a topic that has been beaten to death.

    I have nothing against you, but judging from your posts in this thread your Lantern knowledge is severely limited, especially compared to those of us who have been reading these comics for a decade or more. It just seems like every time someone challenges what you're saying you just grasp at another straw because you want to be right. As I said, nothing against you whatsoever, that's just what I'm seeing judging by your posts I'm here.
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  15. Solarverse2 New Player

    Okay, so nothing against me, but...

    What exact points have I made that tells you that I am wrong? That Blue Lanterns have healed body parts, organs? That they could make a decent healer in this game? I fail to see all these points that I made as being wrong. I especially don't see me grasping at any straws here. It seems to me the people against the idea are the ones who are grasping at straws here...not I.
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Hello? Grasping at straws again and putting words in my fingers! I never said you were wrong about Blue Lanterns not being able to heal. I said your knowledge of the Lantern lore (I.e. All the corps) is severely limited. I am a huge Lantern fan and I am not against having another Lantern set in the long as it makes sense. As it stands right now a Blue Lantern power just does not fit into this game given the lore. That statement has nothing to do with whether or not they have healing abilities, we all know they do, it has to do with the fact that Blue Lanterns are exclusively heroic characters and I sincerely doubt the devs would make a faction exclusive power. There is no villain equivalent to Blues to have a set of shared animations like there is with Green and Yellow.
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  17. TheDCUOCrybaby New Player

    100% agree...
  18. Toshknight Loyal Player

    ive made a whole thread about this an idea that is similar to this

    if they do not give us Blue lantern healing powers. "heroes" and Indigo tribe for villains , then

    its simple.... make Hard Light , so u can be a Blue or Green color for heroes and sinestro or indigo tribe for villains and give the Star saphire color to both sides like rage....

    now this can only be done with HL not rage cause the Hard light constructs are very universal also if u notice in game the star saphires are using basically the same construct animations that the Green and yellow lanterns are using... this would solve everyones needs.... the people who want blue lanterns. and the people that dont want anymore lantern powers...

    either way works for me... i just want to have a shiny blue ring to go with my awesome blue lantern suit. as well as a violet ring to go with my star saphire suit.... the only problem with giving the star saphire color is that only females can use the suit... so.. thats a bit of a pickle. thats why i chose indigo for villains. , i would say give only males orange lantern option and females star saphire but thats another issue

    but the bottom line... making HL. able to be Blue/green and Yellow/Indigo would make alot of people happy i think
  19. Toshknight Loyal Player

    no it was a console memory issue
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  20. Toshknight Loyal Player

    BTW if they did add Blue and indigo rings to HL they could be on the market place and u can respec ur lantern color, and when u create a lantern u choose just like skimming
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