Blue Lanterns Powers? Easy solution...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I never said Blue Lanterns didn't have significant healing abilities. I was talking specifically about the limited cellular regeneration that you mentioned. Indigo Tribe members also have the capacity to heal people that they feel compassion for.

    Your whole "just make a Black set for villains and Blue for heroes" statement shows how ignorant you are of the comic book lore. First of all it was confirmed already by Mepps that there will never be a Black or White inspired set. Secondly it seems you have zero knowledge of the Black Lantern corps. Black Lanterns cannot "bring back the dead" as you said. Black Lanterns ARE the dead. They are the dead reanimated (not brought back to life - they are two different things) and controlled by Black Hand and Nekron. Aside from this they can't even make constructs, so no there is absolutely no way that Blue and Black could be the same power set with a few animation tweaks.
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    In terms of lore, I would have to agree that Indigo would be the most likely candidate for a faction-neutral Lantern-based Healer. Compassion can sometimes take some unusual forms, some of which could be viewed as villainous acts. And with the lore limitations faced by Blue, Orange and the Star Sapphires, it does get pushed to the forefront.

    The only problem is that it's probably the least requested of any of the Corps in terms of being made playable. Even with being a pretty big Lantern fan myself, I have trouble getting even the least bit psyched over the idea of a playable Indigo Tribe power set, and I've not seen much support for it here in the forums.

    There was a phrase used in the SWG forums back in the day (wish I could remember which dev said it so I could give proper credit) that was used to address some complaints people had about things not fitting perfectly in the game. "Sometimes canon must give way to gameplay." If the devs do bring in a Lantern-based Healer at some point in the future, it may be one of those situations where the canon would have to give way, if for no other reason than the regular and repeated requests for Blue to be the color of choice.
  3. Solarverse2 New Player


    I will simply agree to disagree. I'm simply tired of arguing with you, because arguing the way we have been, simply turns in to an ongoing argument with no end, both sides standing strong by their opinions, never reaching a common ground. So I offer you a truce to end this. I stand by my original statement, you stand by yours, end of discussion, right? I do apologize for the insult. It was late, I was tired and getting grumpy, so that was uncalled for.

    To everyone else,

    Topic: Black Lanterns don't bring back the obviously don't read comics

    This is true, they don't bring back the dead, but they aren't exactly zombies either. Hal Jordan's dad came back and held a complete conversation with Hal. He was however under the power of the black ring, and had to deliver a specific message, whether he wanted to or not, but he was also allowed to say anything he wanted to say. Regardless of all of that, you are correct. They reanimate the dead, not bring them back to life. So I concede there. Of course this is a game, where in order to make something work for the game, you have to think outside the box, much in the same way we have Legends characters in game who use combat styles/weapons that they never used in the comics. It was done to make them work within the system the game provides. And I do read comics, although my focus of reading is Superman, Justice League, Supergirl and any other comic that has to do with Superman. From time to time, I do read Green Lantern, so most of my information comes from research on the subject, not from actual comic book reading of Green Lantern.

    Topic: Black Lanterns/White Lanterns will never be in game, developers said this:

    I know....and me saying Black Lanterns being the perfect opposite of Blue Lanterns for the Villains was simply an example of how they could work, it was not me saying that they were the only choice. It was simply an example of how you can make the Black Lanterns work as healers, if the Devs so inclined.

    They could use the spectrum of love, after all, the Star Sapphires have been known to be "evil" as well, in the form of extremism. They could also be used for the Villain side as "Healers" if the Devs wanted to incorporate them in to the game, using a bit of imagination and thinking outside the box. So, for Healers on Hero and Villain, I submit;

    Heroes: Blue Lanterns/Hope

    Villains: Star Sapphires/Love

    So it is "possible" when you put forth the effort. Like I said, you simply have to think outside the box. Also, if I am not mistaken, has Sinestro Corps and Blue Lanterns not worked together before? I seem to recall a rescue attempt where they once teamed up together? I could be wrong there, or maybe have details confused. But if I am not mistaken, technically the Blue Lanterns could work for both sides, both hero and villain.

    Topic: Why do you insist on making "I want it nao!" threads?

    I have answered this question in an earlier post in this thread to another individual who made this claim. Again, I will say, it is not an "I want it nao!" was a fun idea to toss around, for people to discuss. I have seen "I want it nao!" threads, and this is far from it. You claim that people are tired of seeing these threads, and people are tired of telling "us" what has already been said a dozen times. I'm sorry, no single person on this thread is an authority on the subject, everyone has their opinions. There have been just as many people argue valid points for the idea as have been people argue valid points for against it. What you say, is no different than if I were to say, "Why do people keep coming to these threads to tell us it will never happen, they have been told otherwise a dozen times and people are tired of seeing the nay sayers come in to these threads." Nobody has said anything that ends the discussion. Your stance on the subject clearly suggests that your point of view as already won, and the topic should end...when in fact, you couldn't be more wrong. You are not the authority on the subject, nor is this a dictatorship where you can come in and tell people what they can and can not discuss. You have proven nothing, the discussion continues.

    Topic: Why do people keeping bringing up these threads?

    Because people like to express their opinions and what they would like to see in game? This is a forum, where everyone has a right to have their voices heard. The argument most given against these type threads are, "The devs said it won't happen" or "The devs said they have no plans"

    The devs never said it won't happen, and those who claim otherwise know better. The devs did say, they have no plans, currently. Currently being the key word. How do you get, "It will never happen" out of that? If you are tired of coming in to these threads and telling people these things, then stop? Nobody asked you to come in here and pervert the truth. We know full well what the devs said.

    The devs won't say yes or no to anything until they know for 100% fact. They know better, because if something goes wrong where they can't do something that they would like to do, then a lot of people become very vocal and attempt to demonize the Devs for not doing what they would like to do...and it becomes a lynch mob with pitchforks.So, in this case, the devs neither said it will, or it won't. Period.

    I'm sure the Black Lanterns will never happen, the Devs did say they will never do white and black. So that, I can agree with...unless the devs have a change of heart, that will never happen.
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I agree it's most likely the least requested. However I think that might be down to the fact that the Indigo Tribe seem to be the least explored of all the corps in the comics. Their abilities are so unique that they are actually my favourite of all the corps because they have so many possible combat and healing possibilities since they are able to emulate the powers of all the other colours. I even went ahead and made an Indigo powerset mock up a few months ago showing how a set like that could possibly work.
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Knowing our luck with some of DC's decisions, though, they'd probably insist that you could only use Indigo powers while using a Staff weapon, and Staff weapon use sometimes appears as popular as the idea of an Indigo Tribe power set. LOL
  6. Solarverse2 New Player

    The only thing about Indigo I don't like is that it is a very feminine color. It seems very one sided to one sex and not the other. I know, John has been, or is part of their tribe now, but I don't think very many men would be comfortable with it. At least I wouldn't. Blue is more sex friendly, at least I think so.
  7. FiveByFive New Player

    this is cool to say when it's not your IP. SOE doesn't own the characters or universe. it [the quote] may be true to some extent, but in my experience that always leads to failure to meet expectations of the audience and a compromised product. IP holders are rightfully very specific about how their property is portrayed. besides, it's up to DC to decide if they want that. remember that SOE isn't in charge of these decisions.
  8. Solarverse2 New Player

    I believe that was in the SWG forums, in which Lucas Arts had the rights to the game. Very similar situation with this game. You would be shocked what SOE got away with in that game. Can you believe they had a Rainbow Colored Lightsaber? Yeah...incredible. SOE also got away with a ton with Matrix Online. So it's not hard to think SOE won't get away with quite a bit with this game as well, especially since this game takes place pre New 52. In which if I am not mistaken, doesn't exist anymore....which opens the door for a lot of new ideas.
  9. FiveByFive New Player

    every licencor is different. some brands are more restricted than others. we already know that SOE is not able to get away with as much as they have with past licencors.

    and yes, i'm very aware of those games and the damage those decisions did to those brands. that was implied in my my statement above when i said, it's easy to make a quote like that when you're not the one holding the license and just the one destroying the IP. it was also implied when i noted the compromised product.
  10. Milutin Mujovic Well-Known Player

    That is not entirely true. Indigo is awesome color, and it is unisex, like all colors, but if you take a closer look on the Indigo (mist) in game, you will see that it is very popular color. At least in my town, seeing many males and females wearing it. I personally have around 40% of my clothes in indigo color, because it is very easily matched with others.
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm fully aware of that, it's something I keep reminding other people of when it comes to some request threads. Years of playing this game and Star Wars Galaxies (both licensed properties with license owners who exert a lot of control) taught me that lesson long ago. ;) And one thing to remember is that comment came from one of the Galaxies devs about SWG itself.

    I can understand both the license holder and the fans wanting to see adherence to canon, as going too far away from canon can easily be an immersion breaker. But extremely strict adherence to canon can compromise the product as well by not allowing any sort of growth, and with comics themselves being subject to regular retcons of canon there's wiggle room kind of built in to begin with.

    In the end it comes down to how flexible DC is willing to be to give players what they'd like to see. Given some of their decisions to date, exactly how flexible they might be is very tough to call. But with the repeated requests for Blue Lanterns (or a Lantern-based Healer of any kind), it would be nice to see them give at least a little on canon for the sake of game play.
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  12. Solarverse2 New Player

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  13. FiveByFive New Player

    yeah i remember the quote myself. i didn't say that in my reply but yes it was coming from an SOE dev who was squarely responsible for introducing elements that departed from lore which did compromise the product. we all know the mess that game became.

    i feel good saying that i'm happy DC is taking a more restrictive and vigilant approach to their relationship with SOE than previous licencors have with them. and we don't have to guess at how flexible they are on this since the devs have already told us where DC stands on Black, White, Orange and Blue Lanterns (as a healing class). it's a closed topic.

    as far as this request and this game goes. i'm happy blue lanterns are not added as healers. or villains. it would piss me off a lot. there are better options from lore available to fill that demand and i'd rather see them used or nothing at all.

    the problem is not "this game needs a lantern healer" it's that fans like the OP are asking for Blue Lanterns to specifically be healers [for both factions] which goes against canon. there are canon options available but wouldn't be as lucrative. so the decision is more of obviously compromising canon for cash or adhering to it for a more modest financial return. if SOE thought Sapphires or Indigo would generate as much revenue as Blue Lanterns, we would probably already have them and it wouldn't be a question.
  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    At the risk of going off topic a bit...


    Must have missed that update. LOL I remember the Lava and Hoth-based lightsaber crystals rather well, not to mention the Death Trooper content crystal that resulted in a faded white blade, but I don't recall a Rainbow crystal.
  15. Solarverse2 New Player

    Actually, no...I have yet to say exactly what I want. I only made a suggestion that helps what the majority seems to want. If you want to know what I want, it's simple...

    Heroes: Blue Lanterns.

    Why? I love Blue Lanterns and am partial to them. The Gear for them is already in game, and they make the best since to be used for DPS/Healer roles in game, give or take a few minor changes.

    Villains: Orange Lanterns.

    Why? First, I love Orange Lanterns, and it just so happens the Orange Lantern gear is already in game. Third, Orange Lanterns makes the most sense to me, because if an Orange Lantern views his team mates as a rare treasure, he will want to do whatever it takes to protect his/her treasure. I know, there is many arguments that would go against this, and believe it or not, I already know what those arguments would be. Those arguments would be;

    Only one Orange Lantern

    They aren't healers

    I get it, but some changes would be welcomed to make them work IMO. Now that, is what *I* think. But this is not what the majority wants. So I have not said anything about what I want, until now.
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  16. FiveByFive New Player

    i am just going to say it.

    you can't have what you want. just because you want something doesn't mean you can have it.

    DC Comics has already said no. it's not open for discussion.
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Actually the only things that have definitively been said "no" to are playable Black and White Lantern powers. Anything else has had the "at this time" tag stuck on the end of it, so that does leave some wiggle room and chances for it to happen. It's by no means a guarantee that it will happen, and we still have to get through Munitions/Atomic/Serums, but the door hasn't been completely shut on it yet.
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  18. FiveByFive New Player

    i've been following these discussions for years. long before i started posting. those replies were very much definitive when read in context and when understanding the reasoning and the responses given. Spytle's response regarding Blue Lanterns left no room for argument if you understood his explanation. if you didn't understand what he was saying then of course you'd think, "maybe down the road". but there's no chance.

    and let's be honest, they're runnin out of stuff to cannibalize in the game. there's almost no chance of new powers after the next 3 on the current platforms.
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I wouldn't class it as a very feminine colour. I find it funny you find it a feminine colour when all members of the Tribe have been male except for Indigo-1/Iroque.
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  20. Solarverse2 New Player

    Ugh, I meant Star Sapphires. I should probably fix that. Always get the two confused. Having said that though, I do feel that Indigo is a feminine color. Like I said, it was my personal opinion though. Regardless of how many males are in the tribe.
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