Blue Lanterns Powers? Easy solution...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    Oh-PLEASE! (rolls eyes)
  2. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    They are, legally, not allowed to change the colors. No amount of threads is going to change that. Its up to DC, the comic book company, to decide. You want it, bug them, other than that, no amount of posts is going to change the fact that DC has ultimate and final control over this game. Not us or the Devs.
  3. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    They are, legally, not allowed to change the colors. No amount of threads is going to change that. Its up to DC, the comic book company, to decide. You want it, bug them, other than that, no amount of posts is going to change the fact that DC has ultimate and final control over this game. Not us or the Devs.
  4. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    Well i can tell ONE person who will never wield the blue ring :p
  5. HoodWarbler New Player

    Stop with this if PS3 was gone. I play the PS3 and I can assure you it's here to stay for awhile longer than 2019.
  6. Solarverse2 New Player

    So wait, bringing somebody back to life, and building them a new heart, doesn't make them healers? Do you even read comics?
  7. John Brawler Committed Player

    don't forget when they completely regenerated arkillo's tounge.
  8. FiveByFive New Player

    DC Comics says they're not healers. ask them if *they* read comics hombre.

    the devs officially explained that their abilities cannot be faithfully represented in a way that is true to the IP and that is why they are not being added. all lanterns are capable of some level of cellular regeneration. that doesn't mean they're a "healer class"

    this is a licensing issue. /discussion
  9. Solarverse2 New Player

    Oh, and just some information to back up my claim, I quote,

    "Limited Cellular Regeneration: This ring has an ability to heal physical injuries. Blue Lanterns can use the ring to repair injuries in themselves or others."

    This is one source of many...
  10. Solarverse2 New Player

    Well, if they aren't healers and DC says they aren't, then somebody in the corporate management of the DC Comics forgot to tell the writers of the Lantern comics.

    My source in my last thread is 100% accurate.
  11. FiveByFive New Player

    you totally ignored the word "limited".
  12. Solarverse2 New Player

    All Healers in this game are limited, that's nothing new. No healer in this game has an ability to bring anyone back to life, I would say that is as limited as it gets. I didn't ignore anything.
  13. HazeTA New Player

    Mainly due to the fact that some of the Lantern Corps aren't capable of or have ever been seen to do 'hard light' constructs...
  14. FiveByFive New Player

    seriously dude, what are you arguing about?

    your wiki says they're not a healer class and DC Comics says they're not a healer class. when you become CEO of DCComics you can let them know they're doing their jobs wrong then.

  15. Gwalir Loyal Player

    The wiki doesn't say they aren't a healer class, only that the healing they can do is limited. However, that's the case with all the healing powers in this game.

    For that matter, take the Healing powersets we currently do have in-game. As far as DC comics are concerned, none of those are particularly associated with healing either, especially Electric, but they are in this game. Comic characters in general tend to gravitate more to the DPS role than any other, with a very low minority being associated with healing at all. Most of the time in comics, if someone is injured they can just heal off-panel or in-between adventures.

    Now I'm not saying if they made a Blue Lantern class it would be a Healer, only that if they did make it one it wouldn't be any different than what they did with the rest of the Healer powersets.
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think you'll find that if you check the wiki for each corps you will see they ALL have limited cellular regeneration. It's one of the basic functions of a power ring. They can all teleport through space too but you don't see Light or Rage users teleporting around the field of combat.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: IF a Lantern healer power was to be introduced the only viable candidate at this moment in time due to the comic lore would be Indigo.

    Blue will almost certainly never come to the game unless a villainous Blue Lantern appears in the comic as there is no villain equivalent corps to the Blues that have the same functionality, and I very much do not see the devs making a faction exclusive power.
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  17. Solarverse2 New Player

    /discussion? That's cute...really. But your little attempt to placate the readers are most likely going to fail. The information is there for all to read. The readers can make up their own minds. Fact is, there are no "Healers" in comic books, they would be extremely boring reads if there were "Healers" in comic books. For MMORPG's, you take the best fitting powers in a comic and convert them to healing.

    Despite your wholehearted protest against a Hope Healing class, (even though I can't fathom why it bothers you so...) I can show you countless sources that shows that Hope has been used to Heal their allies, so much so, they have replaced entire body parts of the injured. You on the other hand have showed no proof what-so-ever that they are *not* healers, nor do they even have the capabilities of healing.

    You can stand there and stomp on the floor all you like, but it won't change the fact that out of all the Lanterns in the comics, Hope makes the best sense to add as healers in game, and there is plenty of evidence to support it.
  18. Solarverse2 New Player

    Then I would like to submit this as evidence that suggests otherwise.

    "The healing ability of the Blue Lantern power ring seems considerably more significant than that of any other rings. The green lantern ring has only demonstrated the ability to use a construct in place of limbs, the yellow rings kept monguls arm attached (and fresh it seems, as it was able to be surgically re-attached later). But the blue rings are the most significant, as it has demonstrated the ability to REGROW LIMBS, not a construct . . . actual regrowth, the limb had returned!!!!! It was ganthet who benefited from this. ralok 13:13, May 24, 2012 (UTC"


    Not exactly true. Much like they made Yellow virtually exact to Green, minus a few animations here and there, Black Lanterns could use the exact same powers as Blue Lanterns, minus a few animation changes here and there, since Black Lanterns could easily be interpreted as Healers. After all, Black Lanterns can bring back the dead. If bringing the dead back to life isn't considered healing, I don't know what is.

    It's not hard to translate comics to MMORPG's...people simply have to think outside the box.
  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone


    Those are links to three Comic Book healers *NAMED* Healer, specifically, whose primary listed ability is, again, SPECIFICALLY, 'Healing'.

    As for Lanterns and Healing Abilities, I've seen instances (in actual books, mind you, which is what we're considering our 'source material' here) where a Green Lantern actively uses a Light Construct to form a brace for a broken arm, thereby rendering it functional again. So could a Lantern, in theory, heal? Sure.

    I've never personally seen any direct examples of a Blue Lantern healing anyone or themselves in that manner; maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't. Comic Vine claims that Warth can heal people, but doesn't say much else about other Blue Lanterns using the ability. It's been my experience (i.e. 'What I Have Actually Seen Them Do In The Things I Have Read That Introduced Them And The Attached Animated Series Containing Them') that usually they're represented as more of a source of spiritual solace (psychologists of the Emotional Spectrum) and represented directly, in their abilities, as 'supercharging Green Spectrum Lantern Rings' and 'suppressing the effects of Red Spectrum Lantern Rings' - both of which are arguable, DIRECTLY, equatable as Controller-type functions inside of our game structure.

    But my presented source here says that Warth can heal so, sure, we'll assume that this means that other Blue Lanterns can also use that ability.

    Now - why bother pointing this out? It's not that I have a horse in this race, but you don't start a statement with 'This doesn't exist because you said it does' and end it with 'But THE SAME THING I JUST SAID DOESN'T EXIST now exists because I said it does'. Sets a bad tone. Says 'circumstantial evidence used or ignored by the opponent is inferior to the circumstantial evidence I myself choose to use or ignore'. That's not fair, period, and I'm pretty sure you KNOW that's not fair. You wanna continue beating the horse, fine, but at least do it in a manner that doesn't directly contradict your own primary claim.
  20. Solarverse2 New Player

    Meh, any debate is open to challenge. I don't mind. My statement of "There are no healers in comics books" was easily debatable since I was going off my personal knowledge. I also knew, regardless if somebody could show me otherwise, it doesn't make my foundation point any less valid.

    As far as Blue Lanterns healing, they have done far more than simply add a brace to an arm, they have actually regrown body parts and organs.
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