Blue Lanterns Powers? Easy solution...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Solarverse2 New Player

    You are wrong. They NEVER said it would not be a power. The closest thing they have said, is that "there are no powers planned beyond what they have coming out *at this time*"

    Stop misguiding people. Some of us pay attention to details. And if they did say, "It will not be a power" then please, correct me if I am wrong...but I am not aware of such a statement made by any developer of this game.
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  2. Tule New Player

    Devs also alluded to no new powers soon based on ps3 limitations. That was fixed. So, yes, it is misguiding to say the Devs said never or won't be.
  3. Grumpy Dedicated Player

  4. rival exe New Player

    they never said 2)
  5. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    It's sad to say. Some players if they was set on fire by blue fire. They would not know what is. I really want this also. My main power is earth. I don't like seeing grey rocks all the time and it doesn't look good with my mains look. When I pvp I really don't care what power I'm getting hit by. I'll die or be able to defend against it. I also don't pay attention to what power someone is using all that much. I really don't care what power a player uses. I would not be bothered by someone hitting me with a power being a different color. Pvp is not that confusing but some players really can't get pvp. They always got excuses for something and pve is the same way. could bet some got there fingers on a keyboard ready to scream. I would like this to be put in the game plus change power colors. I would also like someone from soe to put there input on this.
  6. Crimson Jonni New Player

    When the next 3 powers are already planned, why keep asking for blue lanterns? I mean, its not like theyd be coming out anytime soon even if they were announced. The devs have stated that there are no plans for them currently, so repeatedly asking, over and over and over again isnt going to make a decision come any faster. Personally, when people keeping badgering for something it makes me feel even more inclined not to give it to them. Furthermore, everytime this is brought up, no one thinks about what the villains would have to use. And then we get into a long pointless debate about canon lore and such and ect and ect, its not fair this, or concerning another light in the spectrum, thats sexist ect ect.

    can we agree to give it a rest? or at least make a drinking game out of how many times someone mentions the blue lanterns and water powers.
  7. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I did the same to, I agree 100% if only the power came with a ring :(
  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Well they may be bringing in indigo
  9. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Yeah. :p I've been using a glowy belt to excuse the ring apparatus as it's been placed, for safer keeping, in the belt. (Chevron belt for my Fatality clone, regular ol' speedforce spectrum belt on my Flash clone, but otherwise uses the house of El belt due to it's unique lightning bolt shaped side decor).
  10. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Great idea, I can't believe I didn't think of that :( do u play uspc?
  11. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    USPS. I will have a gaming rig soon enough, but what with the heftier and more weighty competition on PC, i'd only be messing with PC DCUO for testing purposes on test server, and would otherwise be playing other games and making a return to the mod scene. Unfortunately, due to licensing constraints, DCUO is anti mod friendly. :<
  12. Solarverse2 New Player

    Black is the villain equivalent to Hope/Blue... Black Lanterns bring the dead back to life...if that's not healing, I don't know what is. Hell, the animations wouldn't even have to be much different. It would be the same exact animations as Blue Lantern powers, just a different color.
  13. Solarverse2 New Player

    And if it does happen, will you be around to admit you were wrong? will quietly exit the scene like most all nay sayers do when something happens, that they said would not.
  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Thing is, they haven't talked about anything in terms of powers after the next three (Munitions, Atomic, Serums), and the only Lantern powers they've out-and-out said won't be in the game are Black and White.

    Anything else, whether it's been Wind, Water, or a Lantern-based Healer, has gotten the "no plans at this time" comment. That leaves the door open. Unless someone's a part of the staff at SOE or DC, we just don't know for sure what will come after the next batch of powers.
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  15. Solarverse2 New Player

    Exactly. I honestly don't understand how people interpret "no plans at this time" as meaning, "It will never happen, no way, no how, stop asking."

    I can't say it will happen anymore than I can say it will not. This is why I never let a player tell me what will and will not happen, because the players are NEVER right when it comes to these types of changes...and I do mean never. They are so adamant about it, you would think they actually don't want it to happen.

    If it does, great...looking forward to it, if it does not, then oh well, at least I made my voice heard.

    What really boggles my mind though, is this thread was not about, "PLEASE ADD BLUE LANTERN POWERS NAO!". It was about a tossed around idea of a workaround until/if such a day happens. Yet I have these clowns coming in here and saying, "STOP ASKING!!!" even though I didn't ask. Perhaps a screw is loose with these guys?
  16. rival exe New Player

    Which is a lie. They said we won't have black/white lantern powers. They tried to do blue and it didn't work yet but they said they haven't ruled it out.
  17. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    They don't need villain equivalent because they're neutral and it doesn't matter if they're a tribe or corps or family or whatever you want to call it
  18. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Technically it could work but there are 1 problem with that, the blue lantern opposite is either rage or fear but I DEFINITLY agree, both can heal, both have same constructs. Amazing idea but people would complain that to get a black ring u need to be dead and ur controlled like a puppet. They'll also complain cuz there are no white lanterns.
  19. HoodWarbler New Player

    Stop instigating him. before this thread is brought down by one of the moderators. Also Your apparently new to DCUO. Like some of the people already said the Dev's need the permission of DC. Also the blue lantern ring can't be a style. You can't have it's effects on healing either since that would make it a power.

    Your thread was hard to understand at first but you made it into a puzzle. Which I figured out. Idk what other MMO's you've played but this one ain't like them. Sorry Bud if your not happy with the response it's not my problem
  20. FiveByFive New Player

    blue lanterns aren't healers. that's why they don't want to make them.
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