Blue Lanterns Powers? Easy solution...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Solarverse2 New Player

    Give us Blue Lantern Rings....maybe as a secondary style or something....doesn't have to be that, just a random idea....and allow us to color our own powers like in every other Superpowers MMO.

    Color tint the Celestial Powers to blue, equip your blue ring to your secondary style, then finished.

    May not be real simple, but could be a quick option to allow us the Blue Lantern Effect, along with the Heal Powers everyone expects from a Blue Lantern.

    Granted, it's not a very well thought out idea....but I figure it's worth tossing around anyway.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The idea of coloring super powers was shot down a while ago. For some reason I think it had to do with making it too difficult to tell who was what. Not 100% sure about that though.
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  3. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Blues aren't big on healing as their primary function. I find their abilities a bit more in tuned with quantum blue as is. Though there's nothing to really serve as constructs aside from your WM options combined with the blue energy weapon pack, which makes enough sense since, without a GL nearby, blues can't form complicated constructs anyhow. My Flash clone is quantum, and on his troller side i'm gearing him up for blue lantern clone. Think it'll work pretty well.
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, using power colors for combat messaging is something that they've been big on. Not something I expect to see change soon.

    Besides, if the devs did just go the "recolor another power" route for Blue Lanterns you'd get the inevitable "the devs are being lazy!!!1!1!!!" threads about it. :rolleyes:
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  5. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    They said along time ago that the reason they won't let us change our powers colors was because of pvp they want people to be able to look at someone in a pvp match at a distance and know there power.
  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Why would we get a blue lantern ring as a style, if it' not a power? Rechanging the colors of your power doesnt make sense either, your power is supposed to stand out like that. It would be a hell of a mess otherwise. No, the perfect solution for you is to just drop this blue lantern crap already and accept the fact that the devs turned that down SEVERAL TIMES, along with the colorchange of powers.

    Can we go on to more important stuff now?
  7. Tule New Player

    I would say regenerating a tongue or healing up a hole in someone's chest is pretty primary healing.

    And Hope is the most important thing to talk about.
  8. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Instead of having HL and Rage as two separate powers and having HL be two different colors, I think that they should have just made it all HL and just allowed everyone to pick the color they want for their ring powers. However, I get that it would probably be too difficult.
  9. Solarverse2 New Player

    LOL, so defensive. It was almost like watching a child have a temper tantrum. Very amusing indeed."The Devs said this, the Devs said that...blah blah blah." You are new to MMO's aren't you?

    Devs always say one thing, and then do another, my friend....always. I have heard it all before many times before. Stop getting so offensive whenever somebody posts something you don't like. You are not the authority on these forums to tell people what they should post and what they should not. You are just another mouth with a megaphone on these boards, just like anyone else.

    TL;DR, if you don't like the idea, say you don't. No need to come in here acting like you are in charge....because you are not.
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Ignorantly comparing me to an angry child because I have a point and you lack one doesn't give you any bigger chance at getting what you want here, mister :) When they have officially turned down suggestions several times, including in last keynote speach, and people like you continue to bring these "GIVE ME NAOW" threads to the forums, then one have the right to shoot you down for it. Since you're comparing me to children having temper tantrums, you are reminding me of a spoiled child screaming until he gets that candy for dinner. I'm done with you, you've proven my point.

    Edit: You are so right, I am not in charge, I am refering to several official turndowns FROM those in charge though. Your ignorance just don't want to face any of that, sadly. And by "shoot you down" I simply mean "telling you it's enough", in case you're going sadface on me and try to report me.
  11. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    This won't happen. Unlike other Superhero MMOs this is a licensed property in which the DCUO Dev team needs full and complete approval from DC Comics when dealing with their iconic powers and such.

    DC is very protective of their product and don't want us doing whatever we want with it.

    As to this latest attempt to try and get another Lantern power, sorry there are none on the horizon anytime soon, if ever.
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  12. Solarverse2 New Player

    Interesting. So you *are* new to MMOs...
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  13. Solarverse2 New Player

    Yeah, their official statement (That other feller thinks I don't read those...heh) was something to the affect of, "We have no plans to create any other powers outside of what we currently have to date" which is not a yes or no. See, Developers of MMO's are VERY careful not to give yes or no's, because they know how the typical player is. If for whatever reason they can't make good on an earlier statement, people go nuts. So they have learned over the years, to give answers that are no definates.

    Some players however seem to think that a simple and fun idea tossed around for amusement, equals to "IWANTITNAOW!" or whatever it was he said. I have seen I want it nao threads...and this isn't one of them.
  14. comrade sonya Committed Player

    I think the combat messaging reason is a little silly, players would adapt and pay attention to the power itself rather than the colors. What's the difference between a fire player having blue flames and a martial arts user shooting dual pistols through weapon mastery?

    Even then, they could make colors normal for pvp and in other areas of the game they could be customized.
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  15. Solarverse2 New Player

    That very reason was given for City of Heroes. That reason was talked about before CHampions Online went to Beta. On both didn't matter one...single...bit.

    Gamers are smarter than that. Gamers can adapt faster than anything else on this planet. It's a poor reason to be sure, but I have a feeling it is more of a coding issue than anything else and would take a lot of time to pull off.
  16. comrade sonya Committed Player

    It probably is a coding issue or maybe the ps3 holding it back :(
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Even though many blue lantern animations are already in game, they cannot build a powerset off those animations alone like munitions, serums, and atomic. Sadly it was a choice between 3 new powers, or blue lantern powerset. If the PS3 was gone we can have up to 20 more powersets, but that wont happen until 2019 when PS3 server gets shutdown.
  18. John Brawler Committed Player

    power colors have been wanted, they were never seriously discussed by the devs until after hard light was added, the lantern powers have been a large source of grief thanks to how bad dc is with licensing so you can imagine how they'd react if a "lantern" could change the colors of their power, and if they granted color change to the other powers and not light the players would not be happy. so it's easier in the long run (aswell as less of a legal hassle) to just say no to color changing.
  19. Solarverse2 New Player

    You know, that is probably the first reason I have heard that is against color tinting that actually makes sense. I can see that being a legit reason. So in that case, our best Hope is to simply wait and see if the Devs actually give real consideration to adding Blue Lanterns.
  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Something like that might be more than just a dev decision, though. With the different corps involved, there's a strong possibility that DC would have (or at least want) a say in the matter. That alone could throw a monkeywrench into the kind of plan you laid out.
  21. Solarverse2 New Player

    If the case may be that Lanterns will never get Hope powers, then I will be all for this idea. However...

    I am in an all Lantern League. We have Tanks, we have DPS, we have Trollers. We only have two Healers, my healer being the highest (as far as I am aware). So there is that one guy, (me) who is a "Blue Lantern" who uses Celestial. It would be nice to actually have a real Hope power set that we could add in to our Lantern League, which is a true Lantern Power Set. I created my healer just in case such a day ever happens. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    But...if Hope is simply NEVER going to make it to the game, then I would be all for your idea.
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