Birds of Prey Teaser: Black Canary

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    Okay so stop criticizing my post and blame me for giving my opinion every time I post something, do as you said the devs will do, roll your eyes and move on.

    Okay, there was a problem with the interpretation caused by the translation of this sentence.
    What I tried to express was something like (and I don't know if this new translation will get the idea across) but it was:
    I believe that, like me, all fans of Black Canary would like to see the classic look retexturized because, for a long time a good portion of them commented on this, mainly in the game chats.
    The way it was translated into English really gives the impression that I speak for a group, but that was not the idea when I switched the text to another language.
    For this translation error I apologize.
  2. Kuno Loyal Player

    I guess everyone was expecting Rebirth versions of both Huntress and Black Canary.
    They both look great, I have to see Canary in game because I feel like she is missing something, maybe details in the belt or the jacket and Im not sure Im feeling her face but she specially was needing this NPC update. Overall is an improvement.
    A bangs hairstyle would have been great it available to us, we are seriously in due of it.
  3. C Level Active Player

    Nice!! I'm in favor of the character updates.
    Looks good.
  4. Wildcat Committed Player

    okay okay any new teaser?

    whos next? Batgirl? ;)
  5. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    This looks like mid 2000's Britney Spears ..
    • Like x 2
  6. Kal El Level 30

    Estan mejores los modelos de DC Legends y eso que ya no lo juego hace un buen rato:






    Y un personaje en especial que siempre me ha parecido atractiva desde que la vi en las caricaturas y que el diseño Rebirth le quitó el encanto y el atractivo:


    Y si van a agregar Leyendas pongan los diseños viejos.
  7. Phoenix Five Active Player

  8. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Please make a non-fishnet version of her shorts available. Been hoping for a good pair of plain non-bulky (that means not Schoolyard) non-booty (that means not Noble Warrior) shorts for one of my characters.
  9. an81angel Well-Known Player

  10. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Not a fan. You've made her look like a biker chick without tattoos. Combat boots? I was hoping you would change her top from the way she looked in the LoA DLC...looked like she had body paint on, and kept thinking "How does she keep those in? Thumbtacks," But this looks sorta lame. Liked the old leather jacket better than this semi-Lobo studs and chrome . Matter of taste
  11. Dwild Well-Known Player

    I much preferred the look that was shown on the original teaser cover with the whole squad. The black undershirt with out any open cleavage was good...still sexy, clearly she's a lot of woman but you don't absolutely need skin showing. The shorts are ok, the jacket...looks too much like something she got off the rack at a Goth fashion outlet store.
  12. Isif Committed Player

    Everyone and their grandmother seems to have a creative vision for Canary. I welcome any updates to the game overall. Texture and character updates are a good thing folks. Hopefully, those boots are an item that will be available for our characters. It is nice to see a "classic" version of a combat boot. I hope the story is as slick as the character updates. Maybe the attention to detail and space from the last DLC means that we will get something extra special from this DLC. Keep up the good work yall.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No, DC Comics updated their printed characters in the recent continuity. DCUO is just catching up with their new looks.

    • Like x 1
  14. Dauntless II New Player

    I don't like the wide spaced 'fishnets' or the hotpants, it doesn't sit well on the model. It just looks painted and off.
  15. Phoenix Five Active Player

    I don't know about the biker chick thing.....
    Anywho, I've tried to Adobe Photoshop the Pink Canary together.
    What do you guys think about that?

  16. Eve YouTuber

    You should upload it through Imgur or something, I can't see anything.
  17. Phoenix Five Active Player