Betty Boop vs. Shirley Temple...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by willi3bx, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. willi3bx Committed Player

    what you think?
  2. Ace1 Dedicated Player

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  3. Critics New Player

  4. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    betty's big head
  5. LV~ New Player

    Betty Boop got dat tech yo.

    She been inna lab workin' it out.
  6. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Shirley Temple will tap dance all over Betty Boops.
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  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    That's horrible!! LOLOL
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  8. myandria Item Storage

    Hmmm....that's like comparing an adult to a child, since Shirley Temple movies appealed to families while Betty Boop cartoon were targeted towards adults...
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  9. SuperBell Loyal Player

    :O is that a photoshop or something weird taken out of context?

    Also, um, what?
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  10. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    Umm, this is kind of an apples and oranges thing.

    Now a more likely debate would be (staying old school) Betty vs. May West
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  11. Black House New Player

    Actually it's Betty Boop Versers Betty Paige (look her up Iprobably shouldn't post links to her here), and if you know the histoy this thread is just creepy.

    Bill Bailey Vs Shirley Temple now thats a FIGHT!

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  12. Black Panther New Player

    I'll take a Shirley Temple hold the cherry.