Better movement: Flight or Super Speed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ArkonAWOL, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Hiya everyone! I'm new to this game, installing it now actually. I play a lot of competitive fighting games so this sure is a change!

    I just wanted to know what's better: Super Speed or Flight? I really, REALLY want to get flight but I'm not sure how compatible it is with some of the powers. Super Speed also sound pretty overpowered for battle imo.

    I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Also, what powers/abilities can I use in the air? I'm going for villain if that helps.
  2. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Cmon guys :( I'm about to pick my character lmao
  3. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Hiya ArkonAWOL,
    Flight is an excellent movement to have if you intend to focus on the abilities that come with your actually power trees. It lacks the combat effectiveness of Super Speed when it comes to the abilities in the flight tree, but the movement mode itself is a lot easier to use and makes traversing the game smoother and less of a headache.

    Super Speed is really good for clipping from power ablilities to movement abilities, its damaging abilities are top notch, however using speed as a movement can be a headache sometimes as it can disorient you when going upside down and the movement scheme inverts.

    As for powers to use in the air, flight often times prevents you from jump canceling, so if you intend to use sustained abilities and jump out of them to avoid being countered, use speed. All other powers work fine in the air, but being in the air does not allow you to evade attacks, all enemies can still hit you regardless of you being air borne or not.

    Hope my input makes your deciscion easier, and if you need any help from a veteran villain, my IGN is kaleb57 and I'm on USPS
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  4. Bo Wiccan Well-Known Player

    Super speed is better in a fight, especially when it comes to end game content.

    In my opinion, flight is only good foe convenience.

    I made all my toons flight but am slowly changing the to super speed.

    Hope this helps.
  5. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Thank you so much Kaleb! I actually like things that are harder to use, makes me feel more accomplished when I master it! :D Your input helped a lot. I would ask for help but I don't know what I need help with xD I havent got in-game yet. What's USPS?

    While we're at it. Would a melee weapon (like dual swords) be good for SS? What powers and weapons and things like that would be good for Speed? I'm not sure :/
  6. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Thanks Wi :) That did help!
  7. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Also, sorry for the triple post: What in the name of pete is acrobats? lol
  8. Lokkii Committed Player

    Flight is turrible.
  9. Caleus New Player

    Flight IMO is indisputably awful.

    Acrobats is wall climbing, gliding, parkour like stuff.

    Edit: I forgot to add that Acrobats includes using grapple lines to get close to walls or climb walls faster.
  10. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Oh, okay! What's the best weapon style?
  11. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Weapon and power are all a matter of preference, although Handblasters, speed and fire look pretty cool together.
  12. ArkonAWOL New Player

    Look cool as in aesthetics or? I've heard Ice is the best PVP power lol. I'm the type to pick up a fighting game and learn the best top tier character XD
  13. Caleus New Player

    Top tier in this game is too Dependant on your skill and gear alone.

    We can tell you Ice is top tier but you won't know exactly how not how to utilize it yourself, I recommend picking a power that looks interesting to you and develop on it.
  14. Doorgod551 New Player

    super-speed + light or electricity or if u dont have them mental is great
  15. Stone Flyer New Player

    What I have is flight and earth I tried other characters with different powers but I've really enjoyed earth, flying, and one-handed
  16. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    flight is best for pve, ss, and acrobatics are better for pvp and other stuff.