Best Raid, Alert, and Duo of All Time!?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I love threads like these.

    It's hard for me to choose. There are either ones I hate or I love.

    For best raid(s) I would say:

    BRAINIAC SUB-CONSTRUCT. The mission, the setting, the bosses (especially the last ones) and even the music are awesome.

    Honorable Mentions: Assault and Battery, Olympus, Paradox Wave, Nexus.

    Best Alert(s):

    HIVE MOON BASE. Probably not one many would mention but I like it because there is a lot of open space and we're on the MOON.

    Honorable Mentions: Act of Defiance, Family Reunion, Brothers In Arms.

    Best Duo(s):

    SUPPLY LINES. I really liked the environment. The length was nice too.

    Honorable Mentions: Wayne Malor Gala, Metropolis City Hall, Flashback Duo.

    The only solo I liked was the Catwoman one.

    Does Anniversary Event count as seasonal? If so, then it's my favorite. Otherwise it would be the Summer or Valentines one.
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  2. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    This is my favourite based on how hard it is and ho funny it is.

    Solo: I have a tight in this one, Bizarro and Huntress solo were pretty good. But Huntress is abit in my opinion superior.
    Duo: Saddly at the moment i dont remenber any epic duo.
    Alert: Fatal Exams (That big fan is very fun:D) Even thought i have no ideia how the 2 boss mechanics works xd.
    Raid: Darkside War Factory (was and is so freaking hard, but is epic)
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  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    All of this^ Very similar to my favorites.
  4. Controller Devoted Player

    I'd vote Gates of Tartarus and Assault and Battery for the raids - as far as overall enjoyment.

    The musical scores for Gates, especially - was AWESOME. I'll never forget my first few times through it.

    A & B gives a TRUE sense of urgency with it's musical score.

    Gotham Zoo raid is beautiful and challenging.

    Darkseid's War Factory gets an honorable mention here - I doubt that it gets many votes because of its INSANE difficulty but daybreak outdid themselves with its construction.

    To be honest I can't think of ANY OTHER raid that gave me as great a sense of satisfaction after beating it - especially ELITE DWF.

    They TRULY did one of the greatest Villians - Marvel or otherwise - some justice. Can't wait to see Darkseid RETURN (HINT HINT DAYBREAK)......

    Alerts? I love Fatal Exams and it's puzzles. ROTB is fun as well as challenging.

    Duos? Wayne Manor Gala.
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  5. Controller Devoted Player

    Completely forgot the Family Reunion AND Brothers in Arms alerts - BOTH were well-done.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    More answers, please. :)
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  7. Batman1979 Level 30

    I love the Iconic Anomaly solos, and would love to see more of them. Batman hunting down the Joker after kidnapping Robin, ala Jason Todd, Superman and Zod on Krypton, using the Krypton map from Brothers in Arms, etc. Iconic, comic book styled instances that are fun and entertaining, and compelling, solo wise. Even turning stuff like this into a duo would be awesome.
  8. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    While I wouldn't call them best because they are my own opinion, I would call them my favorite.

    Favorite Duo: Supply Lines. I loved the fact I felt involved in a duo where I have to do objectives and help rally the troops and take control of the warehouses. Yes you could skip a portion of it, but it felt less like the boring old duos we've had before where we kill adds and go to boss and not realize what we are even doing there in the first place. NPC Dialog in duos are key to victory. With that being said however, give us a way to move past the NPC Dialog when say, it's our 100th run through.

    Favorite Alert: Fatal Exams. This has to be one of the greats in my opinion. I love how involved everyone has to be (seeing the trend here?) in order to get past bosses and certain rooms. I also love hearing Granny as she tells you you failed a test but you can still make up for it.

    Favorite Raid: Batcave: Inner Sanctum. Tons of objectives, tons of Non Boss NPC that have mechanics you can't simply blast through. For example, the NeurOmacs stun anyone in their radius. Eye Drones draining power from anyone in their sights, Shield Armors shielding themselves and if there were more than one you had to separate them. The bosses were more about mechanics as well and not just tanking and spanking. It was a lot of hell to get through them at tier but they were the most fun I had in a raid.

    Favorite Seasonal: Christmas Seasonal. Hands down the best seasonal. I love how the music changes in Gotham/Metro. I love how both cities are decorated appropriately for the season. I love that we rescue the kids' presents from none other than Agent Orange himself. Aside from that, they always never let me down when it comes to styles, or base items. 10/10.
  9. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Here are the ones I like:
    Solo=Circe's Trial
    Duo=Corrupted Zamaron
    Alert=Rip in Time
    Raid=Darkseid's War Factory ( I also like Gates of Tartarus)
  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Since you've read this thread. What's your favorites from OPs question?

    All of them is not a good answer. :)
  11. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Well, for anyone who missed me, i'm back from a long trip (Mepps gave me it for free). Going directly to the point:
    Raid: Dox, ToD and UM. Not sure which one is my favorite, but probably ToD is the best one
    Alert: I liked the Oa/Mogo alert with Larfleeze (can't remember the name) and the Hand of Fate one
    Duo: Ruined Cathedral and Knightsdome Arena
    Solo: Aegis of Truth and the Circe one
  12. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    See, the people behind DCUO are obviously more than capable of creating great content. Despite what naysayers say (and Im one of them sometimes), DCUO has some very fun instances whether they're new or old.

    For example, good old instances would be: Brothers In Arms, Paradox Wave, Knightsdome Arena. Each of these are at least 4 years old.

    Darkseid War Factory, Olympus, Rise of The Bat, and Wayne Manor Gala are very entertaining instances as well. Not to mention they look nice, especially Olympus and Wayne Manor.
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  13. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I know it wasn't in the OP but I also want to add in some open worlds.

    Metropolis Battlezone (War of The Light 1-2) has awesome open world. Probably my favorite. Large space and although it was just a rehashed version of Metropolis it looked very nice with all of the lanterns in the air. Only thing I would improve are the bounties.

    War-Torn Area 51. This was also a well done open world. Area 51 has always been a favorite area of mine and the actvies and mobs were pretty fun for simple NPCs. The bounty was great too, we need more of those. My only complaint is that it simply wasn't large enough and I wish we could do all of the missions in Area 51 because I didn't really like War-Torn Village.

    Gotham Wastelands. Pretty much the same as War-Torn Area 51, would have been great if it were larger.

    Honorable Mentions: Anniversary Event, Starro Event. Both had enjoyable open worlds to me with strong NPCs. Only thing I disliked about the Anniversary Event was probably the lack of true variety and the size. Only thing I didnt like about Starro was that the adds were incredibly annoying.
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'll have to think about the other categories, but my favorite alerts by a large measure are Family Reunion and Brothers-In-Arms. Amazing jobs done with Alternate Gotham and Alternate Metropolis. (It's hard to believe these have yet to be re-used; of course, I've waited all these years for the superb Smallville area to be used again, and only now am getting it.)

    Even the interior of Lex's office's in Gotham is awesome, and I love the Easter egg recordings (although everyone rushes off too quickly to bother listening to them, which makes me put on my sad face).

    Just about everything about these two alerts is great.

    Smallville is probably my third favorite alert. But I have to say that I love most of the alerts (not always the players, alas): Trigon, Area 51, ROTB, both versions of Oolong, Bludhaven, and many more.

    I tend to favor alerts set at least partially outdoors; I dislike the claustrophobic feel of always being in tunnels and hallways, although hallways at least tend to be faintly more interesting than another boulder.

    Not so great iterations of alerts tend to be those that went on far too long; Arkham Asylum used to be extremely tedious before it was largely nerfed, despite having four sets of adds; it used to take forever, and the constant pulls were just annoying. Outer Caverns still goes on far too long for my taste (both alert and raid), and Inner Sanctum is just annoying with all that buffeting -- or at least to used to be; I haven't run it in ages to see if it has changed.

    Some alerts I just find dull, like Star Labs and Hall of Doom Armory.

    I'll come back later when I've thought more about how I rank at least some of the raids, duos, and solos.

    Regarding solos, I should say that first of all that although I like instanced solos and would NOT want to see them go away, I particularly like open-air solo areas where we can do something productive while waiting for a queue to pop or a group to assemble. A mix of both is ideal.

    And I tend to favor all solo, duo, 4-person, and 8-person Operations that vary in location, over those set in a single instance, for reasons that should be obvious, which boils down to more variety, as well as at least sometimes getting into the "open air."
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  15. Controller Devoted Player

    Must revisit these old instances somehow...

    Forgot about Smallville alert - another great one.

    The best part of Smallville was when Green Arrow and the gang show up..

    "The Justice League has arrived".........AWESOME. Seeing THAT for the first time was cool.
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  16. Controller Devoted Player

    Demon's Plan alert must be given some consideration.

    The banter between Green Arrow, R'as and Black Canary is HILARIOUS.
  17. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I gotta know. Which are your favorites?? I’m betting on Gates as the Raid, Brothers in Arms as Alert, And Themy duos
  18. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Raid: My pick would probably be Gates of Tartarus - lots of fun mechanics and good moments, people can't easily race ahead and leave others behind, has an epic feel.
    I also like Bombshell Paradox, but only because of the setting. I find the final boss fight mildly annoying.
    Any raid that has choke points to keep idiots from running ahead is a good raid. If a player can spark the boss fight while the others are still battling adds half the map back, then I hate the raid/alert/duo.

    Alert: For sheer amount of stuff to do, Arkham Asylum. It's just a big plate of fun. I particularly enjoyed being able to solo it - though I haven't tried it since the revamp so I don't know if it's still possible.
    I'm also a fan of Trigon's Prison and The Demon's Plan.

    Duo: I really liked Raising Hades, and it gets the top vote for me by a slim margin.
    I also liked all three Sons of Trigon duos, especially since I ran them as solos before realizing they were duos. Shady Nightclub was also good, because you never really had any idea who you are going to face.

    Solo: I prefer all the solos to all the group content, except for the iconic missions, which I hate (why would I want to play an iconic character when I've put ALL this effort into making my own character???). But if I had to pick a best? Hrm... probably Gotham University Warehouse. It took me a number of tries to complete it the first time and it has a nice range of different challenges. For a long time I hated it, but it's one I keep coming back to.
    Iceberg Lounge is probably a close second, just because of the pure silliness of it.

    Seasonal: I like Halloween because of the base items. For sheer joy, I like the Summer Seasonal because I'm a long time Aquaman fan.

    Open World: Gotham Wastelands, because it's so creepy. I mean, you feel the weight of the horror when you recognize a particular piece of architecture from the regular Gotham. It's a very well done remake of Gotham.
    I like pretty much every open world and want to see lots and lots more. I even enjoyed the Earth-3 open world during the few minutes I've spent on the test server. Visually, War Torn Village is GORGEOUS, but I wish we could explore more of it and fly over the castle.
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  19. Batmatt Active Player

    Assault and battery raid, star labs alert, shady nightclub duo
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  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Raids: FOS 3, Prime, Wave, Throne, DWF. They're all equal for me.

    Alerts: phantom zone elite, lots of mechanics makes it fun and engaging. None of the regular alerts I really like.

    Duos: unfortunately none, I never really likes duos. Not sure what it is, maybe not climatic enough for me? They're all usually quick burns that require no thinking.