Best Power For Roles?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by TOOF7LTHY, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. TOOF7LTHY New Player

    Hey im new just going to start playing today! I played back in the day like 6 years ago never since. I'm wondering which powers are best for making these roles.

    1. Best Tank
    2. Best Pure dps
    3. Best Healer
    4. Best for bossing
    5. Best for raids/dungeons
    6. Eaiest to gear?

    Iunno if these are even relevant I'm going to be using that buff that gives u a character to cr200 or w.e it is and do not want to waste it.
    On a side note can you play everything in this game going straight f2p?
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  2. L T Devoted Player

    Welcome to the game!

    Let me start with the last question first. No. Absolutely not. The game's trend is to rely more and more on the broker to obtain things, and use of the broker is severely limited as free to play or even premium. What you wind up with is an increasingly broken experience where even if you purchase episodes you're still limited. By all means try out the game-- it's really fun-- but expect that at some point you'll probably want to subscribe.

    As for the rest:

    1) rage, followed by Earth. Ice is the best free tank power.
    2) probably Rage, but most of the power sets are pretty close. Gadgets, Nature, and Fire are probably the best free DPS powers.
    3) all the healers are pretty balanced. Water and Electric are my personal favorites, Sorcery and Nature are both good though.
    4) not sure what you mean. Best dps against a single enemy? Probably Fire, Celestial , or Gadgets.
    5) all of my previous answers have raids in mind. Every power set does fine in solo and open world content.
    6) the way gear works now they are all easy to gear up

    Good luck!
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  3. Brit Loyal Player

    Strictly my personal tastes, but I am going to spin it in a way that these are not just the "best", but also the most "new player friendly" powersets. These are ones that perform well, and have smaller learning curves, so that there is less punishment during the initial learning period. Essentially, since any powerset can fulfill their role in any content and be successful, "best" isn't so much "performs better than the others" so much as it is "does the same job, but does it a lot easier."

    Best Tank: Ice. Ice is a strong Tank set, fully capable of doing anything in the game. Ice is also very new-player friendly, and a great one to learn the basic tanking mechanics through. While something like Rage is slightly better in the right hands, Rage is also very unforgiving of mistakes, whereas Ice has a much more user-friendly margin for error while you're learning.

    Best DPS: Electric. Electric DPS is not only very powerful, but also very simple in it's rotations. And as an added benefit, Electric Healing is actually pretty dang good too, so if you get bored with DPS, this is one of the few powersets where I find both roles are both good performing and not overly difficult to master.

    Best Healer: It kills my heart to say it, but Electric. I've been a Nature Healer for years, but Electric has the 8-person Shield Supercharge, and Supercharge has become increasingly more important in recent Episodes. Electric requires you to be a little more johnny-on-the-spot than the heal-over-time healer sets, so something like Nature is a lot easier to learn, but Nature decidedly falls off in the endgame.

    Best for Bosses/Raids: These questions are framed slightly wrong. Raids are 90% about the bosses in DCUO; it isn't like certain other MMOs where you have to waste an hour fighting through hallways of trash to get to the boss. So essentially Best for Raids and Best for Bosses are the same, but they do split in a different way. Best Single Target and Best Group Fighting. For example, Electric is great DPS and great healing, but requires adds to really do it's job to it's fullest capacity. Whereas a Gadgets Weapon Expert will deal remarkable single target damage on a single boss, but lag behind when it comes to fights with a bunch of adds. If you want the most versatile powerset for group content, I'd say probably Earth, which deals solid damage for both AE and single target, and also has viable Tanking that can be swapped in should your Tank die or a specific fight require 2 tanks.

    Easiest to Gear: All classes gear in essentially the exact same way. About the only difference you're going to find in the gearing process will happen with Skill Point allotment, which is not a dropped form of gear. And with Skill Point allotment, either a straight Might DPS or a straight Restoration Healer are probably the "easiest", whereas Tanks and Controllers often need to balance placement in different catagories.

    Minor Comment: If you're looking to get into serious endgame content, one thing you did not ask was about Role. Tanks seem to be the most rare role to find, with groups having the greatest need for them. However, Tanks also take the brunt of the damage, and in a bad group, the brunt of the deaths, which means for a free-play player they really suffer on the repair front. In my opinion, the role with the least amount of pressure while learning is DPS, because you have other players also fulfilling the role, to help make up the difference if you're not quite up to par. In contrast, if a Healer or Tank is making mistakes, often people just die and then the group wipes. When a DPS makes mistakes, in most cases, you can still be successful, just slower. So a Tank will give you the easiest time finding a group, but a DPS will have the easiest time actually being in the group.
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  4. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    1. tank: rage, hands down and by an overwhelming majority. with maybe earth coming in a close second because ice isn't all that great at healing and atomic has too many super charges to be useful without an artifact.
    2. best pure dps: rage, hardlight, and gadgets right now are tied 3 ways based on most people's opinions i've seen and what i've seen damage wise myself.
    3. best healer would probably go to celestial as nature has only a 4 man shield and sorcery comes in at about a close second tying with water.
    4. best for bossing: probably goes to hardlight as it has some great debuffs that double as burst damages as well as is self profficient and sufficient enough to shield and heal themselves as well.
    5. raids and alerts: ice, fire, hardlight, rage, water, nature, electricity basically anything aoe as raids typically focus on large mobs and if it has a nice single target that's a plus.
    6.any controller/tank role as they have a widespread availability in the early non vendor tier missions. or at least that's what i usually get as a healer XD.

    just a disclaimer i don't want to hear "well i do well with so and so powerset it can't be THAT bad." because that's subjective opinion, i'm answering the questions based on wider observation and objective analysis.
  5. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    1. Best Tank - Ice
    2. Best Pure dps - Ice
    3. Best Healer - don't need it, it's Ice
    4. Best for bossing - Ice
    5. Best for raids/dungeons - Ice
    6. Eaiest to gear? - I repeat = Ice
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  6. Xibo Loyal Player

    1. Ice, because is the easiest Tank power;
    2. Earth, because is 3rd more strong and is the easiest DPS power;
    3. All healing powers are balanced, you can choose whatever you want;
    4. Quantum, because does melee damage in range rotations and has the strongest SC 5000 in game;
    5. Nature;
    6. Earth;
  7. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    1. Rage, because it is.
    2. Rage, no one can beat rage melee!
    3. Rage, i can self heal, even better then a healer.
    4. Rage, because i can use prec and spam 3 scs at same time, it works in plan, but boy 3 160 artifacts for that magic.(I only have 1;_;, so i cant proper test it;_;)
    5. Rage, because you can do as you want and die as much you want, you are immortal! you must belive! yOU GOTTA SHARE THAT ANGER!:3
    6. Rage, because who gear anyway?
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  8. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Do you think this because of Brick?
  9. L T Devoted Player

    Yes. As others have said, Ice is a bit easier. But Earth is almost as easy as Ice.
  10. Lugo Well-Known Player

    But jackhammer is so fun :(
  11. JKwak Well-Known Player

    7.Rage, because red vomit on the floor
    i think i play my Rage character more often after your post, thanks for reminding me how awesome Rage is
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  12. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i find it ironic that so many people call ice easy or forgiving, seeing as it only has one heal which is a super charge. then again there is quite a bit of apparent bias in this thread so far. yes rage has a rage crash aspect, however i see this as a mechanic to keep it from being blood death knights from WoW. if you've never seen a blood death knight in action you need to.
  13. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    May I ask, for the number 4, how is it possible to do rage precision and be able to use 3 Scs, what is the specific loadout and artifact to make this possible?
  14. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    Like I said it needs testing;_; and sadly I can't afford yet to test it xd. But it should work in theory.
    So you should use the following artifacts:
    • Venom Wrist Dispenser[160]
    • Eye of Geminie[160]
    • Scrap of the Soul Cloak(it must be 160, but like I said I need to test it, at the moment mine is 120'ish and my sc bar is like 12500)
    So the idea would be to clip:
    • neo venom boost(45%output damage) - 5000 sc
    • berserker(double damage, it was nerfed so let's say 1.5x damage), - 5000sc
    • infuriate(50% damage) - 5000sc
    As you can see, you would be a 1trick rage dps. This would work amazing for scenarios like breaking US shield, for example.
    Compared to other dpses rage as prec is kind of meeh, you would only be able to keep up/beat them in this clip everything moments and you only useful when you have your sc full. So half of the time you are trash:3 However infuriate is kind of good, specially when your healer is deadly dead, because heals group based on the damage dealt. So u have that utility aspect of it, for the times you not being rambo:3
    This kind of thing would work like a charm in Hive Master boss. Hey, the dude came out! Don't worry guys i got this, 30seconds later. What he already out? But bosses like crown e, wouldn't be so op.
  15. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    I just confirmed and you indeed can use 3 sc's at 5000 cost each if your scarp is level 160
  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Everything Nature except for tank. Though Savage Growth keeps adds in check pretty good.
  17. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    #3.... yes, Rage can self heal. Key word there is "self". Rage does not heal the group, just themselves. And since we're now on the topic of 'self' heals for Rage... How's that Rage crash working for you? Accidently forget to hit your Rage stopper? BOOM!!! You go from full health to death; no save, no healing, nothing to keep it from happening. Even with your fancy new (mitigate the damage) artifact... you still need to heal somehow; and without a healer there... you are toast. And what about the four seconds (or so) where you are not able to be in Rage between combos? How's your healing there?

    I don't mean to be ripping on Rage specifically. Fire has some nice 'self heals' available too, but, "Self" heals are not what healing is about. There are 4 roles for a reason. Raids benefit most from the group mentality, not the lone wolf mentality.
  18. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    You realy need to take, a better look, before saying such things bro. Im a rage healer!

    And yes you also have the fancy self heal:3
  19. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I have seen some of those 'Rage Healers'. All that your 'infuriate' power is, is a slight step up from the white weapon socket mod that heals peeps when you hit enemies. That isn't a group heal.... that's a:
    "Here you go folks, have a thimbleful of water to quench your thirst. I know you've been working hard all day in the hot sun, but this thimbleful of water is awesome. It's way better than that Igloo cooler full of water the healer is dispensing by the glassful, and the wonderful cold wash cloths the troller is handing out" If my munitions DPS pops soders like a mofo … and winds up with more 'power out' and 'damage taken' and 'healing out' than the healer, tank, and troll … does that mean my munitions toon is an OP healer tank troll dps? Or, does it mean the scoreboard is a liar? :)

    However, while Rage does have good points to it; it is not a multifaceted, one power to do all and be all. None of the power sets are. It is set up so that a group of peeps run the content with a diverse group of powers/roles.

    To the Original Poster of this thread:
    I would recommend trying each of the different power sets to find one that works best for you. Each power has it's perks and pitfalls, and each player has different ways of dealing with the power sets. I myself stink at Atomic, but I've seen some Atomic players that are untouchable as tanks. Same with Gadgets. I don't have the hang of it... but I know some peeps that do phenomenal single target damage with it. Find a power you like :)
  20. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    You a healer too! You must believe! Also, rotate those clothes between everyone else, we don't want them to catch a cold:3 Also rage inst obvious a healer I was being funny, although I will show u a video to see how good that heal can be. Is the only ability that healed everyone in the 1st boss. Although my rage dps wasn't at its best, you could see that it healed 40-50% of the group. (Infuriate heals based on the amount of damage dealt)
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