Behind the Scenes: Day of Reckoning

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Daily Planet Reports, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Sorry for being off topic... but I was wondering, are Lantern trinkets in demand in the US? Batman or Star Wars, or Superman probably yes, but Lanterns? I was just curious...

    To be honest, I find it hard to believe even in a new ally of the "Blue Lantern", even in an Artifact, not to mention a new powerset... but maybe at least an Accessory ring... or a supply drop in the form of blue lanterns... in the end, I did get a statue of Circe...:) an ice one...:confused:
  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Right now a LOT of people on Youtube.... on the Forums.... and on Discord think there will be a new Blue Lantern Power thanks to Al at the end of the video.

    My comment is to manage people's expectations of getting a new Blue Lantern Power.

    Al might be hinting at something.... but it certainly is not a Blue Lantern Power.
    And Al being the new guy..... maybe does not realise that ending his video the way he did convinced many people that a Blue Lantern Power is coming up.

    Tuesday we will be able to talk about this some more. ;)
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    Star Wars hasn't been in demand for the past.... 5 years??

    As for Green Lantern.....

    When the Green Lantern movie was coming up..... stores had a LOT of Green Lantern merch.
    And when the Green LAntern movie was a disaster.... stores were stuck with a LOT of Green LAntern merch they could not sell. :(

    So later when we got the Green LAntern Animated Series.... no one wanted merch for the series since they were already stuck with merch from the film.

    No idea if stores are still not selling Green Lantern merch.
    Although there seems to be Green LAntern merch... toys... rings on Amazon..... so..... there is Green LAntern mech but not sure if there is any in stores??

    As for the accessory..... ally....... supply drop???..... we will know Tuesday. ;)
  4. Grim931 Committed Player

    I was reading "AL" as "A.I." this entire time and I was beyond confused at how you thought it was ai generated...

    It's been a long day.

    Anyway, back to the topic, I'm excited to see where this new direction is headed. Hopefully they live up to the expectations that the Producer's Letter set up. I have hope that they can start making some strides in the right direction.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This is soooo AWESOME!!!

    I am sooo looking forward to the story! And the artwork, OH WOW, the artwork!

    YES! YES! YES!
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  6. Lugo Well-Known Player

    it's like they just figured out that if theyre gonna recycle assets they could do it more creatively than just doing tiny bottled city metropolis and gotham crap open world redos over and over

    is there finally an artist somewhere in there or what

    edit: and i hope youre all overthinking the blue lantern thing. they shouldn't do new powers until all the current ones look and feel better
  7. KidKretz Committed Player

    if someone takes the advice in the video and actually looks around and enjoys the scenery, any promises that the group wont kick them for "doing nothing"

    asking for a friend ;)
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    That is something I enjoy doing, just exploring the open world and looking around, but I get lost Apokolips Gotham..., still...
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  9. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Unless I missed something, they're going live with this without beta testing?
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  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    It's been a few years since I paid attention to this stuff but if I remember correctly (and remember there is always the possibility I am not!) "Green Lantern" is DCs biggest money making property after Batman and Superman (who are #1 and 2 by a large margin).

    While people are clamoring for a new power set I've always advocated for expanding our existing power sets by giving us a few new moves. Maybe new, more generalized supercharges that everyone can use.

    Mostly I just wanted to say I want Doom Patrol content.
  11. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah when we got Green Lantern Rebirth.....
    Then The Green LAntern/Sinestro Corps War
    Then Blackest Night

    Green Lantern pretty much became DC's best seller after Batman.
    It's not an accident if BAtman and Green Lantrern did not change and kept the same continuity with the Nu52.

    DC did not want to change and mess up their best selling titles.
    Although they did mess it up after a while.... but that is besides the point.

    So The Big 3 at DC for a while were Batman Green Lantern and Superman.

    I know people think the Trinity is BAtman Superman and Wonder Woman....

    Wonder Woman is iconic... she is part of popular culture....
    Everyone knows who WW is....
    But number wise..... not really.

    Heck I see it whenever I make WW videos...
    My best WW video has 13k views.
    As opposed to Flash or GL with 50K views.

    So for a while the Real Trinity was Batman Superman and Green LAntern.

    But... the Green LAntern movie pretty much did put an end to that.

    With the Flash TV show..... Flash pretty much replaced Green Lantern as the third member of the Trinity.
    Heck we see it in game..... Lots of Flashes running around.

    So for a while the Real Trinity was Batman Superman and the Flash.

    The last few Seasons of the Flash TV show did hurt the Flash.... and so did the Film.

    Although despite that.,.... I would say that the Real Trinity is still Batman Superman and the Flash......
    but only because there is not really any other character that could replace the Flash right now.

    What say you??
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I'm going to snoop around and look at their sales figures over the past few years. Wouldn't surprise me to see the Flash firmly in "third place" but if not he's certainly a solid fourth. I'm also not taking other properties that aren't mainstream super hero comics into account. Sandman and Preacher always outperformed non Superman/Batman titles but a lot of that also has to do with the "star power" of their writers. Anything Ennis touches tends to sell like crazy.
  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    What he has on his finger at the end of the video is one of the rings DC sold or gave away as a promo, some time back. Or maybe a 3d-printed repro of it.
  14. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

    IMPORTANT AND URGENT NOTE: Please advertise the game, EU Server needs new players. And especially Tanks are having a hard time in the game, so we can't find Tanks in raids. Strengthen Tanks. Strengthen them even more. And now I'm getting to the most important topic, Merge US and EU Servers urgently because EU Server is about to die. Please someone hear my voice and write me an answer. I'm making game videos about DCUO on my channel, new players are coming from my videos. But I'm not enough. I'm waiting for a return. Regards... Active player since 2011. DCUO EU Server TURKEY League Leader FazlaBakmaKafaYapar
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  15. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    First, don't use big, red fonts! It's like if you screamed into people's faces. Just dumb.

    Second, no need to merge servers. The latency for us, eu players would be terrible. It wouldn't solve anything but making the game worse.

    Third, there are many tanks in the game. You just put half of the server to your ignore list and the rest put you to ignore. So nearly no one wants to play with you for reason. So stop crying please, it's your fault.

    Fourth, no one cares of your dumb videos (but it's relative, I have to admit) or your league where you play god and kick new players with dumb reasons. And you're 2019 player not 2011, what's the point to lie? I don't get it.
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  16. Diegoelunico Level 30

    I just hope we get better content and animations, and not seeing the same recycled scenarios from the past 14 years of DCUO.
    There are raids where you need to split the team in two groups and both groups must do their best for the whole team to move forward in the raid to reach final boss. I miss those days in DCUO.
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  17. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    It looks so cool
  18. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    But why would they not be able to directly manage expectations themselves by replying? Either way, its going to be a disappointment for most players - even if its a new powerset, because a lot of players won't be able to enjoy it fully due to ranked up Artifacts/Allies that may not fit the powerset or even gear/augments for a different role.

    Also, a new powerset would probably be slightly undertuned by default and enhanced through artifacts and allies now. So, all in all, I don't see any of the hope being reasonable and it was probably just a hint of Blue Lanterns that have a part in the story or in the upcoming stories. Similar to how they set up Perpetua an Episode prior to when she actually appeared.
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  19. Knavion Active Player

    I think it would be fair to remember that these expectations regarding a hypothetical new power of Blue Lantern, was generated by them. Let's remember that little clip last December 24 where it was described: " Oh! A playful jewel from the sky has come to greet us in apocalyptic Gotham City! Perhaps a good omen just in time for the holidays? Make a wish! "

    And now this moment showing a blue ring and quoting the end of Blue Lanterm Oath? Maybe it's a joke but it's something not created from the player community. ;)

    But as you rightly say, let's wait until next Tuesday and beyond to see what surprises are in store. For the moment I am excited about this new chapter!
  20. 7vddah New Player

    Ngl I can’t be the only one who wants a new speedster trail at least probably not this one but for the next dlc we NEED a new trail like the old one in the beta that was cool but something different would be awesome.