Battle Roles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lordexecution365, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I am wondering if I could balance my troll hit harder with a hybrid build using might mods(vit/might) in red sockets, while speccing some in precision and using flex sodas.

    Or using the precision mods(vit/precision) and speccing no precision.
  2. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I dont think that would be wise. You need to be in superpowered role to regen your power faster. At the point that you go hybrid I think you start hurting the group.
  3. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Thank you for being open.

    I am not sure I can agree that it would slow it down if 2 support roles equal 1 DPS plus the support role.
  4. Yaiba Committed Player

    My build for battle troll is kinda simple:

    + Playstyle: Superpowered, more powahhhhhh and regen.

    + Mods: Power or Power/Might for yellow (I prefer Power), Health/Power for blue and Might/Power for red.

    + Stats: maxed out all crit stats, then might and power, rest will go to vita.

    + Artifact: Omegahedron (mine is at 120) is mandatory.

    Enjoyyyyy ;)
  5. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Naw I am not specked super-powered now and I do fine.

    I hate to sound like a smuck, but I think skill has a role to play in this.
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  6. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    That is simple.

    Are you using your weapon much, clipping your power or just clipping with power dump?
  7. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    The premise that 2 support roles can do the support job well AND do the dmg of a good dps is false. Theres a very fine line that it almost seems like you want to cross. The only way a battle troll is not a detriment to the team is if he in no way lowers the dps of the damage dealers in the group. There are times when I out damage the next 2 dps combined much less the troll(s). So if my damage gets effected so that you can do paltry damage in comparison you are hurting the group.

    Theres nothing wrong with wanting to maximize the dmg potential of your role. But not at the expense of the players whose actual job is to do dmg. The only way you dont hurt the group is to spec precision (after you've maxed vit) and clip weapon mastery combos with your supercharge generater and power dump. Or debuffs when its appropriate. I can tell you if you speck into duel wield bow flurry attack and clip those abilities youll more than pull your weight and be able to run solos without ever respecing.
  8. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I agree skill plays a huge factor. A lot of people think they are doing fine when they could be doing much better. Certain things are absolute. If you arent superpowered you regen less power yourself which means you can give less power. Theres no opinion in there thats all fact. So I hate to sound smug as well, but you may not be doing as well as you think you are.
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  9. Yaiba Committed Player

    I dont use weapon. Basically you will play like a dps but in troll gear, mods allow you having more power to spam dps power, as well as power dump. You can use sodas to boost your vita if needed.

    Adding to this buid, I use reverse tank on chest (power efficiency is a winner here).
  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    TBH..............I wouldn't waste my time with any more gear mods. They are going to be gone in a couple months.
  11. Mazahs Loyal Player

    For Quantum its actually very easy to do. Mind you if you have a heavy clipper lime light ST, or Celestial going all out you will probably want to go back to more troll power dump style play.

    With your SP, get all dps and troller innates first then split 80/20 the rest might/power to VIT (you may need to play with this as I run almost only league runs so I know what to expect) Also its not great in Elite but everything else is just fine.

    Time Bomb , Time Shift, Warp Barrage, Anomaly. Event Horizon
    The last one depends on the group..if power to tank or heal is a problem put in power dump, if its just one DPS that cannot maintain thier power then I use Q-tunnel.

    Make sure you have Scrap of the Soul cloak and Parasites Power Harness. Run a typical TBomb rotation lime TBomb Tshift WB Anomaly (SC generator)

    The reasoning is easy with Anomaly building SC and Scrap of Soul Cloak you'll generate SC FAST (faster if you have EH head mod) Plus with every rotation you are increasing everyones power pool by applying the debuffs.

    You yourself will be heavily reliant on soders, but your damage will be much higher (think slightly higher than Atomic battle tanks) it also allows you to switch up and do traditional trolling with power dumps if need be.
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  12. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I thought it was me.

    Does it drain you to where you can't debuff or give an emergency power dump in case of using power dumps?
  13. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Well for the time being I don't mind using alphas and betas in sockets.

    I am saving them exos though.
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  14. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Interesting used with what Mazah said it probably would achieve what I am looking for.

    And oh yeah, every role can do damage it's a personal preference as far as I'm concerned with how much though.
  15. Mazahs Loyal Player

    The 3 moves used after TBomb are all debuffs so no issue there.
    Yes it will drain your power, but thats when you need to be situationally aware.

    Using reserve chest helps too, but with the SC generator and scrap of the soul cloak you'll be popping supers A LOT. Ive ran it in every raid (minus Elites very successfully) If power becomes an issue for you, just slow down a bit on TBomb rotation or in case of actual power problems with tank/healer or multiple dps...simply switch to traditional trolling style with power dump and weapon clips.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    My build for battle role.

    Wear dps gear, use normal damage moves add insta power, switch role to control.

    Works a great, trust me, give it a try have a little fun.
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  17. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    If people are already saying quantum damage isn't good, going hybrid wont make it better, you need the power for your group.

    Just go hybrid with precision.

    I have a 120 venom dispenser and a 118 sparring ai, so i can hybrid tank and hybrid heal as sorcery as well, but i make sure i always use a stat soda and compound, i have the current gen mods and always have VIII and up mods.

    I only hybrid on older raids that are easy to beat anyway. No elite raids, no current raids. And when i q alerts randomly i usually hybrid to make up for the mediocre dps.
  18. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I have a spec like this already it is OK on sparring bots or in my base.

    Seems an explanation is in order here for you.

    If others are afraid to step up I will go it alone in finding a build that can be viable in alerts and raids that is not just power spamming but also allows me the ability to stand alone if a loose add traps me.

    While I will grant anyone the argument that the tank should get the add back, OK, fine, their opinion and correct but I want to be able to use my skills to take on the NPC without it hurting the group or taking me forever to continue to do what I feel as my job.
  19. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    This reminds me of all the summer camps that teach the orthodox way to play sports.

    Then you look at the pro's and none of the best do anything the orthodox way.

    People always follow the in crowd and look at how many are skilled vs those who are not.
  20. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    The new omega artifact definitely makes might hybrid trolling viable. I could have been wrong, but i thought i saw the op say he has beta mods and 320sp....if thats true hes not gonna do much timebombing as a troll while recharging