Batman, Superman & WW: Dawn of Emblems

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Shadowdragon, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Let's see your creations with the new emblem pack!




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  2. Shadowdragon Devoted Player





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  3. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Looks good, but still feel the chest-pieces should have been bigger
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  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I think the Batman & WW ones work well with most pieces. Superman is a bit on the small side because it's a more detailed logo. But all of them were restricted to a fixed emblem slot size for each style. For these to be larger than the emblems we already had, the devs would have had to go back to each piece and made adjustments... some of which may not be possible due to protruding components & variations in shape. Even though they're small, I'd rather have them for use than not at all.
  5. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    But, when you compare the size of the emblem we get with the size of both Soups and Batsies emblems, you can see the discrepancy, specially so when you can see the size on the shield

    Not knocking them for releasing them (finally), but just seems still a slap in the face when the chest size is maybe a third the size it should be (and can be)
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club


    [IMG] [IMG]

    Tried for a Superboy Young Justice look on the right.



    Second one is what I refer to as the Riot Control look.
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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club



    He's a speedster, so I tend to avoid capes with those characters. LOL
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  8. Andromalius New Player

    Every time I see those emblems, it gives me nightmares, like this this kinda nightmare..

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  9. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

  10. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Say what you want about the movie but that suit was awesome with a capital 'S'.

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  11. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

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  12. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Emblems can only be as big as the slots available to them, comparing shields to chest pieces only proves that.

    A shield has a very large slot so the emblem fits it as such. Where as chest pieces do not, so all emblems have to conform to the slot available.

    It would take far to much useless time and work to make any changes so that the S could be bigger. They did say that they will look into working on emblem slot sizes when making new styles in the future but the old styles wont be changed.
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  13. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    For bigger/better emblems, they'd maybe need to release them with a fixed chestpiece and sculpted, like they did with the Lanterns. Or add a "sculpted" emblem type to the possibilities in character creation/customization. I'm completely ok with the current release and spend a lot of time with trying them on a lot of toons. Only thing I still miss: a Bat logo with the classic oval background. Next hero package, I hope :D

    One minor thing, though: I need some iconic stuff for my villains first before getting another release for the "big three" + the Flash. Riddler emblem & staff, Harley's mallet, a Catwoman cowl that actullay works with her glasses (neither Daring Vigilant - no display of the glasses at all - nor the Batman cowl - clipping issues - work right with them currently) or add the whip as weapon. Find some great villain stuff to go along with the Suicide Squad release, please! And maybe even for a sale in between, or for the Xbox start or something :D Villains need styles, too!
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  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Again, look at the background poster of the ingame Batsie and Soups

    Don't know why Slade is going on about having to make special 'sculpted' emblems, as they currently change depending on the texture and body type they are on

    Has anyone tried those emblems on something like the Biker jacket that has the emblem on the sleeve, or the Detective with the emblem on the back?
  15. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    You are still not understanding, its not the emblem its the slot size on the style pieces.

    An emblem can not exceed the size of the slot it is placed on. Which again the shield shows off perfectly, that is the same exact emblem but the slot size is far bigger on a shield so the emblem fits to it. The emblems will also size to the slots of styles like Biker and Detective or any other style with a smaller or bigger slot.

    The poster you keep pointing to has no barring on things. That is a drawing not style pieces in the game.

    So to say it again it has nothing to do with the emblem itself, the size is all about the slot size on a style piece.
  16. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Monkey-spawned poop-train!! You obviously don't play a Hero, as that poster accurately shows Soups and Batsie ingame! Which means, they can have the emblems big enough if they wanted to, this just smacks of that 'imitation watered-down' Bat cowl we had had to put up with for years to stop players making a too 'on-the-nose' imitation Batman
  17. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Do you mean the Supes/Bats in the anniversary poster? Those are artist renditions... not in game shots. But also, the iconics in the game have their own custom chest pieces. Those pieces probably have no emblem slot (like House of El, Shepard of Adara, Scion of Ion, etc). You're right in that it's possible for a gear slot to house a larger emblem (probably), but it would have to be a newly developed one. Although I wonder if they could go back to just a few of the older ones and update... just some slimlines like Daring Vigilante & Stalwart Defender.
  18. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    You seem to not understand the technical issue behind this. I'll try to explain:

    Batman and Superman ingame do have larger symbols, as NPCs as well as in their legends character appearance. However: chestpieces of NPCs or legend skins do not work the same way as for player characters. The symbol of the Superman NPC is not an extra texture layer positioned over the texture of the Superman chestpiece, but integral part of the chestpiece texture itself. Thus: it is not limited by the size of the existing emblem slot, as it does not use that slot. Same for all Batman skins that are in the game.

    That is exactly why I suggested a new slot for sculpted emblems (as the new slot could be designed bigger from the start) or a premade chestpiece like the "Scion of Ion" and "Disciple of Parallax" gears use.

    Think of it like the paint job on a race car model. Once you have the base color selected, you can decide whether to use generic decals on it (that can easily be obtained in a shop) or if you want to paint every sponsor logo yourself. If you get the generic decals, you have to use the sizes that are available; if you decide to handpaint every single bit, the logos on the race car can have any size you want. Player characters are limited to using the generic decals in order to provide the abilitly to freely change emblems; the NPCs are handpainted and thus it is way more work to add a Batman with a Supes logo as an NPC to the game than just clicking a new logo.
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  19. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

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