Batman inspired mask return?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CloneTK, May 12, 2014.

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  1. Devilman New Player

    Actually it was for right after the hack. DCUO didn't go F2P until like Nov of the first year. Basically if no one remembers, the game released in Jan, The hack happened like at the end of March, and it lasted until May. That is what we got for coming back. It was only for those that had the game, and came back.
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    New 52 batman inspired costume in lock boxes > batman inspired mask

    I'd much rather have his costume then that mask

    I wouldn't even use the m ask to begin
  3. Devilman New Player

    Yeah, i don't know why the Batman mask has the nose showing through it.
    It looks dumb. At least when it was glitchy, you could put a face on it.
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  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Isn't that what I said? I mean I didn't give dates, but I definably said it was before f2p and that it was a reward for surviving the hack, after the game was down for about a month. I remember, maybe not perfectly, but I do. Although, the game wasn't down for the entire month of April, it went down at the end of it. I know because I started early April. ^.^

    So I hope we agree that the mask should not be given out again. Different masks would rock though. IMHO
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  5. Kroye Loyal Player

    This hasn't gone nearly as badly as I expected. Good thing it wasn't about the Pre-Order Exclusive Batman...those threads always get ugly.
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  6. SupesIsBestHero New Player

    We're never getting that mask again, I'll be glad when people stop asking
  7. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Maybe something like the new Man of Steel 2 (batman v. superman) pic that Snyder tweeted out.

  8. Devilman New Player

    Yeah, I just read that wrong. Yep, it was mid april, and it lasted for like 24 days. Hmm, I could have sworn it lasted longer.
  9. omega2550 Well-Known Player

    How about it being a find item during one of the batcave (RAID ?) missions.

    Where you can pick it up or not at a type of raid box reward.
  10. Seth Grey New Player

    While I would LOVE to have the Batman cowl, it makes sense. It was an exclusive gift to make up for something. It should stay that way.
  11. Green Lantern New Player

    That mask is pretty ugly, actually.
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  12. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Were you a legendary member during the PSN hack? During the entire revamp of the PSN system? Change all of your passwords? Still support DCUO even though you couldn't use the service you'd already paid for? Did you log back in the first week everything went back online? Stumble through the connectivity issues and glitchy content while the Devs tweaked things and still support the game?


    Do you think you should be entitled to the same perk as those that did?
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  13. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    It's an exclusive item like the BFTH feat, Bat trone trinket, Two-face inspired mask, and Pre-order Batman. Talking about these items for future releases eventually leads to accusations of entitlement, disadvantages/advantages, flame wars, trolling, and a topic lock.
  14. Feenicks New Player

    I used to be opposed to this idea, but having given it serious thought I say put it up on the marketplace. A lot of folks would drop serious money for this. The more money for SOE especially in the DCUO venue the more resources will be available for new content and other neat stuff for us to play with.
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  15. LordStrongsword New Player

    No way, exclusive means just that. Those that got it deserved it, and that sould be the way it is.

    No, I don't have the mask, in case you were wondering.
  16. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Why don't we ask the Devs to make a new inspired Batman cowl/helmet? For the marketplace.
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  17. NCR RANGER New Player

    Like the New 52 Batsuit to the Lock Boxes? Batgirl was just a cop-out.
  18. NCR RANGER New Player

    Future Defender for me.
  19. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I like that mask. And I'd love to see more styles. Hoping for a surprise on Batman day. (One day away!)

    Have to disagree with my bird buddy. I understand it would make money...but so would hairstyles, or new outfits, like a spacesuit.
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  20. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Do you want me to make that thread just to make you happy.:rolleyes:
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