Batman day cowls

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeadSteel, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. DeadSteel Active Player

    I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of the two cowles that come with the pack, 20 dollars is a bit much for the just two things but I really want to know what the two cowls look like.
  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Here is a picture;

    But why settle for a picture only. ;) ;)
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  3. SasquaT Dedicated Player


    Watch this :
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  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    In addition to the two they put on the MP. They should have also (and I still hope they end up doing... soon) is release the ones below on the MP for like 750/1000 daybreak dollaz. (minus the GCPD Batman helmet since its obtainable through collections)



    I would so love to have the the style above^ chest (can remove Batman logo if licensing is an issue), cape, legs, shoulders, waist, feet. Hands are already in game.

    - add some replayibility to Outer, Inner, and Nexus raids as Batman Iconic epic drop loot by adding meet the council batman styles to them. Add the cowls to the MP. Win-win for all.
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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Did a follow up video on the Batman Cowl.
  6. Backseid Devoted Player


    I didn't even try and put face styles over it! I guess I'm just used to stuff like that not working on new styles! Swizzle!
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  7. Backseid Devoted Player


    With, and with out, neck area part thingy :p
  8. Princess Zero Well-Known Player

    Definitely overpriced and for die-hard fans only. Curious why more cowls weren't packaged with, considering the number of batman variants.
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  9. DeadSteel Active Player

    ok thanks
  10. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Not worth my $20, especially for 2 cowls :rolleyes: It's great that DBG is implementing new items in the MP but at these prices, might as well not bother. And here I thought that $8 for hairstyles was a little steep. Account bound or not, the price for these are ridiculous and not worth it regardless of how much money I make. Not that much of a fan boy.