Base Off: Places Wild CELEBRATION!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Achikah, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player


    Hope everyone is working on their amazing bases :D
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  3. Achikah All About That Base

    =O A Dragon entry?! Awesome!!
    Got you all penciled in, looking forward to seeing what the Batective is up to!
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  4. Achikah All About That Base


    Buuuut, we are getting ever closer!
    Just a little less than two months left and we've got 10 entries so far. Keep um comin'!

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  5. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    My base is now finished (minus one item) so now I'm staring at it and wondering just how much junk I can fit in it... Yeh... this is a WEIRD base, but dangit, it's a fun one lol... (also... BUMP lol)
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  6. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    Are we there yet?
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  7. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

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  8. Achikah All About That Base


    I feel that way with every base I make; the second I think I'm finished from the time it's actually finished literally takes the longest, haha! Luckily in this case, there's still just under 2 months left to complete, so you have plenty of time... hopefully. XD
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  9. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    haha yeh, honestly it IS almost done, it's just fine tuning and adding the things to add more immersion. Just trying to make it have some good logic, some cool easter eggs, and wondering just how much clutter is too much clutter :cool:
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  10. Achikah All About That Base

    Easter eggs are always SUPER fun! I waste so many spots on putting in Easter Eggs or throwback to other projects/bases on that character.
    More I hear about this base, the more excited I am to view it. You got me asking 'ARE WE THERE YET?!' XDD
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  11. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

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  12. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    hahaha Oh Jeez, I think I might have oversold this base... It's a good base, but honestly... I've seen some of the entrees and they are spectacular! Tech's entree for example, I've been to that base a few times it's actually the whole reason I got into base building Ryll's tour of that base was the first base tour I ever found on youtube and TO THIS DAY it's still my favourite base I've seen... and I now I have the honour of calling Tech and Ryll in game friends which is incredibly humbling and VERY cool... plus, other AMAZING crafters are going to be involved too, people who like you and I share a deep love for base crafting and the community it has spawned. I mean it when I say, the base crafters are THE reason I enjoy this game so much.

    I'm genuinely not trying to win with this base... This is just do something that is memorable, fun, and characterful for my banking toon because I was tired of looking at the empty base... (don't judge me, I blame Achi completely for my need to have bases for all my alts now)

    (also... BUMP :p hehe )
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  13. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    Don't worry about overselling! Honestly, I love your bases and think you have a great building style. You are one of my favorite crafters. Your bases are all have a look or process that is very Ash and that is something to be proud of!

    As for winning, I never build a base to win. I build it for me to love. Then I give it to the world to see if they love it too. If not, then that's ok because I know I love it!

    I will admit that I may add something that will be fun for the VOD because that is such a fun time. And don't tell Achikah but for me I don't need the base item prizes (but they are GREAT and I won't say no! haha), the real prize in winning is the extra showcase that comes the next week! She is so in tune with each base after judging, you get a really cool perspective from that showcase. The VOD for fun and surprises, then the Showcase for facts and logic. It's a great combo!

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  14. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    LOL You're not wrong about those tours. And I feel the same way about the base items. IF I get them, groovy, but it the tour and the fact it gets recognition that makes it awesome
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  15. Achikah All About That Base

    I very much do try to make the prizes worth it, but knowing you two, and I think a few others, feel this way is what makes Base Off so worth it. I always approach it as a celebration rather than a competition; in my opinion if you're creating stuff there's always merit in it, no matter of green you are to it of if you're a decade's old veteran.

    However, it's not lost on me that there's also a bit of fun for pushing yourself and having a bit of a comradery too, and being rewarded for that effort is always nice. So there's a give and take, but I am glad this whole thing comes off more as a celebratory, communal achievement rather than a cut-throat competition.
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  16. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    Absolutely! Is there a flex?... heck yes! BUT... the comradery and community that it has created is the real pay off. I've had moments where I've needed specific items to complete a section of a base only to have fellow competitors GIFT me the item, and I've done the same as well. I've made amazing friends because of it too. Yes the rewards are awesome, and the fact it's the community that tends to help create said rewards makes it even cooler. but the BEST bit?... Hands down, it's the mutual respect that the base crafters have for each other. WE visit each other's bases, suggest little changes and give feedback. Knowing that when you hear someone say they like your base, it's not just them placating you... it's genuine. :p
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  17. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

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  18. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    I think this is true or at least I know it is for me. I definitely want to show my best and push myself to that extent but I also appreciate everyone's best as well. It's not often that competitors help each other get to the finish line so it almost feels like a team competition until the actual day. Then we somehow all become fans. It's a very interesting dynamic going from artist to competitor to teammate to fan. I find that compelling and unique and I'm glad to be a part of it!
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  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  20. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    Are we there yet?

    because it is MINE!
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