Up-Votes Needed Base item disappeared when I placed it in League Hall

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Captain Quasar, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Captain Quasar Active Player

    I had used loyalty points to purchase a House of Legends decore pack to decorate the league hall of the league I'm in. However when placing the House of Legends screen on a wall, it seems to have disappeared, leaving only an un-slightly shadow and a nub on the wall. I can not pick it up to put it away and since I don't belive league halls can be packed up like bases I have no way of removing the item.
  2. ELUX New Player

    Does it show the item in the league hall decorations list?
  3. Cypharr Committed Player

    I think league halls can be pack up from the admin panel but is it worth it to do so since you will have to place all items again and I believe the deco is a league effort by so many people. Talk to support and check if it's listed in the league hall deco. It might just be you put it in your base but then again you said you placed it meaning it was in the league hall deco and now it bugged. Talk to support.
  4. Captain Quasar Active Player

    Yeah I did file a ticket. To be honest it wouldn't be that much effort to re decorate I'm basically my leagues designated decorator. I've talked to a few higher ups
    in league. Yeah I recall donating all 10 of the item and I only have 9 now. I've tried break it to see if that fixes it but nothing
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  5. Captain Quasar Active Player

    I don't think I have access to the list but I had 10, now only 9 I can use. And the nub of the item can be seen