Base extension---More rooms

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NightwingsBeyond, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. IcyStone Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. There was this survey that they did about what we would like to have in game and they had the option "expansion of base system" so seems is not that deep in the todo list :)
    I actually voted for that

  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So did I.
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  3. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    I want to know that all so, and not just some survey...
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  4. veri Active Player

    i think they don't read this at all .
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  5. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    I am having the same impression....
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  6. veri Active Player

    its the truth they don't care about the people that play this game and THAT IS THE TRUTH!!!!!!!
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  7. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    There are so many base items and very low space
  8. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    So awhile back i posted a Batcave base that we all need to have as space to build something similar now let see a kryptonian base
    ...... another wish that is not going to happen...
  9. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    I will love to have this size and shape of the base all so :))) will you all agree on it :))

  10. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    Still showing the picture of ideas of expansion of the base and still hoping it will someday come true.

  11. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    If any one find some related picture like the ones above feel free to post.
  12. Skandov Well-Known Player

    You use every opportunity to market your youtube channel xD
  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Not every opportunity.

    If I did use every opportunity.... every single post would have a video in them. ;) ;)
  14. Skandov Well-Known Player

    Your signature?
  15. Davenport Committed Player

    I could definitely use more room. I recently added an Otherworldly Demon Skull and Wall of the Damned to my already insanely packed base, lol. It's a wonder why I didn't have to move anything for the Wall (though I was certain I would when I saw how big it actually is).

    Luckily there are only 3 or 4 more items I can think of that I want to add to it, though I'm not sure how big one of them is or if I can even find it anymore (it's a survival item).

    Damn nice base though. :p
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  16. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    Add me as a friend and all so give me permision to check youre base, if you want of course :)))

    Name in game Nightwings Beyond
  17. Davenport Committed Player

    Yeah, I've no problem letting people enter my bases (though one of them is under heavy construction right now). I made a thread last night about trying to get access to others' bases and offering to let others see mine. I figured seeing other bases might give me ideas for finishing mine, but nobody replied, lol.

    I've given you permission. King Larfleeze - Larfleezia. It's on top of the giant rock in the park by Diamond District PD, in case you don't have teleporter mods.
  18. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    Uff :))) can't wait to finish work and visit your base, and yea you wel fell free in me ``Sparklight``.
  19. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    Merry christmas all and hello, another style of base we need :)

  20. NightwingsBeyond Well-Known Player

    So whit the anniversary event a bunch of cool new base items.....but why!!!! can no one of the devs expand the bases, please!!!
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