I will try to keep it short and sweet.... Hometurf trinkets/mods added diversity to how someone could PvP, it did have its cons when it was released though: -Players without the DLC were put at a major disadvantage. -Supply drops/sidekicks made matches last ages. I have four suggestions to balance hometurf trinkets so they can be apart of PvP again: 1. Lock HT trinkets cooldown timer together so players have to choose between the trinkets and are not able to use all four. If this would affect PvE, I suggest making PvP versions of the trinkets to make it easier to link their cooldowns. 2. Provide free players with ONE trinket that is comparable to a hometurf trinket. Premium players would still enjoy more diversity this way without putting free players at a enormous disadvantage. At the moment no one enjoys this dlc in arenas. 3. ONE Hometurf mod for each socket for free to play players. Give premium players more options. (Certain mods might be seen as more OP) 4. Magnitude of sustain trinkets such as supply, sidekick should be adjusted. (Make sure supply heals less than sidekick, to avoid supply drop being only viable trinket. Reason being supply is aoe while sidekick is self target only.)
As discouraging as your opinions are, I am sure there are many players like me that want hometurf to be apart of PvP. No reason for it not to be, unless you like playing a linear game....
No, but I wouldn't mind exploring the idea of having HT only maps so that players who do have the mods could battle each other without claiming an unfair advantage
I remember only one time they made a change in PVP that didn't screw around with PVE, that being AM removal. I'm still a bit angry that they said they'd keep them separate and then almost immediately ended up nerfing Weapon Mastery.
Yup. They made a DLC that people actually bought that was for PVP. Players that do not spend money on the game (Sub or the actual DLC) complain, so they remove it from PVP. PVP is now pretty much for people who do not spend money on the game. There are no loot locks any more and you have to play all day for it to be rewarding. I miss reward boxes and loot locks in PVP.
Bring all of the Home Turf items back. If you don't have home turf or sub, quit riding the backs of players who support the game. "Free to play", should only get you so far. "Hey no fair", should only be said in Kindergarten classes.
Using that same logic, broken PvP is apparently fun? So does that mean you were having the time of your life during one shots? Any power/role could be good with one shots, and anyone could take dowm another person by being creative. #BringBackOneShots Seriously though, Home Turf has absolutely no place in PvP. You can have long and fun fights without Home Turf if that's what you desire. It sounds like you just seem to enjoy abusing Home Turf and all that broken crap.
You can literally make the exact same excuse for fire and atomic tanks for the past year... I'm glad that after six years this forum still brings entertainment value, there always seems to be nonsensical drivel that puts a smile on my face no matter what is going on. Kinda brings a tear to my eye
Tactics yes. Timing back ups supply drops, zesty colas, penguin bot, and so on was not tactics. That crap got so chessy. The movement debuffs started us down a sad road. Precision powers have ALWAYS been superior in the right hands in pvp. ALWAYS! Just because some people change to celestial or HL so they can have the best burst currently. Those people pvp. Guess what? Same thing happens in pve. Why it's a crime to what to be a OP power in pvp makes no sense. REALLY! Guess what though? Weapon damage can keep up with their damage if you know what your doing. Just because someone is one of those powers does not equal a guaranteed win. With all the focus on these powers it puts targets on them. If you see one of the powers when queuing, wouldn't you try and focus them first? In the right hands, the powers can be beastly, that I agree. But same goes for pve. What do you do to counter the problem in pve? Change powers or make an alt. I have been sorcery forever. I could switch if I wanted, but I wont. Try getting into a group to dps as a power other than those. I understand the being picky. I usually solo que pvp or make my own group, or shout. Just like pve sir. Yes, all the precision powers need adjusted a bit, but that would hold true for the AM powers in pve. Just saying, pvp is not the only thing broken in the game. Get on board or struggle like the rest of us.
-Okay so the cons for not bring it back is because it doesn't belong in PvP: (Makes no sense, you can say that about everything.) -Another con is that it is OP. (Which can't be considered true if everyone has access to it.) Please present a more justifiable reason not to bring it back, being afraid of having some depth in the game is not one. If its brought back without putting free-to-play players at a major disadvantage, it will only add more factors to make PvP more unique and interesting.
You're right. Although, Home turf did add lair battles and mods that were to be used for PVP. The were not solely for PVP, but I remember buying the DLC when I was a premium to be on level ground with those who had them.
Did...did I just see someone defending the 1 shot era? Once again, thank you for brightening up my day <3
MA lunge will take a HL or Celestial player out of their combo. The damage from the lunge and not blocking will kill someone before they can combo melt you. It happens. That's why you see threads asking for MA lunge to be adjusted, along with others like 1H. I'm not saying the powers hit a bit to hard, they do, but not every person trying to imitate the one they saw will have the same out come. You can also run with shields for temporary relief. Their not the best, but anything helps. Brings pets to help split damage. Run with WOP for groups or some powers have a e5% SC that gives immunity, health and power regen. All things to help counter combo ppwers. Being good with blue immunity also helps. I'm just saying, while the powers do hit hard. There are ways to counter.
NOOOO! I'm literally a returning player who stopped playing roughly around the time they nerfed the home turf gear and stuff and recently came back. The amount of QQ threads posted on here about separating hometurf from pvp was literally all that was posted on here. Just take my advise and give up on trying to bring them back. Plus I remember when me and my buddy would use them against people who did not have them. It was just not even close. Supply drop+ henchmen+ Orbital strike+trinket was just too much for people who did not have those things to even stand a chance, specially the supply drop that thing was broken. We would also use PVE gear, though you can't use that anymore lol.