Bad Decision with new Mark Reward System

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, May 13, 2015.

  1. Veritasum Loyal Player

    After T6, I was not running lower tier (4 and under) for 25-50 marks or whatever it is. I do it for fun and to look for styles or just stuff to salvage. If someone needs help and I'm not in a new raid, I'll help because I want to. Not getting a few MoV is not a deal breaker for me. I'm still walking into Strykers to get that CC Hood, not for MoV.
  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    So you feel getting Marks from T1 content and using them to purchase current end game gear is fair? When you havent touched the content that gear belongs in? The original fix for this was Symbols but that wasnt liked very much so now, we have this. One Universal Mark but you can only get the Marks from the content that is relevant to you.

    This horse has been beaten and Im sad folks havent got the clear mind and MMO understanding that yes, lower content, you dont get Marks from it. Sure you can still run it, get loot, etc etc. But if you want Marks to get that gear, you gotta run the content that is in your own tier

    Oh and its not a money grab, I dont spend replay badges unless Im running with friends and unlocking things for them cause Im a nice guy, and I still get my marks and content done. Sure we only have 6 pieces of content for now but Im a patient person and can wait for the next Episode. :)
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  3. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    This!!!! If Thrones can have adds and bosses at 120+CR, How it is not relevant to us at combat ratings 117+? I can see locking it up when our CR is equal or more than the bosses of a Teir, but T6 adds are still relevant as they are higher. We should be locked out of instances when our CR is equal or more than the main boss of that instance.
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  4. Humane Committed Player

    I wasn't talking about T1, I was talking about the very previous dlc, in this case Amazon Fury II. If you think about it, before they implemented a universal mark, you could accumulate Fury from all high end dlc's and simply farm the alternate mark. Now you can't do anything but the new content for marks, so in my book it is a money grab to entice people to replay.
    I'm not looking for anyone to agree with me, I'm just stating what to me seems obvious.
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  5. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I could agree with AF2, but only until the first "Episode" comes out. Then AF2 gets locked out. This would make more sense to me. But you can still run T6 for feats. Not everything needs to give you more marks to enjoy the game. I ran the low level content with friends, cause it was fun. I did not care about the 50-2500 MoT I got. That was garbage anyways. I was there for fun.
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  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I will agree it doesnt sit right with me but HoP2 is the setup for the Monthly Content coming and its the new tier so I understand the logic behind it. Transition period, all will be well soon.
  7. metalgear26 New Player

    Can i be a 116cr tank role and 116 dps role and not go over116cr? Just not sure if it counts all gear. I don't want to be higher yet. Thanks
  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah just make sure you're careful in what gear you buy and if you didn't know they allowed us to get marks from AF2 now even if your CR is 116>.
  9. metalgear26 New Player

    Alright thanks. Yea my tank is116 and my dps is 113. Was scared bringing that higher since im already 116 on my tank
  10. Blasted New Player

    I am glad we got the T6 material again. Sure I would have liked to have it all open again, but I understand the reasoning behind it. It will just be more of a grind for annoying feats like the treasure chests.
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  11. AsgardKnight Well-Known Player

    I came back after 3 months and realized that things have changed. I have started HATING the game day by day. I was happily grinding before I took the break, but now... even grinding feels like a pain, considering the time I devote. I am unable to get marks, stuck at CR 84 for ever, unable to gather a party even for FOS. I have noticed that players have become lazy, or they have been forced to. Nobody likes to help the low tier players anymore. Players just gather at the HoD and keep gossiping. This game has transitioned from a action theme to a chatroom thing. DCUO is turning itself to SECONDLIFE, where players are just emoting and talking, talking for ever. And this is all due to the new marks system. I have lost many of my league mates too...they have just quit. I still remember their names...unfortunately, I don't know who they are in the real world. They had become a part of my life once, and I have spent so much of my time with them. Its like, you just made a house out of cards, and a simple breeze of wind just collapsed it to the ground....
  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I fail to see how you can't progress at CR 84. There are plenty of solo and duo options if you can't find people for raids, especially considering they added T4 duos not so long ago.
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  13. AsgardKnight Well-Known Player

    As I am a premium player, I hardly get any content that I can use to gather marks. And the other thing is, its harder to gather a party for a raid or Alert. I never complained about the duos or solos. I always loved the group action. I love to be a member of a raid/alert party. Its so much fun. But that's not happening now a days. My Time Zone can also be one of the cause. However, the Time Zone factor was still there when I was CR 53. I got enough players running raids and alerts.

    And, as per my understanding, we only get marks if we run a solo/duos/raid/alert that is relevant to our CR. Please correct me, if I have understood it wrong.
  14. AsgardKnight Well-Known Player

    Forgot to Quote :p
  15. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Happy? I am.
  16. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

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  17. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    I don't mind the new mark system too much. I pay for a subscription so I can have all access. The only problem is that I just can't play as much as I used to so I can't get the marks needed for gear and have to rely on drops. All the marks I get I have to save for things like mainframe and (sad as it is) utility belt slots.
    It's not so bad all in all, but I can never save enough marks, in any decent amount of time, to buy more than rings, neck, or mask.
    Not that this is wrong, but it does lessen my enjoyment of the game some to never actually buy anything. It's all just rent. And rare styles for me? That's a pipe dream
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