Back From the Hack Feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, May 7, 2016.

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  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    The only really argument i still see is that the game itself was $60. With the stuff people can spend on the game these days that they werent able to bck then (base item packs, logo packs, booster bundles, etc), that comes close to being washed out. Not evenly, but close.
  2. Unida Dedicated Player

    some funny posts in this so far.

    never fails to amaze me the array of straws that get grasped when trying to justify the evening out of the BFTH rewards.

    people. just. cannot. deal.

    if you refuse to play the game or left because of this feat existing and you never being able to have it. please go outside and explore life - it has a lot to offer and you'll soon learn that it is not always even, balanced nor fair - it's just simply, life.

    whiners need to get one n move on.
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  3. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    Does it show up in your feat list? I just checked my characters I made after the Hack Attack and not a one of them has it listed as a possible feat, so it's not unlock able. So the answer is no. So there you have it.

    It is only on the characters that existed back when the Hack happened. I can't unlock it on any new characters.

    There you go. You and your friends can get 100% in DCUO F2P Version.

    Those few of us left who were here at Launch can get 100% Completion in DCUO P2P Version.

    We bought the game at release and supported it since the beginning. We went through the Hack and were unable to play shortly after the Game Launched, so essentially we had a $60 Game ($100 in my case with the CE) We could not play at all, while we were paying our subscription. Other games had offline modes. DCUO did not.

    This is really what you want to complain about? A feat that doesn't show up in your feat list? You feel like that is a great wrong?
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  4. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    I am certainly happy I have it on four toons. I wish they would give me a feat for beta testing. I also think my girlfriend should get a feat for collectors edition and I think Jester should hit hard as Fury. I also think any legendary players who had to sit through the second worse time of the game (when it went free to play and we couldnt log in) should also get a feat. The people who complain about laggy weekends have no idea.
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  5. Phill Committed Player

    You trying to brag about some BS feat that gives you nothing in return is just sad.

    I have that and I could care less.
    It really doesn't matter because SP is trumped by CR anyway. How do you like them apples?
  6. stärnbock Devoted Player

    everytime i see this^ i start to burst out in agony bcause i gave the game a try on ps3 and waited for right after this feat to be avaiable for me until i restarted on the pc, not knowing about what i missed. thx kid, for rubbing salt into the wounds. why dont u take hot pepper next time? well, this is something, that should never been existant in tha first place. i dont hate u, but i cant say i like u very much right now...
  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    yeah but the hoodie rocks.
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  8. Marek Committed Player

    Well what about all the players that have left the game AND have the bfth feat?

    I mean why would they do that when they can reach this hypethetical top of the mountain?

    Dont act like that feat is driving all these players and potential new players away from the game, when this game has bigger game breaking deals than a feat thats meaningless.

    If new players wont even TRY this game over a feat thats meaningless and wouldnt even be a concern till around 270 sp then ..... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS AN IDIOT AND NEED TO COME DOWN OFF THEIR HIGH HORSE AND GET OVER THEMSELVES
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  9. Marek Committed Player

    So if a store you have an account at had a sale a month ago but you didnt know the sale existed, is it right for you or anybody to still be honored that sale?

    And yes, there actually was a lot of players ( i believe ) that didnt come back after it. Dont know the numbers, but people didnt
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  10. Saami Loyal Player

    Picture for proof?
  11. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    This is in no way comparable to your example. Its not even close. This is compensation in the form of a participation trophy feat for knowing the game existed.

    Like i said before feats for the most part should be earned with in game skill, not given away as compensation for down time.
  12. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Basically with you, but:

    - if you combine all the couple of gamers leaving over small things, the small things in total have about the impact of GU 47
    - the game excludes certain types of gamers in its design, so not appealing to them is costing potential customers. The competition driven to sickness is costing carebears, we would welcome them to take care of the noobs, teaching them what the game denies to do; feats like "back from the hack" and the permanent use of "exclusive" or "limited time" items of any kind is keeping completionists away from starting the game late; of course that applies to every game once the first "exclusive" item showed up.

    So for a mainstream orientated MMO like DCUO, it is costing customers. Not be generating tons of quitters, but by people not even bother to start. If the game shouldn't depend on being successfully launched on Wii for additional income in the future, Daybreak should drop that approach. We're running out of consoles to launch DCUO for additional fundraising ;)
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  13. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Dude, this game is not elite. That's why "elite gamers" don't want to play it.

    You keep saying this: "Why climb the mountain if you can't reach the top." The top of what? There is no competition or reward in the game for having all feats. It only exists in the imagination of some OCD players, who if they're so worried about a 50 point feat, have much larger issues.

    It's also a fact that players continued to play and sub because they were awarded the feat.
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  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You are absolutely correct that DC wasn't responsible for the hack, they gave the feat and gifts because they wanted to not because they felt guilty

    Maybe you should take your argument to the game developers of the games you were playing at that time, but if you weren't playing this game during that time, tough horse cookies!!!

    Oh, and that analogy about the store not rewarding you with a door prize for having missed the special sale is totally the same thing as you whining about not getting a feat
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  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Hah, it looks like he is playing with himself under the table
  16. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    I love this game, I play it a lot. However.......

    The fact people keep saying "Elite Players" and "Hardcore players" and DCUO in the say sentence makes me laugh. Unless you are pulling Deathmike level shenanigans, you are not elite. Deathmike does the math and can solo things people have trouble with in full groups.

    I'd like you to walk into a legit gaming competition and say to some one you are a "Hardcore" DCUO player. Let me know how that works out for you. You'd have better luck taking in your 3DS and claiming because you collected all the Pokemon in your Pokedex you were hardcore.

    If you would like a list of hardcore MMO's to try feel free to send me a private message and I'll provide them for you. If you haven't spent 800+ hours grinding with your full League to open a gate to Launch Content, you can't even begin to claim anything you are doing here is "Hardcore." If your raids don't have save points because they are 12 hour dungeon crawls, the it's not a hardcore game. (people complain about having to farm exobytes!)

    DCUO is a relatively easy game, you can play with your friends and not take too seriously. You can accomplish most things in 20 minutes. Gear is easy to obtain, feats are easy to obtain, there are very few grindy feats. A hardcore MMO is all grind, everything you do take massive effort to get done.

    Here's the thing DCUO is not a hardcore MMO, and that's what I like best about it. I have played those games, been top tier, gotten server firsts, and I'll tell you a secret. None of that means anything.

    DCUO is an awesome game, the source material is great, I love the combat, And I love the fact everything is quick and easy. That's what I am looking for at this point, a fun easy game to play around with, have a few drinks, and play with comic book characters.

    If your hardcore gaming friends don't want to play, it's because it's not a game designed for them. DCUO is like the Wii of MMO's and I mean that in the best way possible. It's accessible to everyone, it's not complicated, and it attracts a wider array of people.
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  17. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    If it is meaningless than u won't care if everyone gets it then right?
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  18. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    You're a ******. .. hope the devs see this attitude as bad for business and releases this feat for everyone and says kid multiverse is responsible. That would be karma.
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  19. Pults Loyal Player

    Why should it be handed out? The best solution would be just to strip the points (since it's really the cause of the problem) and grant these players either a title or a simbolic item for their troubles and the rest of the community which wasn't around that time receive nothing.
  20. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Like i said before, i dont care enough about taking a silly argument over a feat to the devs. I just like pointing out how dumb it is, and its somewhat entertaining watching people like you squirm over someone speaking the truth.

    And no, a sale isnt comparable to getting a feat for downtime as much you want it to be. I'll say it again : Feats should mainly be rewarded for in game skill, not luck of the draw, right place, right time, participation compensation for downtime.

    Lets face it, the only good argument to justify this silly feat that i have yet to see here is that the disc itself was $60 at the time. Thats really the only good argument so far.
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