Back From the Hack Feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, May 7, 2016.

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  1. ErnieB Loyal Player

    in 3 years (God what have I been doing with my life) i've only seen 3 things that have made players leave
    1-GU 36
    2-GU 47
    3-replay badges being the true reward system

    Anything else might have costed a couple of gamers, but not to the point that it's a real treat to the game.
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  2. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    Actually it is more like this:

    The Bar I go to has 25 cent wing Special and 3 dollar you call it's during Super Bowl Sunday.

    I have to work Sunday and am not there.

    I swing by the following Friday and demand 25 cent wings and 3 dollar you call it's because I wasn't there For Super Bowl Sunday and it wasn't fair I missed out.
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  3. Tacca Well-Known Player

    I have it on a few alts but my now main doesn't have it. At least they made dark knight cowl available, looks better than the mask they gave away back in 2011.
  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    50 points makes no difference plus those that have it will never get their RnD feats done.
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I was going to say no we deserve it and nobody else, but then I saw you were gloating, so.... carry on.
  6. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Same, my main account doesn't have it but my alts do. Pretty dumb lol
  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    It is kind of funny that it's not unlockable for players that already have it.
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  8. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Although we probably have a differing opinion on this Agent, brilliant analogy. From reading a forum post, I believe this can't actually affect those at max sp (hearsay granted) in that you could be 50 points closer to the next sp but not be able to be higher than another max sp without BftH. If this is the case I'd say that's quite clever from the devs.

    In game reputation supersedes any ranking system the devs could devise & also takes into account the unquantifiable skill. Don't sweat it, whether you have it or not, I'm sure (EU Hero so can only guess) you don't have to sweat it
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  9. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    That's their problem....if the are that weak to their OCDness.....they can go play something else.
    Just crybabies crying for what they weren't here for......and do not deserve.

    I have it and am sooooo glad I do. :D

    Not to hard to figure out which posters in this thread don't have it and reallllly want it. LMAO
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  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That better sums it up: it was a reward for players who had characters at the time for putting up with the forced downtime caused by hacker-jerks jerking off in their mother's basement into their father's shorts

    Personally, the only problem with it, was making it a 3Star 50point Feat, that is what these little whiney snots are complaining about, not the black hoodie with the pirate emblem
    How many people who have the hoodie even wear it on a regular basis? Or even wear it at all (apart from the one time when they first got it)

    Have had a continuous Legendary membership since February '05, and only the three characters who were created prior to the hack have that feat (although technically wasn't playing during that time as was having problems with an external harddrive not working through a hub, but never actually 'left', was only 'not' playing because, at that time, couldn't play even though wanted to)
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  11. RudeHero Level 30

    Lmao indeed. At both sides of the issue. Not sure what the point of this thread is other than a few people wanting to feel better than others for a few brief moments, and attempt to enrage people over something trivial.
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  12. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    I wear the hoodie when I have on civie clothes actually
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  13. Shinbujin Active Player

    Show me the data that says "This feat alone causes more people to quit the game then you realize & new people who are informed not to play the game." First of all, not that many people ever completed all the feats. That data has always remained constant via the Devs and later the wavedox pages. So please tell me with certainty, how many people do you know that completed all of the feats and then quit the game over this one feat? Second, people that are informed about the game before they play it, specifically skill points, would know that one 50 point feat, makes absolutely no difference in the game; especially when they're literally hundreds of posts/ threads arguing that skill points themselves make no difference in the game. So again, please tell me with certainty that you know these "informed people" are not playing DCUO because they will not have the opportunity to get this feat? As for your hypothetical analogy, Mount Everest is a mountain which is always growing. This means the people in the future will technically always be climbing higher than the people in the past. So doesn't work for the scenario does it? Sorry about that.
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  14. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Actually, with your scenario, it's closer to 'hey, this guy has been coming to the bar since it opened, and he gets wings for $.25. This other guy just started coming to the bar...they want him to pay $1.00 for the wings...well, maybe I'll eat here...maybe I'll just eat somewhere else...'
    All good as long as your chicken eating keeps the bar open.

    Me, I already know almost two dozen people that are eating elsewhere.

    Why climb the mountain if you can't reach the top
  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Oh right, didn't think of people wearing it as part of 'civilian' clothing, mostly because not many people even consider a 'civilian' persona for their character
  16. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Epic fail.
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  17. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Mount Everest is a mountain that grows? Its a mountain, not a tree, bud.

    If the devs plan is to get people to leave, or to get people to never pick up the game, than they did a great job on this one.

    People aren't going to BOTHER TRYING to get all the feats, because they can't.

    So why bother playing at all. Why bother climbing the hypothetical mountain...

    Quick question, are their more players with or without the feat?

    Quick question..more players coming to the game or leaving the game?

    Again, great job DEVS....well thought...Bravo
  18. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    Actually it's not. it was a one time thing, I missed out by not being there.

    Maybe something will get hacked again and you guys missing it can get one.

    People keep whining about this, because it's an exclusive feat and they can't get it. It's half a skill point. Then people continue to say skill points don't matter.

    So what exactly are people complaining about?
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  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Actually, mountains do grow, it's how they form in the first place, due to tectonic plate movement
  20. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

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