Back From the Hack Feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, May 7, 2016.

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  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Just like a person who incorrectly claimed that some people quit because they cant get this feat, im sure anyone who threatens to quit over a feat is just lying. No one would quit over a little feat, and if they ever did they would most likely return a couple weeks later.

    If people are discontent with a game, im fairly certain a feat isnt what would push them over the edge. It would have to be something that would actually effect them.
  2. Shinbujin Active Player

    It's adorable that you ran to Google in your attempt to educate us. Yet, ironic that we are all aware you're the one who learned something about basic geology. Try googling "logic" "fallacies" "weak analogy" and apply that information to your original post, "bud." Considering that you completely avoided my initial questions in your reply, look up "strawman fallacy" while you're at it.
    "It's a mountain, not a tree"... That was enlightening.
  3. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    For someone wanting truths you share an awful lot of opinions
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  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Was your downtime for a full month. If you could login within 30 days then its not the same
  5. Solarverse Committed Player

    Are people seriously arguing over this feat? SMH...I'll be leaving this thread alone. I thought it was a show of hands thread.
  6. MacFuego Active Player

    So those of you that have the feat.......

    Do you have all the other feats?
  7. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

  8. Unida Dedicated Player

    the irony in the first line.... wowo.... please re-read your first post in the thread and then enjoy some of your own advice.

    there is should be no real debate around the feat here at all, everyone knows why it exists... its very specific and has been explained to the nth degree in many many MANY threads over n over. nothing is going to change here at all.

    as mentioned in other threads, it's similar to a founders pack exclusive. also, the fact of the matter is that the people that were here for the hack had actually BOUGHT the game early in 2011 and then come november 2011 (i think), when things went F2P many of us were again made to pay a sub. In saying that, we also had the option of going lifetime for like $130? or something.

    the fact that people come in after all this garbage and say its

    1. its unfair
    2. im leaving if i cant complete all feats
    3. why even start playing if i cant get that 1 50pt feat??
    4. any other combination of well disguised whine

    come on.
    if you deserve it - you should have it.
    annnnnd 267 is the current top SP i think right? thats 2670 sp pts. 50 sp points is 1.9% of total potential max, if this is a game breaker for people - well you wont be missed at all by me.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Congrats on the feat.
    I don't want it or care to have it.

  10. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    Got a question? Are y'all talking about the PlayStation black out that lasted for a few months? That's about the time I started playing.
  11. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    It was in 2011 and it lasted for a few weeks, not months.
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  12. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    You cannot just compare the hack from 2011 vs a 2015 SM that was unplayable for a week or so when the rest of the game was playable.

    There was a hell of a lot more incentive to try and get players back in 2011 pref2p than a minor instance of SM which ever it was in 2015.

    You wanna know another time the game was unplayable, unfnplayable, before the hack? Game update 3. No feat points were given then as a compensation deal, hell I dont think we got anything, might have, I don't remember, but dont think so.

    Another time that happened postf2p... the Hand of Fate dlc release. Absolutely unplayable for many players trying to run Hand of Fate instances. Still made the game unplayable for most, if I recall, not running Hand of Fate instances, yet were in the same open world vicinity. Was just a mess, but not quite gu3 level. No feat points were comped in any compensation plan I know of.

    Just pointing out two instances out of many pre and post f2p fkuppery that had zero feat points comped in whatever compensation deal that may have been doled out. A one time thing and only a one time thing under a different era of the game. The game then was funded on subs and people that bought the game and whatever MP sales they could get. So yeah the players that bought the game pref2p, subbed is the only real weight of this discussion.

    The SM mode was unplayable for a week, yet the rest of the game I'm sure was fine.

    ...and hey wasnt this current FoS SM fdupp for a few days this time? If so was anything done? my guess... probably not.
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  13. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player just wondering. I've been playing this game on and off for 3 years. Just came back last December. People are right it's still one of the best mmo games out on the market.. I played a few others.. Don't like chopping wood for hours and dig for metals for hours.. That got old quick. Lost intrist in Destiny long time ago. When both games came out on ps4 I was ranked #1 for the first month but was loosing intrist in them.
  14. Backseid Devoted Player

    You vastly overestimate the situation.

    A. No one has ever quit due to that feat. Lol!

    B. Not one single person could ever, in a million years, tell the difference whether they had that feat or not.

    C. Does it bother some? Yeah. But no one really cares in the long run as its completely useless.

    Edit: holy crap! I thought this thread was only on page 2! Lol!
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  15. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    We also got 30 days free subscription, as well as one day for every day the game was offline. :D

    It was just a different game back then. Free-to-Play changed that, and that is why you will never see Feats like that again.
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  16. Marek Committed Player

    I dont see how you could say that. The post i quoted you said ... anybody who had a psn account should have that feat then ..... people being punished cuz they didnt know the game existed .... how does it not apply? Whether this game offering a 50 point feat or a store offering free items? Its all the same, if u didnt know it existed.

    Everything in this thread is all opinions. Yours, mine, everybodys. I agree with u to an extent about feats not being giving out without some sort of effort to obtain, but it is what it is. I have that feat on a couple characters that i dont even play anymore and there is absolutely no progression arguments to really even be had cuz it will make no difference.

    My biggest complaint is the people who try to get the feat or some other equilavent when they werent even here to get it which brings me back to my first analogy. Peoples sense of entitlement are way out of wack.
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  17. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I love this game, but if you want some real talk, the Feat was probably a bit of bait.

    The game was losing money. Nobody could play, so people were cancelling their subscriptions, usually in the form of cancelling their actual Credit Cards, because of the hack.

    This also came right after GU 3, which also saw a huge drop in players.

    They announced this "Make Good Plan" ahead of the Network even coming back. They detailed the recycled Batman mask and the free subscription. It was clearly a way of saying, "Don't forget about us! Please come back! Please give us your money again!"

    I'm confident GU3 and the Network Hack are what led to no more monthly free updates, and paid DLCs, as well as Free to Play.

    And I think THAT is why you'll never see a similar feat int he future, no matter the downtime.
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  18. Dark Warrior Active Player

    I have that feat. In fact just about a week ago, I wore my Back from the Hack hoodie, Batman Inspired Mask, Year 1 Anniversary cape and walked all around the Watchtower throwing my Year 2 Anniversary cake, firing off the Year 2 fireworks display, activating Servo and TOM-Bot. That was a good day.
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  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Missed out on the Year 2 Anniversary Gifts, thought it was the anniversary of your characters, sent in a ticket and took a few back and forths before finally realised it was the game anniversary and missed it by about a week or three
  20. bagofboom Committed Player

    Why is this?
    Not sarcasm, is this a true thing they can't get for some reason?

    Long Live DCUO!!
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