So I know that the moonbase is still alive; if you're under 30. But I've been there and it's definitely not the same as it used to be, (door switches are removed, turrets unavailable the nth metal hovering over the ground) but then again I'm missing a bunch of moonbase feats and i know i'm not alone in this. So while the update lets you level to 30 faster it'll also means no moonbase for you ever, this is the only side effect of leveling up.When will it be added to the Arena rotation eh? question.Will it ever come back in rotation?
I wholeheartedly support the above statement. Last night I was queued with a full group for 8v8 legends. We waited over an hour and nothing. Either give people more incentive to do these large PvP matches or just give us the feats by default. I suggest giving more marks for these.
Or just do heavy pvp rollbacks and make pvp not suck again? seriously, just coming back after a long time away, it plays even further from the game i use to play then the insane changes they were doing which chased me away in the first place. /Bad Pvp is just bad.
Moonbase on the PTR is awful, but they are bringing it back... it just sucks. PvP in this game has gone to complete crap from it's original awesomeness. It seems like every time they try to improve it they make it worse and worse yet again. At least my lifetime membership might be worth something for me in EQ next, but it's SOE so it'll probably have a lot of potential which they will ruin over time instead of improve upon.