Awesome Idea Mepps PLEASE READ!!!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by JohnTh3Cross, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. JohnTh3Cross New Player

    So im an active player on the ps4 us pve i love the game and you guys do a great job with it. i have an idea though for something that will help you guys make even more money!!!! So, you use your replay badges and run Assault and battery 6 times and guess what you don't get the DPS gear you wanted but you do have a crap load of other gear, troll(mostly), healer ect... well fear not the awesome guys at dcuo added to the market place a gear power type change token it'll cost 1000 MC but itll be worth it so guys like me who work 2 jobs and go to school full time don;t have to spend 3 weeks trying for that all elusive helmet!!! :) also one more thing how bout a portable sparring target like the workbench that you pay MC for and can deploy anywhere you want stays up for 5mins or so. Again you guys do a great job hope you like the ideas!!!!
  2. Gethesis New Player

    to reply to what u jsut wrote u are a ****in ****
  3. Sho Tyme Well-Known Player

    To be honest, the portable sparing target sounds like a pretty good idea. As for the gear change tokens, no... If you want the style feat that bad, go to Alt Metro n buy it. The stats from that 1 piece of gear however, may seem attractive but I don't know if its really worth $10
  4. Sore Steadfast Player

    The problem with gear change is that they'd slow down our drop rates to compensate.
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  5. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    lol... ( better idea - fix system loot )
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  6. undevinez New Player

    yes loot should give you gear depending on YOUR active roll not whoever gets the last hit or any other nonsence
  7. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Uhh, Gear has nothing to do with who gets the last hit on a boss. Or any other rumor for that matter. Gear being rolled is the exact same for everyone. It's all random and each piece has the same value.
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  8. Darth Loyal Player

    Just to prove your point, I know for a fact that I probably never get the last hit as a Controller but I still have 2 Rings of OP.
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  9. undevinez New Player

    op (optomus prime )?
  10. Darth Loyal Player

    Omnipotence. Close enough though :)
  11. undevinez New Player

  12. Gods Disciple New Player

    Cost of purchasing the replay badges in the long run will be more than a gear change purchase... thus meaning more $$$ which is beneficial for the creators of the game (which keeps the game alive). Also it would take the fun out of running the raid, I mean, whats the point in running it if you have everything? And if you needed marks then you would run a easier raid!

    Good idea in regards to helping yourself get gear but not for the longevity of the game!
  13. Ice Lantern New Player

    Yeah this presents the devs with another conflict of interest, or as SOE would see it, an opportunity to gouge us even more. It's bad enough that they control drop rates with Replay Badges existing and they control powersets with Respec Tokens existing, this would make things worse.
  14. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    i came here expecting an awesome idea. you did not deliver. i want my money back.