Available Now: Time Capsules + Game Update 63!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Ok so this explains why I have so many of them, might have to run the event now.
  2. kabeq Well-Known Player

    Edit: sorry, I replied to wrong post.
  3. kabeq Well-Known Player

    Wow! Congrats on meeting your mate in the game. I can see why the two of you might be so emotionally invested in the game. For me, not so much. Over the years the passions have cooled somewhat but I still love to play this game.
    Now, with new content I tend to wait a week or two to make my comments and I usually end up in one place. It's not that great, it's not that bad, but it is new content and for that I'm grateful.

    I hope you and your mate reconsider because the game needs devoted players like the two of you.
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  4. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    What are the feats again for the TCs?
  5. Tsuzura Well-Known Player

    I think you need to make these capsules delete-able.
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  6. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Yep i already post in one month we gona have full inventory of this trush we should at least change it to prestige .
  7. WADE Well-Known Player

    instead of deleting them just sell them on broker and make a little some thing
  8. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    I wish lockboxes dropped as often as these things..
    • Like x 2
  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    also: with level 25, you dont even have enough ppwer points to use the advanced mechanic of some super powers... some loadouts need a total of 13 powers (15-2pp for iconic criticals)... -.-'
    • Like x 1
  10. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    The only two benefits of lock boxes are as a hero getting villain or villains getting hero styles and the mark.
  11. Captain Sabalan New Player

    I started playing this game a year or two ago. I love DCUO but wish the game didn't have so many bugs. Also the game looks like is hasn't updated the graphics since the game launched. I may get banned but I had to speak my mind. I'm leaving DCUO in hopes someday Daybreak gets their act together, Stop waving Auras and Booster Bundles in our faces, and make this a game we can actually be proud of. It's been fun playing in DCUO but I won't play a broken game anymore.
  12. killercomic Dedicated Player

    Devs, If you plan to do this again, please give us an iconic villain costume. I wound up having to do this.........

    • Like x 2
  13. Freeman Active Player

    I noticed this too. What's the deal? I'm starting to feel like Daybreak doesn't really appreciate my business and is constantly looking for new ways to nickel and dime me.
    • Like x 1
  14. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Starting to feel? STARTING?? is this only your 2nd day or what

    I recognize that was sarcasm fyi
  15. Freeman Active Player

    You're right. I should have said 'tired' of feeling nickeled and dimed.
    • Like x 1
  16. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Items from provision boxes that need to be account bound or tradable or make the box identify that these are the contents so we can put them on the appropriate character first.
    Soder Cola P2W
    Generator Mods

    also is future crusader gear supposed to only have 1 prestige?
  17. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Lend you money? Are you kidding?

    You think everyone who has millions in this game.... just turned it on one day & there was millions of dollars just sitting in their inventory?
    Absolutely not.

    If you want millions... you gotta EARN IT.

    Start small by selling 'collections' in the broker for like $1k-$10k, at least.
    Or sell 'exobytes' and 'base items' for tens of thousands of dollars.
    Or sell stacks of 'simple' and 'complex' material for tens of thousands of dollars.
    Or sell the 'collections' and 'emblems' from time capsules for tens (or hundreds) of thousands.

    You just have to be diligent about doing it. Every. Day.

    Set a realistic goal. (Like saying "I want to try to sell $20k, or $50k, or $100k worth of stuff today.)
    And do it at least 10x different times.

    Then put 5-10 items in the broker every single day for like a week (or a month). Not just once.

    (Or to make it easier, just put 1-2 items in the broker whenever you take a short break between raids, so it doesn't feel like a chore.)

    Sell them all at a competitive price. Or the lowest (reasonable) price.
    Don't waste time with items that are only gonna sell for less than $1000.

    But whatever price you set... all those items you put in the broker should at least 'equal' the goal you set beforehand, when you add them all up... You just have to be diligent about doing it. Every. Day.

    Within 1 month you should have a few million bucks that will last you for MONTHS in this game, if you keep selling items every so often.

    Now, if you are NOT 'willing' to put in the work it takes to earn millions (like some of us did)... don't complain about how much stuff costs in the Broker. -_-

    Just saying.
    • Like x 4
  18. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    Other day more wihtout dlc in steam ;(
  19. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    If anything my lockbox rate INCREASED. I went from getting 1 a day, to 2-3 a day.
  20. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    I have 21 characters, and in three weeks ALL of them gained more than $1 million each, just by one character doing collections and farming exos, and slamming them into the broker. At the end of the three weeks he had over $21 million, (that works out to a million a day on average) which I split between all of the characters (adding it on to the $1 million + they each already had.
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