What is wrong with this map? Ive been trying to get the win feat for a couple of weeks by forming 2 groups and queueing but the queue would never pop. We tried everything,turning on task force,asking if anyone has someone from the opposite team on ignore,swapping group members,synchronizing the queue & re-queueing but it would never work. We were trying for hours and hours but it wouldnt pop once.We even tried queueing in Legends PVP but that wouldnt work either. And its not as if other groups were farming the same feat because aparently,at least on EU,only a handfull of people still play pvp,let alone 8v8. Could a dev look into this?There's obviously something wrong with the queue finding system. P.S. For those complaining about gaining feats over arranged matches.Get a group,queue for 8v8 and I will beat the wins out of you
Sadly, there's likely nothing wrong with the map. PVP has decayed to such a point that the only time I've seen larger maps pop in recent memory is win trading by organized teams via dedicated chat channels. Unless and until PVP gets some much needed and overdue love, it's going to be a struggle for you. Pains me to sound pessimistic on this topic but best to be sober about where we are.
Update: The same thing happened today in Safehouses 4v4,2 groups,waiting about 40 minutes,it hasnt popped once