Test Discussion Augments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Avair, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m still waiting to hear if there’s any titles on the new Red Robin and Cyborg gear ;)
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Lol I forgot you sorry, can't check right now either
  3. SectorV New Player

    Hello, what about this feats:
    - Collect 10-100-300 essence from salvaging.
    - Create 1-5-10 equipment mods.
    - Create 1-6-12 generator mods.
    From AF3 to Deluge episodes. Now when you salvaging gear from this episodes only get the materials for the new system. This feats will be granted with the next update?
    Sorry if this was asked before.
  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah, that happens a lot.

    *sniff* :D
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  5. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    These Will Auto Complete and grant the feats & Points
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  6. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    That’s great news!

    I was also wondering if you guys were looking into adding power and health augments. For some tanks and trolls not having more of these stats can mean not having the most optimal build and that’s a bummer. I like the new augments system but it is a bit restrictive in some areas without having augments for each stat. Also without augments for each stat it pigeonholes everyone into the same builds with no way to min max.
  7. Avair Well-Known Player

    Alright, I see we have already wished you a happy Monday, so I will get down to it. I have information and changes. Here is what’s up.

    Naming Conventions
    We renamed a couple of things to make it clearer. Here goes:
    • Episode specific augments are now Adaptive Augments
    • Implants/ Runes/ Metagenes are now all referred to as Origin Augments
    This should make communication between everyone a little bit easier.

    So that everyone knows, when we calculated values for stats we compared a full set of current mods to a full set of 4 Origin Augments and 2 Adaptive Augments. When comparing the stats you get from live to after Augments go live, you should be comparing the 2 Adaptive Augments with no upgrading, and 4 Origin Augments with the Golden Exobytes you get.

    We have checked our work using this goalpost and it is pretty close, but we are going to do some tweaking to soften some of the rough edges, tweaking things up a bit.

    We will be making a report and posting it soon! At that point we will share what updates we are doing to stats from Augments.

    Augments are now active in PVP (there was a bug where they weren’t active). They are clamped pretty hard to remain in range of the T6 Expert Mods, but they do have a tiny range of stats.

    All of the following assumes you have 4 Origin Augments and 2 Adaptive Augments equipped. The stats and clamping work as follows:
    • The amount of your primary stat (VIT, MIT, RESTO, DOM, PREC) you get is roughly equivalent to the amount of stats you would get from T6 Expert mods if you maxed out the primary stat.
      • For example, if you had 10 Might Mods equipped, you would get roughly the equivalent from Augments
    • The amount of Power and Health you get is roughly equivalent to if you have 10 T6 Expert split mods.
    • This means that with augments you get the primary stat of fully focused mods and secondary stats of split mods, but at the same time.
    Tactical Mods
    This is fixed and they will be returning to Test.

    Golden Exobytes
    The update was posted here earlier. This will be live soonish.

    Adaptive Augment Grant
    Players will now get their set of free Adaptive Augments earlier in the content.

    We are in the process of making this harvested ingredient more valuable. We added them as a requirement for making Power Interaction Consumables and we are also likely to make something cool happen with them that I can’t announce yet.

    That’s it! I will keep an eye on the forums and get back to you with new info when I can. Thanks again for all the feedback.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Sometimes I get frustrated cause I feel that feedback isn't being listened to, and then I see posts like this that hit everyones areas of concern. Color me impressed and a lot less stressed for augment release. Looks much more promising than what we saw in the livestream and what was put on test Friday.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually the more I've thought about this the more im thinking it's not necessary.

    If health and power are on the augments to start with then any health and power you might have gained from mods via either power vit mods, power resto mods or health dom mods etc or socket affinities is accounted for within the health and power we are being given automatically.

    Thus there is no requirement to have split health and power mods because doing so would allow a player to apportion a disproportionate amount of health and power.

    I trust this makes sense.
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  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

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  11. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    SO... Does this mean to those of us with New Justice Mods in Our PvP Gear?
    Will we be getting Golden Exo's for the PvP side?
  12. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    For trolling im pretty sure your loosing out on power if you go with a more power focused build. I'm going to be asking a buddy that is doing the math to be 100% correct but last time it was checked it was a loss and would defiantly effect how some played.

    As for some tanks heath it might be ok but i cant say for sure cause myself or anyone i know hasn't looked super deep into that yet just glanced over it. I was kinda just throwing health out there cause if there was a heath augment it could possibly open a more efficient spec for a power or two or meet what they already have but like i said haven't dove in deep to that yet.

    Another reason i am for adding health, power and even dom is cause i don't like the idea of having no room for other options. If theres a possibility of improving a build or tweaking it to fit his or her playstyle more im all for it.
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  13. SteelSD Level 30

    While the addition of another 4 Golden Exos and the application of augments to PVP is good news, I haven't seen a response to other concerns.

    1) If you calculated all stat values based on 6 Augments, then I think it's also clear that the XP values necessary for leveling them were also calculated based on the assumption of a player having only 6 augments. As the system is now supporting more augments to accommodate dual roles, it's pretty clear that the XP leveling values need to be adjusted.

    2) Certain Tank power sets rely more on Health, others more on Dominance. If each Tank is effectively capped on Heath via the Augment system, you're likely making some Tanks weaker. How will this be addressed?
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  14. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    Has the health been locked in as a negative already? I think they said they would be looking at smoothing out the rough edges, so I’d wait and see what comes of that first. Remember that even though some tanks would spec health, that in order to get some affinities they’d have to spec into half health for those mods. Here’s hooong the math they’ve been doing accounted for not just the min/max and the 50/50 builds, but also the builds they forced on most of us for affinities sake.
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  15. Ully Committed Player

    Hi Avair, thanks again for the updates. We really appreciate the communication. In my previous post, I commented on augment progression within this DLC. I'll just go ahead and rephrase my question, will dedicated players achieve maximum levels on both Adaptive and Origin augments within the relevancy of a DLC? By dedicated, I mean, active players that are running content daily.

    Thanks again,
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  16. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    If you collect 999, do they turn into a rampaging MEGA-BYTE?!

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  17. El El Committed Player

    I noticed on test server at lvl 30 im not getting golden eggs not sure this is a bug.
    If not then at what cr are we going to get those golden eggs?
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    I checked the tank stats a bit last night and the health from live was within 10k I believe with the augments being at item level 193 which is where we are supposed to be going in.

    From memory, cause im at work, health was around 87k, this was with entry "might adaptive augments" at level 0 but it's identical health stats and level 193 dominance origin augments (implants)

    My sp was set 140 in to health and 205 in to dominance.

    As for the power stat I'll look at that a bit more tonight, but I really think what they're trying to say is here's the amount of power stat you'd have for from a split mod automatically you wouldn't have got any more than this in any case ;)

    I get the desire to be more efficient it's just about perspective though.

    If you'd modded your troll with vit power then you'd have got xyz power and xyz vit right.

    Under the new system you'll still get xyz power and xyz vit

    Edit - bear in mind this test build was mera 205
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  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    There are stat differences and while its not the end of the world I don't like players options being limited and everyone being funneled into the same builds. If someone wants to spec a certain way to be more efficient in whatever they are doing they should have that choice.

    I'm interested to see what the upcoming stat changes to augments will be but again I'd like to see players have options.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    How are they being pushed, they're just automatically getting the health and power now on top of your primary stat.

    By being able to mod in to additional health and power you'd then be getting more health or power than you otherwise would have been getting even on the old system

    Does that make sense? ;)

    Your health and power isn't taken away just simplified to the point you no longer need to think about it
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