Of course not from zero I have not mistakenly infused two Golden Bytes into one Augment ^_^ Precision and Resto was from 24 (iIrc it's the minimum, it's not 0). The cores were leveled from scratch, though they require 100k less XP. The cumulated XP of the twelve Augments are what should display that fast leveling is possible nontheless. Playing with three toons for one day makes a single augment reach around 165 from scratch. The Augment system is no witchcraft. If a player takes a longer break, catching up is not that hard, since newer episodes' Bytes give even more XP. Getting my four Precision Augments of my main from the lowest rank to 217 is, from what I've experienced, faster than crafting entirely new Atlantean Mods for another spec.
They should. It will still end in a lot of angry/confused returning players (some people don't bother with emails either).
Mods were removed from gear and their function moved to augments because it had gotten ridiculous that one had to move mods every day since you had to do it with every new piece of gear and nowadays we tend to get multiple pieces of gear a day, or at least frequently enough that modding became such a pain that most people refused to do it. It was, in other words, absolutely necessary, because mods had become a hated and little-used aspect of gameplay. Now we're not spending half our time modding gear any more.
Okay, I agree that was somewhat opaque and unclear. Sorry. What I was trying to say was that the fact that the game evolves is not a bug, it is a feature.
I'm sorry but I don't agree with this. For example, I had friends who took a break after DELUGE and they had new justice mods that are more than enough to beat Titans Content and aren't really that outdated (not even 2 months if i'm correct), if they don't get in the game in 8 days they'll basically have to start everything from 0. If you want to keep them away from the game, well, you're doing pretty well, otherwise, this is just not smart at all. I don't know the reasoning behind this, but it just looks like... A terrible logic, to not say something else.
So round up your friends and tell them to come back and take advantage of this before it ends... then they can take a break again.
You guys might want to rethink this grand idea. This is going to go about as smooth as GU 47 when players found that their 10k marks were now 100 marks. Players that have not been here are going to be livid and there will be some rage quits. All I can say is that DCUO might want to put their kid gloves on afterwards because there will be some complaining.
Tomorrow, Aug 23rd, is .50 cent corn dog day at Sonic. Im going to go on the 24th and complain and whine about it with every excuse and for them to please sell me a dozen of them for .50 cents... Because I cant help it if I couldnt make it on the 23rd. Why stuff gotta have to be limited time offerings.
That's not really about it, the example was "my" (Not really mine, but you got it lol, I hope) problem, but there are many others out there in the same situation. The devs can do whatever they want and this is the time I probably care less about what they say (I'm barely having time to play this month), I'm just arguing that this decision is kind of ilogic and there are many better approaches.
I agree. @mepps - send out a general e-mail to everyone and then it'll be the responsibility of the player to act on it. Specially, since not all players visit the forums, nor tweets or facebook.
Why is this expiring? Unless its technical I find it hard to see why getting golden exo's would expire. Whats the harm in having it NEVER expire since its a ONCE per toon transition feature.
i can say Mods was very grindish i disliked todo them over time but i did it. Augments made lfe better you salvage loot anyway where is put salvage waste ofcurce to mods. Its simple then modding entire gear you get overtime. Biggest issue i see is lifeforce some rarest one you pay 1 million on broker that drop 1 per day in some point you need 16 of them with many toons you get it done faster but you need 4 seal of completions to get them higher 1 dps 1 for role you need 8 of completions 2 toons you need lot more and comes question how mutch ppl want todo this if everybody want to play cheap. Its good marketing but its price is in total big? Other problem i see that instances take too mutch time to complete because i able to play in my playtime 1 alert 1 duo some raids maybe 1 or 2 in 1 day with 1 toon other i do same and queing to random groups sometimes are waste of time Even LFG groups are bad if i do league run its faster then rest ppl groups can afford. I think issue is that where ppl put exobytes they get or they sell them? I have 1 toon maxed out augments you get it done after some time its funny sometimes to see in pug ppl just leave instance if they dmg lower then my if they lose in last boss they just go fast away after dissapointment on leaderboard. Some ppl are happy if thay passed instance but ppl dissapoint too much for something in game. Before revamp i did every day 4 raids or more in 1 day just now i do only 1 or not at all because it takes too much time. But i enjoy augments. Its good made less work on grinding. You get loot anyway. Right now ppl just struggle on endgame on alert and raids but it got better. Maybe lucky collection drops are also issue because you not get what you need even after 4 months or more have to pay high price on broker thats whay ppl running away. Just takes too much time. I like game its simple and easy but i not like how get collections done if item or something not dorp what i really need.
Bad form Mepps- No reason to discontinue this at all Personally I know not many people come to these forums. I'm glad I did as I have a toon at 235CR that I shelved a while back, had I not seen this I may not have logged in on time. It's a simple mission & guarantee you some people take 2-3 months off at a time (like I have in the past) and still keep there membership up but if they come back and this has happened. They will be PO'd and rightfully so.
That would be a good comparison, if golden exobytes were just flat out freebies, but since the golden exobytes are meant to reimburse the hard work you put into making the mods, it's not the same thing. They should at least wait until the end of the year, if someone doesn't come back by then, chances are they don't plan to, or they simply won't care as much. It's only been a month since they released...
Golden Exo's scale to your Combat Rating. It's not appropriate to horde them for later and get a bunch of free xp. They exist as a transition for active players who were using mods and we didn't want to force to start back at level 0. Anyone can come back, download, log in, and grab their Golden Exobytes if they choose to (prior to August 31).