Augments Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Trexlight, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. Deathen Blazes Active Player

    OK quick question.

    I appreciate the guide, but I have a whole bunch of things like 'flawed precise exobyte'. Where does one buy the plans to turn them into solid and pristine exos?
  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    They don’t exist, unfortunately. You can only turn regular Flawed into Solid and Pristine. Not the ones that say Precise, Dominating etc.
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  3. Akumakazama Level 30

    Can someone help me? I know the strategy of leveling all the Origin Augments around the same time and not Max one out and move to the next. My question is when you throw in Artifacts in the mix, what's a good strategy to level them up. My CR215, so should my Artifacts be at a certain level before moving to the next thing?
    I feel this can be here since they use the same UI for upgrading.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    My opinion is, use your Nth Metal exclusive for your artifacts, and use your Exobytes to cover the Augments. Artifacts will only accept Nth Metal, not Exos, so if you use all your Nth Metal to help speed through the Augments, then you'll be left in the end with your Artifacts still needing leveled while you have no further use for the Exobytes. Sure, Exos are sellable, but Nth Metal cannot be bought on the broker, so there is nothing you can do to make up the lost time in waiting for Artifacts.

    Nth Metal to Artifacts. Exobytes to the Augments. That's my advice.
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  5. Akumakazama Level 30

    Thanks man. I will try to use that advice but i dont' get many exobytes. I will try to get more. After play some more tonight. I think i could add some info. Like getting Augments maxed is cool, but I don't know, a "rule of thumb" tidbit, for example. "Since your CR215 you can chill with your aguments at level....i don't know Level 115." Or keep your aguments around your CR. That for example.
  6. Brit Loyal Player

    If you salvage gear you're not using at the R&D station instead of selling it to a vendor, you'll have plenty enough exobytes to keep pace. The gear salvages into an exobyte with a grade (like rank 4, or rank 11, etc) and that grade is based off of the level of the item that is being salvaged. Higher grades are worth more XP, so in the beginning you will see huge jumps until you reach the point where it's about right for your level. And then, as your CR continues to increase, so will the item level of the items being salvaged, which will in turn give more xp for those augments and push you through those higher levels.

    Unless you have some really strong desire to grab every furniture peice you can, typically you can run just about any content and get a few gear drops, which can then be salvaged into exos.