Augment System Questions Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. SilkyPawz Bunny

    Mepps, how will this affect affinity mods/bonus on elite gear?
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  2. sharpy36 Active Player

    All recovery kits, or just totals?
  3. Knarlydude Loyal Player


    How is this are augments going to work with PVP?

    Will we need PVP augments?
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  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

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  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Thank you for all of your answers, Mepps!

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  6. Eve YouTuber

    I asked on twitter, but just saw the thread so throwing my unanswered questions here:
    Since the R&D system is changing and all... And we can use Complex\Simple Materials (To my understanding) to upgrade the augments... What will happen to enhanced stuff plans? We won't be able to craft these anymore? or it won't change?

    Augments have breakthroughs? if it does, Does it have % chance to fail like Artifacts breakthroughs?
    Is there a new kind of "Seal of prevention" to not lose everything or here you can't lose if it fails?

    The Augments are specific to our roles\powers? Or It's not related?
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Mepps, to clarify this, can you please provide more details as to how this works.


    What is happening to those socket affinity bonuses in gear? is that getting considered in the overall stats that you get from augments?

    To be clear as well, it's not just health stats in those socket affinities it's all sorts of stats including Might, Precision, Vit, Resto etc.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception


    If the simple and complex materials etc are being made redundant and are not longer obtainable.

    How do we craft enhanced gear styles from the time capsules we haven't got too yet, if we can no longer get the complex materials?
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  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    In the past, players used Alpha mods to get the bonuses of gear mods for their alt roles, because there wasn't enough time to actually grind out all the materials for mods.

    Now, there are no Alpha mod bonuses. These golden xp items were very generous, and since they're based on CR and not equipped mods, are alts will benefit at this time.

    However, from here on out, augments will be leveled by gear invested. So unless you get a ton of gear on every alt, you'll get left behind.

    I'm basing this on what I imagine your goals (as devs) are to reach max augment xp every episode.

    As an example, purely hypothetical: Let's say it takes 2 months to get enough currency to unlock the vendor gear set, and you can earn 5 pieces of gear a day + 10 more from weeklies and raids. So you would get 45 weekly. In two months, that would be around 340 total gear. My question is this: Would I need those 340 total gear to have enough xp to hit max cap with augments? Or would I reach it far before, maybe after only playing a month?

    1. How many days of running all content available are you calculating for getting max XP?

    That directly affects whether running alts - and alternate roles - will be viable.

    Also, a side question:

    2. Will all salvaged gear give the same amount of XP for our augments? Or it is based on our CR? For example, if I get a pair of pants from Area 51 (the tier 1 version) what kind of exobyte will i get when salvaging it? Will we be able to salvage older gear?

    3. I totally understand that I'm not on test yet, so please don't take my statement as an absolute fact. It's more of a gut feeling that could prove wrong. The reason this is important is that since these are cumulative items and not crafted items, the stat difference between someone who grinds and alts that are more casual will increase each DLC, correct? There's no button that says when Episode 39 comes out that we'll all be on a level playing field again, right?

    Thanks so much for your answers to our questions Mepps. #transparency has been really great.
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  10. Tarif Committed Player

    Wondering How we are getting our PVP mods replaced with augments???

    Reading we are getting Augments to replace everything, all our armory builds, different role equipment, 4 of each type of the base augments leveled to current CR, this is seeming like a pretty large nightmare of a list already.

    All things saved, all r&d investments in game, even purchased recovery kits being just changed from the items we purchased them in the first place for?

    Are REFUNDS going to be available for these items that were purchased with a specific intent off the market place, now that you are changing them??? I didnt purchase Augment experience point boosters.

    This is really starting to worry me.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Although there probably are protections for Daybreak in the terms and conditions etc of purchasing, I do tend to sympathise with your position in that you purchased a total recovery kit and not an xp booster kit.

    Perhaps a voluntary refund option could have been implemented?
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  12. Brav Well-Known Player

    I Noticed in the Test Notes, a New Material Called Exo-Material was mentioned, which will replace old Material Ingredients.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Yes, I understand that I just wanted confirmation from Mepps that the plans for these old r&d items will be updated also.
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  14. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    Mepps, the biggest thing I am hearing in my league, is about how the mods don't matter much.

    The analogue I can use is like someone working a job for 3 years earning a curtain about per hour and the company raising the wage rate for new hires to the same as the 3 year employee without any adjustments ti the wages of the 3 year employee putting them at same rate no matter their experience.
    They feel as if it is rewarding CR chasers and the ones who put the work are punished for working for feats being given to the ones who haven't. They want to know how much XP the would get for the exobytes they worked to get?
    I get both sides, but some of these people have multiple toons with both sides geared and modded to the top gear and mods in the game. They just want a little more clarity, can you help with this please?
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  15. Brav Well-Known Player

    I asked him that as well in the Development Section, He said Yes, though it was two questions in one. I assume we will get enough to Bring up all the Augments to our CR. We can find out soon on Test. Mepps can also Clarify though I believe we will. After that we will just have to farm to keep them up.
  16. Tarif Committed Player

    *nods* Protections are more than likely in place, but starting to think something should be implemented. I didnt purchase stacks of xp booster kits for augments, and thats what these items are now becoming.

    Not sure if many of these these things were thought out, like PVP Mods, Marketplace items and items from even capsules or items that were advertised and included with our purchase of booster bundles but they sure are starting to add up to me now.

    I purchased items and agreed to payment for items as they were advertised, not what they would just be turned into later.
    I seriously am getting worried, reading all Im reading on here now.

    If I use my credit card to purchase a ford, I sure dont want a company to charge me for it, and later pick my ford up and drop me off a chevy.

    Thats not what I agreed to purchase.

    Mepps, if we purchased specific market place items as they were advertised before these items are turned into something else now, are we eligible for refunds?
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  17. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Nitro solders and vitamin solders future?
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  18. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    So the total recovery kits will be turned into XP boosters, but what will happen with the recovery kits that we can currently craft?

    Also what will happen to all the other R&D plans we currently already know and can be purchased and are dropped in content?

    Lastly, how alt friendly is this new system? I would prefer it if everything can be shared across my account, but what can and what can not be shared?
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    What's happening is similar to when the revamp launched. Everyone recieved a mod box with up to 7.3 Elites if I remember correctly. Even people who had never crafted a mod in their life. The devs were just being generous to avoid causing too many complaints (and honestly, probably to avoid spending too much time working on conversion tables and what conversion rates are fair, etc.). They basically just want everyone to have more than enough just to be sure.

    So, people who worked hard crafting, don't get just the EQUIVALENT of those stats. They got more (a lot more, from what I hear).

    Players who didn't craft anything also got brought up to speed, at the moment, so i understand that might seem unfair, but it's not really since both groups got MORE than what they had.

    Also, since Deluge only had generator mods, the E3 equipment mods were scheduled to expire in usefulness anyway. Those crafted Atlanteans will be worth it until you get a full set of the dropped ones, and people who didn't craft will have to rely on RNG or whatever broker prices are.
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  20. inferno Loyal Player

    Currently on test, each mod (equipment or generator) seems to be worth only 20 exp, so as Mepps has stated, its not worth it to pull it out and use to augment. Just the golden stuff they are giving us.
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