Up-Votes Needed Augment not providing knockback immunity in The One Who Waits

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Siramez, Dec 19, 2021.

  1. Siramez Well-Known Player

    is it just me or is the knockback immunity from both adaptive augments not working at all? i got knockback'ed even tho i have both augs at r27
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  2. mwhite1069 Level 30

    Didn't see this anywhere so, I just finished The One Who Waits on normal. I have 2 maxed (28) Might Totality Inductors, which at rank 24 grant immunity from the knockback effect of Mxy's 5th dimensional bouncy ball. They do not. I got knocked back, knocked down, and knocked all over the place, during the fight. I do not know if I got the 15% reduction from toxin, as we had a great healer.
  3. mwhite1069 Level 30

    Thank you to whoever moved my post here, obviously my looking skills are not very keen.
    I have a theory, perhaps a place for devs to start looking. I just remembered that one of my augments broke through at 16 without any catalysts. This was during the Great Glitch of late '21. Now, I'm wondering if the game doesn't recognize any of the bonuses because it never read the breakthrough. I've read where other people aren't getting higher level 2 augment bonuses, and I'm wondering if a poll would reveal that they all experienced a spontaneous breakthrough on one of their augments, at some point.
  4. Berza Committed Player

    I leveled both augments after the glitch, so no automagically break through, and I keep being bounced all around.
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  5. mwhite1069 Level 30