Attention Quantum DPS.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Agent Flores, May 8, 2013.

  1. Agent Flores Committed Player

    I had very little time to play with my DPS load out and was wondering for those who has already found their load out what are you using? Just curious so I can make sure I can be effective in my role during raids and alerts.
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  2. The Kitsune New Player

    I say, experiment, and find out what works for you.
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  3. Doctor Erevos Committed Player

    Off topic:

    I laughed when I read Lightening out loud lol
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  4. Devilman New Player

    I have found it a lot like Lightning. I prefer the space tree, I only went to time to play with Q-tunnelling, but it isn't all that great.

    I've been using singularity like e-bomb then grav well like electrocute. I haven't found a replacement yet for egenisis, but I only played it for about a half of an hour yesterday. I like the A wave.
  5. Kraken New Player

    I landed on this loadout last night and it worked for me pretty well.

    Gravity Well - Alter Reality - Inspiral Waves - Alcubierre Wave - Energy Expulsion - Oblivion

    Rotation: Grav Well (clip) Alter Reality then alternate Inspiral Waves and Alcubierre Wave. E. Expulsion when low health.

    I was about 10k under a very well geared HL DPS.

    88CR 96SP 2066 Might.
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  6. Agent Flores Committed Player

    Your load out actually works for me. I think I will keep it. Thanks! :)
  7. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Speaking of electricity. I've always been a fan of the polarized tree versus the electrify tree and it seems like with the right load out a quantum dps and electric dps could put up some major, major numbers.
  8. Foxe Well-Known Player

    But AR after GW will mean you lose the extra damage from the PI

    I am currently using TE to clip as well so I can use AR before GW

    AR > GW > TE > TB then weapon combos to take advantage of 60% buff and ticks from AR, rinse and repeat, working quite well for me.
  9. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    Alter Reality? I'm guessing you mean Warped Reality.
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  10. Cloud_9 New Player

    I've been running Gravity Bomb - Tachyon Blast - Singularity - Gravity Well - [the weapon buff, I forget the name] - Quantum Tunneling.

    I will admit that in its present state, it needs work. Singularity has a lower power cost than gravity bomb, but does less damage and the cool down is just slightly too long. But gravity bomb uses a bit too much power. I need to check all the powers for clippability, where cooldown, power cost, damage, and animation time need to be taken into account.

    Tachyon Blast is for distant targets, and used in conjunction with tactical mods to keep my modifier at 60%. And Quantum Tunneling is my bug out. I love being in the middle of everything and thinking "This isn't where I parked my car" before porting away.
  11. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    Attention Agent Flores...............

    Theres a guide section with the info u requested, it has a pretty decent guide

  12. BumblingB I got better.