Attention New Devs: 2 THINGS TO SAVE THIS GAME

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostRyder3000, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. Sollace Committed Player

    They started to finish the game with the artifacts (the majority of players have started running away from the game) and they finish it with the pliers and now they use the remaining players as financial income...
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  2. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Apparently THIS version of it is..... as I hear no other game does it like this one.

    Sadly.. This is happening.... more and more... and probably for more and more people.

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  3. Spyke Hollow New Player

    • Add more slots for trackable quests.
    • Add the ability to track feats (without having to open various menus).
    • Implement a block on the ability to art swap in-game (come on, I’ll never believe it was intended to spend 4 out of 5 minutes of a fight with the inventory open, swapping artifacts).
    • Remove the stat clamp for old episodes and keep it only for the last 5 (this would help new players still engage with content and play old episodes, which are currently literally EMPTY).
    • Allow the option to start old solo/duos/alerts/raids solo or with more people (scaling the HP/damage percentages of mobs and bosses).
    • Portals for all solo/duo/alert/raid content; this connects to the previous point—maybe I just need to enter to grab an investigation or briefing that I missed.
    • A label or indicator based on the episode, or a hint that makes it clear which solo/duo/alert/raid is connected to a particular episode.
    These are the points I would focus on working on.
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  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Are they going to be the type to invest money to try and take this game in a better direction? Going back to quarterly dlc releases, or even 3 dlcs per year, try new things to add. Be better engaged with the community and players? Any innovations that will get old players back to try again, keep the ones around now and new players. etc etc.

    Or are they going to add something shinier in TCs and assorted capsules and new cash crabs. I think we just seen a taste of that by removing the decay option and making stackable the resurgence capsules. This creates more of a revenue over time vs the month or so duration of them.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Wait what? Mega are stackable now?

    I've always said they should just remove the decay, let them stack and 2 weeks after the last day, just 'poof' any unused ones from the item table. We'd still have 2 weeks to decide if we want to spend on them AFTER the end date, so the same as today...but stacking would make them far less aggravating.

    Guess I've got to read the update notes...sounds interesting.
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  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Yep I have a stack of 11 on one toon and a couple/few that are stacked on the rest of my toons. So kinda cool now.
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  7. Minotaur38 Well-Known Player

    Exactly. There are so many technical issues with this game too, and its getting worse. Broken/invisible boss mechs. Teen Titans The Machine, the 360 laser is invisible. In Gods Eye Pyramid, the circle of thornes is invisible on last boss, Convergence of the Unmaking, same thing during the eye. League Chat is broken, along with chat channels too. So many more I could list.
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  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Yep, I just noticed that last night. Up until now, I'd been deleting them, because I'm not running over to a vendor every time my inventory fills up, and half the slots are taken by TCs that don't stack. At first, I was kicking myself for just deleting them once I remembered you can sell them, but then I remembered why I had the knee-jerk reaction of just deleting them when they show up. I hadn't even noticed they removed the decay.

    I also noticed they don't say "Not Tradable" or "Account Bound," so I guess they could be sold on the broker? But I can't think why anyone would want to buy them on the broker, when the game literally drops more of them than you will ever open, unless you're willing to spend real-world money on enough stabs to open them all.
  9. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    We have less players than we used to and this has been going on forever, I don't think that has anything to do with player drop.

    Unless it bugs newer players and thats why they leave. But older people were doing this and several have left the game.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I doubt you'll run into an issue getting more.:p Also, I'd guess there will be several in the broker at some point.

    Personally, I'm opening as many as it takes to cap the feats for the last few capsule opening counts (haven't opened any crapsules for the last few years on my main account). I doubt the tendril backs will fetch much sales later, and stabilizers build so slowly now since they changed things (not on daily claim, no more vendor/Dr Fate sales), I'll need to start saving for the next one...or one after that even. I only open megas, and only open enough for the count feats. I get the rest of my stuff from the Broker.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah. just went and read the notes. I was on last night and guess I just didn't notice any stacks building. However, I was just doing the 3 weeklies on everyone, as I was wondering if the extra day of Bizzaro 2x coins was maybe going to get wiped with the update today. I didn't go in my inventory much.
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Eg7 already told everyone and the developers as to why DC Universe is not getting an investment from eg7 it is because the direction that the developers are taking with content needs to be changed. the game is fragile players are not sticky people are coming and spending a lot of cash when an episode comes out and then they're bouncing. that's because replays allow the player to reset content it makes DC Universe a casual MMO. eg7 will not accept a casual MMO for an investment they want a player base that is long-term. The direction of the episode not only has to change but the leveling system players are allowed to reach Max CR in a few days even day one with replays. This direction is unacceptable for eg7 it makes the game fragile
  13. Scrapgear Active Player

    There are plenty of things that the Devs can do to improve this game and help its numbers. Just based on this forum alone and seeing what things pop up the most often (Obviously the forum doesn't have all the players on it, but it is the place where players can go to voice their concerns or suggestions). These are some of the ones Ive noticed

    1) Communication: TALK. TO. US. Before Mepps left, there seemed to be....enough...communication where it felt like we were being listened to...or at least heard to some extent. Now it seems there is next to none. We seem to find out about stuff when it happens and are told about it after. Like, for example, the changes to daily log in bonus so now we get base items instead of what we got before. No heads up was given and we noticed it (at least that I saw. If I am wrong, I apologize. Please show me and I can edit this). Communication is key to any community and right now, it seems like there is very little of it going on

    2) The Clamp: Regardless of how I or anyone feels about this topic, for it or against it, it is UNDENIABLE it is a point of frustration for some players (it did have one of the biggest forum threads on here before it was locked). It has pushed people away from the game ENTIRELY or at least it has pushed people away from playing older content once the content becomes clamped (I am one of those people). There are plenty of people on this forum and in the game that knows people it has pushed away or have been pushed away themselves. The solution is simple. Make it optional. Giving players options is ALWAYS a good thing and considering it is a MASSIVE topic that keeps being brought up, I don't see a downside to making it optional. PLUUUUUUS If you are a fan of money (and we know you are based on how micro transactions this game has), if you make it like before where to play unclamped duos, alerts, and raids and get rewards more than once, you can buy and spend replay badges to do so. Thus putting some more cash in your pocket.

    3) PERCEIVED VALUE: There has been an increasing number of threads I have seen from players feeling they aren't getting their moneys worth from being a member. Some people flat out saying they let their membership expire because what is offered inst worth the 15 USD a month or the discounted amount for the year. There are plenty of people throwing out ideas to help increase the value. Now I am not saying these ideas are good or bad, but what I AM saying is that it seems to be a growing concern among players.

    Those are the big 3 I can think of. I know there is also a growing concern of how money grubby this game feels now, and I agree but I do realize this is a business and they need to make money. That being said, it probably is a detriment considering how everything seems to be monetized. Loot boxes/time capsules (that comes with feats), replay badges, Allies, Nth material, some styles, season event currency, source marks, episode specific upgrade items, and so so SOOOOO much more. I am genuinely surprised we haven't hit a point where they are just selling feats or the most recent episode specific currency (probably more of a matter of "when" instead of "if").

    What I can say is if you actually listen to players concerns, communicate with them, and work to make the game better I can almost Guarantee it will bring some lapsed players back and make it easier for newer players to jump into. Super hero media, while not as popular as they were 7 years ago or so, are still incredibly popular and the idea of being able to make your own hero and fight along side some of the most popular heroes out there is an amazing idea. If you make a product and the players like it, they will be more inclined to not only spend more time playing, they will also recommend it to their friends AND spend more money. Look at the peak of Helldivers 2. People LOVED that game so much that A LOT of them bought the deluxe upgrade just to support the developers. But once the game started having annoying barriers (though it was more from Sony than the developers who just had to follow what they were told), players stopped. Players in this game have dropped and those new EG7 reports are showing you aren't doing enough for players to want to stick around or spend the money you want.

    I hope this is heard or read but based on the lack of communication we have seen, I doubt it will be.
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  14. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    Hmm why does everyone just play the main stuff and than be done with it these days... gee I wonder why, almost as if things aren't quite balanced outside of the main three... thus their is less to retain their players.

    No one can tell me server life is close to what it was used to and the moment replays were released people hit the big shiny new stuff and than would slow down... the difference back than is people were far more willing to play older content... the problem with player retention is a portion of the population (I'm not going to argue how much) doesn't want to involve themselves with content outside of the main three.

    Just to be clear I am not stating that such fixes include getting things such as the clamp... but again the system itself is not balanced... it wasn't balanced before and I left and it's still not... although I'd argue the current way gatekeeps alot more.
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  15. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah I never understood the catch all throwback in the DCUO community of if you don’t like something play something else. Heck not just the toxic community here (almost an aspect of gameplay at this point) but sometimes the Devs themselves seem to parrot this sentiment by their actions. That’s the problem with what’s been going on in the last 14 years on DCUO in that something changes players complain they’re told to leave and they do. :D They do that too often the game becomes a ghost town no matter how much people spend on capsules. Talk about misplaced priorities huh?
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm one of those players unwilling to play older content because of the [DELETED]. Before the [DELETED] I would buy replay badges and level up as fast as possible and work on my elite gear. I loved being a super heroine. Now, it doesn't really matter anymore does it.
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  17. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Same here.
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  18. Wzlinnkk54 Well-Known Player

    it wasnt a reply to you but if you wanna say the clamp was bad then yes, but i also agree that arts and allies are hard to lvl up with alts included. but the clamp is far from a problem.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well it wasn't really a 'reply' to anyone. It was just a post in the thread. However, no problem. We can differ on opinions on the clamp itself...however you can't deny that along with the clamp, the changes that came with it changed the focus of the game greatly.

    Personally, I think that was an intentional outcome, and the game we have now, is more aligned with what they want....hence why likely none of those changes will be adjusted in ways that we'd like (and I'm not talking about the clamp needing adjustment there).
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  20. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Beg to differ....