Attention New Devs: 2 THINGS TO SAVE THIS GAME

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostRyder3000, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I think people also underestimate the impact of word of mouth. When people ask their friends if they should start playing the game or come back to the game, the answer is often a resounding "NO." Or a "Yes, but you'll need to take out a second mortgage."

    The better your product, the more players you will attract through word of mouth alone. But unfortunately, we've been going in the wrong direction for years now.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    So much truth. As much as I love(d) the game, I could never even subject even my worst enemy to it..... Unless change for the better occurs of course. Doesn't look like it will happen sadly.
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  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    They just acknowledged in their financial statements that Episode 47 LOST THEM MONEY. Really funny there but I remember when we asked we begged for more communication for things like when’s the next 2x arts going to drop if ever and what the hell is happening with this game you know what we got instead? We got the lead development laughing in our faces line “haha you’ll know when you know maybe soon maybe never”. Like what? How do you treat your core loyal players like that? Bear in mind we supported this game through the pandemic. We didn’t have to stay on with DCUO many of us could have dropped for greener pastures to better games that treat their fans better but no a lot stayed through thick and thin and let’s be honest DCUO got thinner and thinner every subsequent year. I hate hearing that devs don’t read the forums, Discord, X, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube comments but if they did they’d see DCUO players are madder than hell right now and if something doesn’t change soon then nothing is gonna be here next year then. Time’s up. They better respond better in the future because in the next quarterly report it’s going to drop even more most likely.
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I've pretty much stopped playing because of it. I don't even bother making sure I log in every day for whatever rewards there are. if I get on, I get on, & more often than not when I do get on all I'll do is run some outdoor stuff, & then I'm off again. can't remember the last time I ran an actual instance, solo or group. I mean, I'm not going anywhere, but I'm nowhere near as active or enthusiastic as I was. nowhere near.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, we'll get another 'This is not a constructive discussion' and it will be locked/deleted.
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Thing is, no matter how much the devs read and/or know of the goings-on, it matters not when the higher-ups give them strict orders to "ignore it" and focus on releasing money grabs.
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  7. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    They've said multiple times the archaic system architecture and endless chains of legacy code make both these things a virtual impossibility given their limited budget, time and resources. They even said they did spend some considerable amount of time exploring the possibility of adjustable group sizes for instanced content and came away with the belief it wouldn't be feasible.

    While I admire your persistence, at what point does it turn to utter futility?
  8. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

  9. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    ...against hope :p
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  10. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I will always love dcuo and I love it enough to keep it from suffering and I will pull the trigger to keep it from a slow bleed out. I am at peace with it I haven't played in some time. I hold out some hope it will turn around and the new dlc doesn't inspire faith in me to want to log back on either, but I'm happy at least other's enjoy it for what it is, but not what it could and should be.
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  11. Inattentive New Player

    Revenue down 11.7% from last year, that's all they need to see. The current direction is simply not working. If any investors research these forums you better start thinking of other moves. They wont fix the game, they cant even put out a proper DLC without massive lag, many many bugs that do not get fixed or have any kind of priority on them, or mechs that simply just don't work how they are intended to work.

    But these days its what they want to put out, so it is what it is. Revenue will continue to fall if they keep this pace.
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I don't think the game is beyond saving I mean today I couldn't even find a clean phase to do what I needed to do there was way too many people. What I'm trying to say is I truly feel like the loot locks and giving the player the option of resetting content is destroying the population. The developers are allowing people to buy resets from each other which is further destroying the population a few weeks after a new episode drops. Unintentionally further destroying the population a few weeks after the episode drops they allow you to skip regular gear and head right into the elite gear set. They should not be releasing regular content at the same time they released Elite content this is absolutely the wrong direction when releasing episodes. The direction they've been taking when making episodes is absolutely disgusting and you can tell where all disgusted when the episode doesn't last 2 weeks or even one day. What's even further discussing is there's no player retention with the gear system the player is not feeling any more powerful with that system. due to the stat revamp clamp to base stats which is disgusting at minus 70%. I swear if tge weekly resets were twice a week you would see tge game boom get rid of replays asap
  13. durrdevil New Player

    Agreed with option 2. The game has so much content but a massive amount of it is practically impossible to play. I've been trying for 2 months to play Episode 5 Dr Fate raids on villain side on Xbox (lmao dead). As well as about 25+ other missions from Tier 1-4. No chance.

    An option to even START older legacy content with only 3/7 players and allow for spots to be filled as the mission is ongoing might help.
    People have been doing "queue ins" for missions for ever. Why not just let people skip the middle man and just start older missions with 3/7?
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  14. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    The 2 REAL things that would fix this game are: Cat transformation trinket and the hiring of an in-game moderator (preferably one who also plays the game for fun instead of one who would just stand in 1 spot getting bored of reading the "Jesus has left the chat" conversations that sprout sometimes).
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, but it's not 'unintentional'. These are all micro transactions. Obviously they wanted more micro transactions vs long term engagement. They WANT people to be able to clear their elite gear in a few days using replays. They want people more worried about how many allies they have or artis they can swap, cause that's how the game has gone for years now. Even the beloved clamp, which makes it possible to climb to endgame in weeks vs months, allows you to get there BECAUSE they know you'll be more likely to want those allies and artis...all micro transactions....and that's not even counting the CR skips, enabling people to completely skip 80% of the game where they might learn how it works, or even begin to really love things like those of us who came before used to. TC's, BB's, Wolfpacks....all these are predicated on spending some cash for something noooooow, vs subs, DLC purchases, Powersets...all the things that USED to make up the bulk of their income. I think even if they released the greatest DLC that was ever made (and 48 ISN'T that), we are now so accustomed with how the game works NOW....we wouldn't be able to break the bad habits we've been made to adopt over the last 8-10 years.

    Now...did they want to lose all the player base? No...I don't think THAT was intended...however, how we got here? 100% by design, and I think it's too late to stuff that toothpaste back in the tube.
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  16. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I don't think it's too late not one bit. Like I said in one of my other posts I logged in to end game open world for weekly reset I couldn't even find a clean phase to do tumblers 200 count. It's insane how many people are active for the weekly reset the game is so full of players for three days after that it's all over. I can almost guarantee you 100% if they took replays and loot locks and did something else thinking outside the box or even made weekly resets twice a week but you can no longer replay. the population would always be massive they also should not allow you to skip regular gear and go straight to elite gear, that is a serious problem on the development team side it's like they are trying to kill their population. You have EG7 saying dcuo makes a killing when a new episode drops but people are not sticky lmao I wounder why that is. Sticky is eg7 trying to say why does the game population sky rocket and tge cash flow is nuts and 2 weeks later it's completely dead. I don't blame eg7 for not investing in that crap either. And before we point fingers at anyone I'll point you in tge right direction of the problem thankfully he's no longer the CEO of dcuo jackster. He has a formula for his 10-year clamp revamp and every episode was always going to be the same open your wallet and get it done in 2 weeks open your wallet and max out your artifacts open your wallet and max out your allies. That was what he was good at making money fast he did care about dcuo he wanted to get noticed by eg7 so he could be the one to make tge next superhero mmo
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but it's chicken and egg. They would never remove replays unless there was something new to replace that income, and honestly I'd see a 'why not get both' situation before I'd figure they'd pull replays. Some sort of replay use CAP? Maybe...but complete removal...never going to happen.

    And you've always been able to skip regular gear for elite. Now I know you mean right away week 1 via replays, but I've almost NEVER bought a set of regular gear before my elite is done because of the cost reduction, and my main NEVER has regular gear, that's for alts. That might mean a year or more before I get the gear, but then it's just for the feats anyway. Most times I finish my elite set around mid-DLC...or towards the later weeks.

    Now a delay before Elite comes out....sure, I suppose that might stretch things out, but once the replay spammers get started, they are going to it on day 1, or day 30 of a DLC's lifespan.

    And sorry, full OW zones on reset night on a 2x week? That's not a real good indicator of high activity turn around. How about the night before, Sunday, when I had a healer queued for both raids, reg and event for 30+ min and never got a queue pop? On a 2x week...that's not very active.

    I applaud your optimism, but think it's misplaced here. The changes you want to happen won't happen because DBG doesn't want them to happen. They want what we have (game wise...not population). Keep your chin up though...I ain't mad at you hoping for things.
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  18. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    My chin is pretty high because eg7 pretty much set it out loud for dimensional Incorporated to hear as to why DC Universe wasn't getting an eg7 investment. The reason is dcuo population and cash sky rockets only when a new episode comes out but it's short lived. For eg7 that makes DC Universe what was the word they used unstable they want to invest in a game that players are sticky and active long term not short term. This means dcuo now has to completely change there direction going forward and yes that has alot to do with replays and loot locks aswell as the leveling system. The level system is something stat revamp killed due to the clamp and the unclamped systems like arts and allies. which can take years for a Casual Gamer who might more or less say this is too overwhelming I will never get to use this I will just play something else. It is overwhelming because there is no real feeling of powerful with just your combat rating you actually need these other systems or you're going to be left behind and kicked from groups and put on ignore. Stat revamp was extremely salty and unnecessary
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  19. Wzlinnkk54 Well-Known Player

    Have you play any other mmo cuz the clamp is not a new idea by any means I think u and black and budikai need to go play something else.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure what that means. I wasn't discussing the clamp, other than the fact that our playerbase seems to have dropped off since, and the clamp came with the full 'F2P' which made membership NOT needed, and more micro transactions with the allies and fact that now everyone is able to be 'endgame' it promotes buying both artis and allies whereas when Free/Premiums played before that kind of stuff was very optional (didn't need arts or allies in event or old, pre-clamp content...did ya?). Now, granted, allies didn't exist till then, but had they been introduced separate from the other changes, it would still have stood you wouldn't have needed them till running 'endgame' stuff.

    Not even sure where Black enters that conversation seeing as he only pointed out that we'd not likely see a green name here....which is 100% accurate BTW.

    Guess you could have not been responding to me...but as you replied to no one, hard to tell. Just going off it's been me and Budokai talking this last 3 or 4 posts. If it was aimed elsewhere, you might need to define 'u' when posting a non targeted reply.
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