Attention New Devs: 2 THINGS TO SAVE THIS GAME

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostRyder3000, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Sorry... I was gonna just bump an old thread about this topic... but I grew tired waiting 3 minutes for each page while I searched for it.


    Nuff said... It's true... It's needed...


    Having to wait hours for either an instance to pop... or to form your own group is tiresome.. and with 1) not being optional becomes not worth the wait.

    Just put a timer on the instance queue.. If you don't have enough to meet the requirement after 5 minutes... just ask if we'd like to go in with what we got.
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  2. Cypharr Committed Player

    Option 2 sounds really enticing for a person of the same sexual orientation. Wow me mind body n soul are for option 2. Can just imagine starting making a group for HOJe 5 ppl join for this example the role composition is left to your imagination, LB might not be doable with that number. Sure getting as far as Controlled Oracle bot is quite. Which a prompt is available for the current 5 ppl in the group to vote to enter instance immediately with current group composition. Its a group choice and should be implemented asap devs. its a best idea me tell yous, it really is. The seach for more groups members will continue on top of opening the instance find more players. This is a Win for the community & frankly don't care if it's a loose for the devs. Take a hint developer and take one for the community even if its a win-losse situation
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  3. The Clamp Active Player

    That's pretty messed up, man. It's not cool to ask for a license to disable people. Especially when you already have a restraining order that states that you can't even talk about me.
  4. The Clamp Active Player

    Double tap. Bit of a nervous twitch. I'm going to go build a moat now or something.
  5. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I don't think anything can save this game, but yeah, I think this would be a good change.

    See, if we had a huge, thriving population, I could understand the arguments against this. But since we're talking about a dead game in maintenance mode with so much content that each instance is constantly becoming a smaller and smaller piece of the pie, it doesn't make any sense that players have to work this hard and struggle this much to go back and accomplish old feats.

    Old content is, for the most part, a wasteland in terms of overall player activity. There simply aren't enough players around to be able to consistently find groups willing to go into old content and play it the way it was originally meant to be played to get the feats you need.

    I get the idea behind the [DELETED], and I'd even be for it in different circumstances, but it's just not applicable to the game today.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Option 1 I really wish the [DELETED] had never occurred but since it is a reality, the best I hope for is a lessening of this handicap. It is too repressive, too punishing for those of us at End Game. I hate the [DELETED] to my core and I resent it till the day I finally stop playing DCUO.

    Option 2 would be great with this modification: If after a certain amount of time has elapsed for a queue (End Game or Omni) with a suitable group being formed, if the missing roles could be populated with NPCs to fill the slots that would great. FF XIV has something simpler where I as an individual can form a party with the other NPCs to go into a raid alone. Such a modification here in DCUO would be awesome but I suspect it would take literally years to develop and implement.
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    What i find funny about the logic the devs have on this is that the clamp is to balance out old content so we dont have it super easy and experience challenge,yet wheres the effort in balancing latest endgame where people are cheesing,broken OP stuff like art swap
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  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You can't make the clamp optional the clamp is stats remamp the clamp is coming from ur combat rating game wide all they did was lower the combat rating in older eps. The only way to make the clamp optional is more pay-to-win progression systems. We have augments we have artifacts we have allies and we have 30% of the skill tree that is unclamped. We either need a skill tree relaunch or 2 more progression systems that are unclamped in oder to feel powerful again. It would feel alot more like the clamp never happened at that point. The skill tree as it stands is partly clamped the clamp for the skill tree fall off starts to shine through with episode 48. Once a player has 1200 skill points they will have zero negative clamp from the skill tree per point. It was implemented as a 10-year clamp effect for that system. Episode 48 will be the time when people start to one shot bosses in regular content as the negative clamp per point in the skill tree will be a lot less negative and more positive per point. As of right now it takes 13sec to ko a reg boss in alerts that number will be 6sec in the next episode at max combat rating. The unfortunate part is you're only going to hit 13 seconds with an experienced group. With that said what needs to be optional is not playing with Noobs which completely changes the clamp. If you really want to feel the clamp invite some Noobs or people who think they're op but they're really not. So with that said the clamp makes it extremely hard for us to want to help new players or carry them. Which is the number one reason why this clamp is extremely unfriendly to new players or even players who think they're op
  9. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    It can be made optional.
    Just as event version of newest episode, and normal version are optional.
    It can be done as separate que system.
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  10. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Making it option would save the newer players and increase the player base daily and weekly.
    Making the regular que tabs for solos, duos, alerts and raids back to normal to be easy runs for newer players to get feats but no source marks and no gear stops at all.

    Adding omnibus system to the quick play tabs for source marks and gear drops.
    Or slightly increase the source marks for the alerts and raids to see if it helps at all. Increase the drop rate of the rare styles. Decrease the cost of all content vendor gear and styles and the rare styles vendor.
    Giving new players more encouragement to farm source marks quicker.
    Or change the double source marks to triple for episode spotlights.
    And or make the double source marks episode spotlight for two weeks
    If not make it optional, devs can add ways to make some improvements.
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  11. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Too late the player base is gone. No point in arguing with devs that will pretend they didn’t see your posts anyway.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Neither thing will 'save' the game. The game is beyond saving. The graphics are too far out of date, the player base is dwindled to a minimum and quite frankly the IP is not as attractive as it once was in the superhero heyday of 10 years ago. Many of the decisions of the recent years have leaned way more to short term money grabs vs long term engagement generating income, likely because they know most people won't be staying long term...except those of us lifers who will stay no-matter what.

    If you wanted to list 2 things that MIGHT save the game, a graphics update and advertising push might be more accurate. The fact this website barely functions anymore probably points away from either happening. The 2 things you list will make it nicer for those of us here already, but it won't get new people in or likely cause real engagement from those just sampling the game deciding to stay or not.
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  13. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Dcuo is behind on other moms that has moved to unreal engine 4.
    Probably unreal engine 4 can save dcuo? Surely will help improve PvP?
    Gotta be a reason why they haven't or can't increase the items limits for bae items for league halls.
    That's the one thing that is quite the complication of PS4 and PS5 and Xbox One and Series X and Nintendo Switch and PC? Limitation differences?
    That leaves it to Nintendo Switch and PC, since not all players has decent PC to handle tons of decorations in league halls?
    Trying a base with max out on cats can cause lag. The devs can give us the idea of this.
    Save Bases?
    Or will taking a break from episodes for a while to work on feedback save the game????... No?? Maybe??? Possibly???
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  14. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player


    How many people in this thread has said that this game is "beyond saving" or that is "too late to be saved"?...

  15. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player


    This game is a masterclass on how to ruin a good thing.
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  16. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Haven't seen a green name response in a while..
    Do they even respond in threads anymore?
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Occasionally. DCUO still does not have a dedicated person to interact with us on the Forum. Angelinia will occasionally respond but this is not her job per se to do.
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  18. Multiverse Creator League

    Wayyyy back when we would suggest they fill in empty slots with Legend characters.
    It would give an extra reason for people to buy them Legends.
    Guess now they could use Allies???

    But I strongly doubt they will ever do that at this point. :oops:

    Guess we will have to wait and see.
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  19. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    In the multiverse of many earths, at least one of them it will be so,
    Just not ours. :)
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah, when they tell us to cease and desist. LoL >.>
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