Attention all might DPS please go precision for the new elite raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Apr 9, 2019.

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  1. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    In actual DCUO I trust actual results not conjecture


    Yup you are right 9001BPM you can go absolutely ballistic on adds or bosses and take 18% less dmg in this DOT scenario, which only amounted to 2000 ish average damage which when compared to the 95k health it was only 2.2% of my health and that's only for 15 seconds. Yup huge difference that is definitely worth Neo Venom being a 45 second cooldown vs all the other 30's and definitely worth neo-venom being a 40% dmg buff.

    Next time im in Shattered Gotham and the tank dies I will 100% remember to pop neo-venom and survive all the aggro myself until the tank gets picked up because I can go ballistic.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I get much more of a damage reduction than 18%. I swear I only take like 60% of the normal damage while it’s up. But hey, looks like you’re having a riot with your spreadsheets and who am I to take that away from you? Who indeed.
  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Well you can keep on thinking that because its literally all in your head, that's not how neo-venom has ever worked. That's like saying players before GU:34 would sit in phase dodge because of its defense in pve. Neo-venom doesn't give this dcuo god-like abilities to survive attacks that would normally kill you. If you are going to die, using neo-venom won't alter that eventual outcome.
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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It can and has. I’ll see if I still have the video of me fighting Henshaw in Doomed Metropolis that showcases just how awesome it is. :(
  5. not_again Dedicated Player

    Good stuff here! I would add an accelerated weapon buff mod for all powersets. Increasing circuit breaker and berserk by 5% since neo is getting a 10% buff. Adding a 5% head mod for neo venom.

    For might, good luck!
  6. SteelSD Level 30

    Yes, you seem to have started off your last post with a very misguided, hostile baiting attempt toward someone. It appears that you may have wisely rethought that strategy while regaining a modicum of control over your emotions, so let's chat...

    If ya' have to ask...well, let's just say "not your following quote":

    That whole thing is nothing more than a logical fallacy. You conclude that a precision-based DPS will out-damage a might DPS if an exploit is evenly applied, but only because you already believe that a Prec-based DPS will out-damage a might DPS without qualification.

    When your conclusion is supported by nothing more than your premise, it's literally the dictionary definition of non-credible.

    Going further, you base this on an assumption you can't be bothered to test yourself and expect others to do the actual work for you.

    Your entire scenario projects a lack of experience with the boss fight, high-level DPS, includes a conclusion rotted out by it's own bias-laden premise core, and finishes with you communicating an unwillingness (or inability; take your pick) to produce the data required to support your assertion.

    Peel back the layers of this thread, and we discover that this is really a fight to make Elite raids easier to complete for the masses rather than an actual indictment of prec-based DPS. If you need raids that are easier to complete for you and those you run with, try Regular or Event versions. If you need to find more skilled players to run with or don't want to carry league mates who really shouldn't be in Elite runs, maybe create a separate Discord channel or server and keep it secret from the rest of your league. Call it something snazzy like "The Clique" or something.

    Now, where have I seen that done before...hmn...

    The best thing is that no one yet needs to "defend" precision because there's yet to be a credible point made to show that there's an actual issue (you not liking it doesn't qualify).
  7. E Clip Dedicated Player

    If the buff from the venom artifact lasts the whole duration of the weapon buff (12 sec), is there really a need for accelerated weapon buff mod? Perhaps Im overlooking something, but I think there's no need for it.

    If someone can clarify, the venom buff will last 12 seconds and it will provide the same 56% buff or lower damage increase?
  8. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Well that 1 second will remain with or without the accelerated weapon buff mod, so i think that's irrelevant. Hitting it early is also not very desirable because you could be doing buffed damage instead of casting an animation to overwrite a damage buff that has 1.2 seconds left of it.

    However, there could be some use for weapon/mastery combos that have odd timings. The combos with 2,3 and 4 seconds wont be needing this mod at all, because they can alight perfectly with the duration of the weapon buff. This will also depend on how you can clip them on themselves, but for now we are just theory crafting. So some combos might make use of it. When I look at the weapon combos and masteries on this page, I can see this having a positive impact on some combos which will be mid way through the combo when those 12 seconds are up, so instead of starting that last combo you could be using the accelerated weapon mod to have it with full uptime. I'm assuming those timings are correct though, Im not sure if they've been changed since Shiny posted them 5 years ago.
  9. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    For once I agree with this guy... and I don't know how that should make me feel.

    Honestly, I don't see why people are talking about Qwa Bombs in this thread. It's not like pointing out something else you don't like justifies leaving something else broken. DCUO really should be focusing on a laundry list of fixes that are well over do.
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  10. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Most means a range of 51-100%, some means 1-100%, no? At least that's how I understand the words. So like I said, some combos might make use of it, especially those that will be in mid animation when the weapon buff expires. Some wont because you could be doing buffed damage instead of wasting 1 second on casting animation. Which was me basically changing my opinion from my initial stance and practically agreeing with you that yes, the accelerated weapon buffs can be of use in some cases.

    Whether those will be most combos or not, well I think that requires some testing before anyone can claim anything for certain, which is why I vaguely said some. To make this test, it will require chaining combos onto themselves and see where they land after 10 -11 seconds, only then we can know for sure. Then the other question is, how many of those will be of practical use and in which cases: ST or AoE, long range or melee. There are a quite a few more variables to consider like are the combos front loaded, back loaded, consistency, how fast they can be clipped onto each other etc.

    Btw keep the condescending tone, I quite enjoy it, it makes me think better. :D
  11. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I think all talk about the Qwa Bombs should be #excluded from this topic and go away until another forum post takes on the topic.
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  12. SteelSD Level 30

    I read exactly what you posted. It was bait. You know it was bait or you wouldn't have posted it.

    The suggestion of creating a separate discord channel or server was based on something I experienced first hand in a previous league. Other leagues create specific chat channels in-game or alliances. This isn't a new thing. Take it or leave it. I don't care. But it's been done. I think it would have been a better idea to let that league know it was being done, but the thought process was the people were too "sensitive" to handle an invite-only static raid group to which they weren't invited.

    The Faust/Klarion fight isn't a burn check. It's a mechanic-heavy attrition fight. Keep the cogs away from the center and even a contingent of mediocre DPS can finish that fight- but they'll be required to clear some adds lest the Faust/Teekl tank become overwhelmed. Someone mentioned earlier that Teekl is severely damaged by Qwa-Bombs.

    Of the two boss fights in that instance, the Fate fight is the one where Qwa-Bombs would project to be the least useful as the large space and constant teleportation pulls him away from the adds. They'd project to be very useful in the Faust fight; at least for the quality of DPS who'd need to use them.

    You're very demonstrative about knowing things that you aren't indicating you actually know.

    I've never seen someone use the word "emotions" as often without, themselves, being emotionally charged. You obviously are. Due to this, you're forgetting a couple things:

    1) How do you know I'm talking about experiences from only ONE former league?
    2) I don't presume to know who you are. Your username doesn't match up with a viable end-game toon, nor have you posted it.

    If things I'm saying resonate with you, how am I to know that? Frankly, those things probably hit home with a lot of players who've experienced similar things in various leagues. Until you identify yourself, we can just chalk it up to coincidence I guess.

    Oh, there are a lot of other reasons just in the post why folks should raise an eyebrow when evaluating the things you're saying. If you're now admitting to using Qwa-Bombs, that just adds to them.

    It's just a pretty consistent dynamic. Higher-level players want instances to be challenging. More casual players want the Elite rewards, but they don't want the difficulty level. Unfortunately, that often manifests itself by the latter targeting the former for getting too far ahead. Given the wrong group of people, at the top it can even manifest itself as an undercurrent of resentment within a league should a player go out, pug raids, and out-pace others. Are you going to tell me that you haven't considered that?

    I don't even need to talk about your posting of Chill's testing video. That just another example of you not doing your own work.
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  13. spack2k Steadfast Player

    What is this ? next GU is 94
  14. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    LMAO at that signature SS hahaha, i can relate to that.

    Now carry on, this thread is fun as hell :D
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  15. SteelSD Level 30

    Your lack of clarity regarding raids/bosses is not my concern, nor is it my opportunity. It's yours.

    If you're now claiming to have beaten the SG E Faust fight, if you did that with a full compliment of might-based DPS, that would seem to nullify any complaints you have about precision.

    If you haven't beaten the SG E Faust fight, feel free to post a video of some wipes and maybe we can help you with strategy; keeping in mind that strategy advice won't assist if you're running with severely sub-standard DPS. Do you have any those available (non-Qwa-Bomb runs thank you)? That would help considering that you continue to avoid identifying your in-game toon.

    And would be a lot more beneficial than carrying around someone else's video along your anti-prec torches and pitchfork march.

    And please note, if you continue to not identify your in-game toon, the conversation is over.
  16. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    So many personal attacks! Guys can we all just get along! Hey mepps please get devs to reduce the cast for frost blast and the fire one that looks the same!

    One last thing, please end this thread...lmao!
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  17. Rushsteel Active Player

    SySkill, post: 4227179, member: 386571"]"The Faust/Klarion fight isn't a burn check."

    Yes I'm well aware, I've completed this raid. Now if I were to respond the way you do I would say "Clearly, you're unfamiliar with the raids and have a lack of experience with them because of how you replied. If you did have sufficient experience or even paid attention to my posts, there's 0 mention of Klarion."
    But I don't wrongfully assume. Maybe you got swept in but Shattered Gotham Elite, 2nd boss fight with Faust is the burn check people have been referring to.

    Felix Faust is 100 percent not a burn check. You can argue it was a burn check before they nerfed it. As of the time you posted he is nowhere near a burn check. He only does 2 shields back to back and simple orbital rotations with any group of sub par dps can handle it. Even than you can run 2 or 3 healers if you have dps that bad. Running 2 healers or 3 healers can save you from his shield mechanic since it no longer 1 shots which is sad really. Anyways, my point is it is not a burn check. If it was a real burn check you would all get 1 shotted as soon as the shield exploded. I have beat this many times with 2 healers letting the shield go off in lfg groups or groups that used communication and a orbital sc rotation. 25 percent gemini and orbitals timed within seconds of the shield popping will always break it. You got a voice Que and text Que right before the shield pops. Hope that explains it well that it isn't a burn check.

    On top of all this the devs have made it clear that the elite raids nowadays need all roles to be on point. You can claim top groups have an easy time because they got prec burn to carry but imo, the real easy runs have always come with beast supports. I am talking about the solo tank, the solo healer, the troll who is on top of shazaam and those Croatians. In fact I have yet to see anyone give credit to all the amazing top end support players or consider THEY ARE THE REASON that make these raids much more easier than they were meant to be.

    The truth:

    Before you come at me with TYRANT IS A BURN CHECK, if you have a TOP TIER TANK who can tank ALL 3 WAVES OF THE ADDS with a TOP TIER SOLO HEALER and TOP TIER TROLL, any subpar group of 5 dps can beat tyrant.

    Last point: If the same players who seem to be from the same league claim prec dps makes the content so easy.....Post footage of a fast run using prec dps since it is so OP and I will be more than happy to have dw flurry nerfed. If you post a 40min run of sg e without the use of qwa bombs with prec dps I will lobby for dw flurry shot to be extremely nerfed to the point where we all go might based cuz you have used footage to prove your point and I would agree. If you can't do a 40min sg e run uncut unedited unglitched scoreboard shown run than you have no real proof of what you are claiming.
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  18. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    Hey everyone, we can't post here unless we reveal our in-game character names! So can you all please listen to the wannabe somebody and reveal your in game characters? LMAO like that is gonna happen.

    On a serious note, Mepps can you please remove all the irrelevant posts about qwa bombs and the personal attacks. I swear there are so many bitter ex's out there that need to get over themselves and move on.
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  19. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    This guy gets me! :D

    I just take offense to a nobody taking shots at my league because they got the big ole boot from yours truly. Check his post history, all good with us until this year...
  20. Brit Loyal Player

    I'm a little baffled. I'd perfectly understand being upset if a powerset like Electric were good in AE, but terrible with single-target. But they included an option that allows you to overcome that shortcoming. And your complaint appears to be that you're angry that you can't use your AE build and still have it be equally effective for single-target.

    What you're describing is a normalizing of powers so that they all just do the exact same thing, killing any variety or customization. If they made a single build that did positively everything and did it at the top level, people would be crying OP. That's not how balancing works. Balance involves being strong in one place and weak in others, so that you choose the options you need. Complaining that your AE build isn't good for single target is like complaining that your melee powers aren't very good for ranged.

    Precision is an OPTION that provides additional resources to overcome potential weak points of certain powersets. The game is built literally to give you options to overcome these situations.

    You can't really complain that a powerset is weak in a certain area, was provided options to make up that difference, but you want to be stronger while intentionally using the wrong abilities. Well, I mean, you can complain about it, but few people are going to take the complaints seriously.
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