Work In Progress Atomic: Your Questions

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Oct 13, 2015.

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  1. spord Developer

    Actually, since the stream earlier, the decision has been made to keep Atomic like the other power sets and not allow the power back while in Tank role. It was half setup that way anyway; the text was correct but the ability was allowing it.
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  2. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    The self-teleport ability: If a player is locked on to an opposer that is behind them, will that player still teleport to that opposer?
    In other words: Can you backwards teleport?

    Bottom Line: Does the self-teleport ability work as long as your targeting something (enemies, objects etc.)?
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  3. Mr pain6709 New Player

    Where is the link to watch the replay of Atomic powers?
  4. Dogico Loyal Player

    People will complain but I think this is the right decision. The combos not costing power should alleviate people's concerns.
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  5. spord Developer

    This aura will not be for sale. It would be a messaging problem if you could have it on outside of using the AM.
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  6. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    Not likely as there will be ppl buying it that aren't atomic ....that's like asking for munitions headband
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  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Follow up question when you get around to balancing powers. Do you think atomic will have power regeneration in tank role
  8. Mr pain6709 New Player

  9. Mr pain6709 New Player

    Wheres the link
  10. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    Is this buff a self buff like ice bash.....or is it a group?
    What type if buff is this crit chance / might boost ? If so how much ....great job by the way .....loving it
  11. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Thanks for making it fair. I was about to bump the fire AM/tank thread before seeing this! ;)
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  12. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I was prepared for that exact response but it is understandable.

    A second question: Atomic is the first to have two AMs. Is going back into powers like quantum , mental, earth , fire, and ice and using the unused abilities or entire trees for secondary AMs apart of the balancing plan?
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  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Ahh ok.
    The combos should suffice.
    Gotta say, you managed to make me question my love for healing. And that Shoryuken Animation. Epic :D

    Again I love your work spord!
    Can't wait till they chain you to your desk for Water powers ;) :p
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The replay is now available here:

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  15. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Im so looking forward to ATOMIC!!!! i got my respec token just waitin for it to go live great work by the way spord ;)
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  16. Gazman0815 New Player

    Wll there Stats buffed in Tank role?
  17. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Is a situational power-back mechanic too "messy" to deal with?
    Such as a power-back mechanic when a player is a part of a party of four or more group members.
  18. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Does Atomic have 2 AMs or just one?
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    As long as the combos don't cost power them it should be fine
  20. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Love it! I know I'll be switching to Atomic and will enjoy using both roles. They look so fun. Wasn't sure if this question was asked or not but, do villains get a different color power such as atomic full body aura?
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